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diy solar

ANOTHER of wills videos gets taken down due to criticism...


Staff member
Sep 21, 2019
Belmont, NC
really... first the video on his new car purchase...

Next the 48V system video goes down... ugh.

his videos are for learning... complaints SUCK!
Is Will taking them down or is youtube?
Why would youtube take down his videos?
I saw both of them.
The 48 volt video had some comments about Wills 240 ac wiring not being to code but nothing that was too bad.
Hopefully he intends to repost it.
The 48 volt video had some comments about Wills 240 ac wiring not being to code but nothing that was too bad.

Now I remember thinking that that the comments were gonna get ugly. :)
Watching that video I was a little concerned with the panel wiring. At the end of the day a licensed electrician should do the panel wiring anyway. I think we all just watch to see the inverters and battery wiring and setup.
Was it the DIY wiring? OR was it saying the GROWATT has the same boards as the MPP solar. :p Does the GW have better firmware and software besides watchpower?
Why would youtube take down his videos?
I saw both of them.
The 48 volt video had some comments about Wills 240 ac wiring not being to code but nothing that was too bad.
Hopefully he intends to repost it.
I looked at the thread on YT, interesting and sad too at the same time. A few commenters hit the nail on the head. 1st the Tesla haters who attack anything that involves a Tesla EV. Then the competitor YT'ers which is semi obvious with the jealousy streak (how petty and pathetic). Another about having a disclaimer stating to follow regional codes that this is just a demonstration of how it works kinda thing... I kinda think that IS important, as YT is international and people are viewing from the world over, so always defer to local codes and requirements makes sense.

I wonder if some of this might be overflow from everyone living with a diet of fear for the past few years and now being topped off with the whole Covid-19 fiasco. People kind of get stupid when their nerves are frayed and will lash out at things they normally wouldn't. Is it a factor ? I dunno.


@Will Prowse you are performing a tremendously good service to the people at large. Do not be disheartened by the few fools and obsessive hater's like the Anti Tesla morons who only want to see Diesel F350 in everyone's garage. Like the comments said, you are Far Better than that and I completely agree ! THREE CHEERS FOR WILL PROWSE ! Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray ! ???
I did make a comment that Europeans could ignore the split phase stuff. I did think the wiring wasn't what it was supposed to be, but for a demonstration of functionality and components in use it was fine. The main issue I have is that you have to put disclaimers on everything these days instead of people just using (apparently not so common) sense and realize that they need an electrician if they don't know what they're doing...

As for the other video: so he bought a Tesla. Good for him. Why would you care about that, I don't know...
As for the other video: so he bought a Tesla. Good for him. Why would you care about that, I don't know...
If that is aimed at me, I am Tesla Long and absolutely support Tesla and anyone buying a Tesla or any BEV for that matter. I'd happily drop a few rounds of AP lead into the block of a diesel F350 !
I was curious to see what exactly the complaints were so I scrolled down for a few _minutes_ looking for a negative comment and couldn't find one.
I'm sure they were there but they were heartily drowned out by a thousand(?) "Thank you / you're great Will!" comments. It was great seeing all the support for Will.
I was curious to see what exactly the complaints were so I scrolled down for a few _minutes_ looking for a negative comment and couldn't find one.
I'm sure they were there but they were heartily drowned out by a thousand(?) "Thank you / you're great Will!" comments. It was great seeing all the support for Will.
The complaints were on the Deleted video so that's why you couldn't find any negative comments!
How could you think you could see anything on a deleted video?
You were only reading Will's post made after he deleted his Tesla video which of course only had positive comments.
Oh, heh... I guess I don't really know how youtube works.
I thought the _video_ was deleted, but the comments were left in place (same URL).
Hey everyone, yeah I took it down. I could have done a better job. I have delivery delays and made the video with supplies I had on had. My mistake. Should have delayed the release or re-filmed it.

I even explained in the video that the terminal will not accommodate the gauge of wire that I was using. But I STILL got a ton of comments on current sharing. Drove me crazy. I figured it was implied, but I think I will need to assume that every viewer is a beginner from now on. My fault. Sorry guys.

Also, there was a lot of confusion regarding NEC installation practices. I bought the cheapest split phase panel I could get my hands on and called it a "main panel" (even though it did not have a main breaker). People did not like that, and I understand their reasoning. I just wanted a demonstration panel to show the basics. My mistake. Should use a full size panel next time.

I did not cover grounding. I ground for reference 0 volts and excess charge dissipation, but people though I was grounding for grid tie reasons. Again, my mistake. Should make another video about this.

Some people complained about the extension cord not being secured. I had no intentions of securing it, and wanted to add a load to one of the inverters. I had at least 10 comments about this, and it drove me nuts.

Watching that video I was a little concerned with the panel wiring. At the end of the day a licensed electrician should do the panel wiring anyway. I think we all just watch to see the inverters and battery wiring and setup.

I agree! Random viewers on youtube should probably not touch 240V. Great point.

I cannot go to sleep at night if I get a certain number of critical comments. They are valid points, and I need to do a better job. I will wait another month or so to get better supplies (my certain shipment delays are pretty bad right now). I should be patient and stop posting for a while, so I can do a better job.
I think I will need to assume that every viewer is a beginner from now on.

Please don't. Just put a disclaimer on or something - you guys in the States are good at that :)
Viewers need to realize that some things are not to be done by a beginner. Make those things clear in your videos and you can still cover more 'advanced' topics. I guarantee that if you work on the assumption that everyone is a beginner you're going to burn out as well, considering it will be a lot of repetition and (frankly) rather boring for you.
I will need to assume that every viewer is a beginner from now on. My fault. Sorry guys.
Not a negative ciritcism as such, more of a BTDT "Constructive Criticism": I would suggest that you consider every video created needs to address the "Lowest Common Denominator" (Ohh my flash backs to fractional math eh !) which in this scenario, is the person with NO electrical experience whatsoever and no idea of safety, common sense nor the tremendous potential to creating an opening for Natural Selection to come culling.

Safety First is the golden rule in such presentations. All it takes is one doofus to fry their family dog to get them to Lawyer Up, cripes, people sue if their coffee is too hot and they spill it on their laps ! We all KNOW there are hard cases who will always think they know more then the electrical engineers and designers, there is nothing you can do for them, Natural Selection again is just waiting for an opportunity and Electricity is one of Natural Selections Best Friends.

I cannot go to sleep at night if I get a certain number of critical comments.
Kudos ! This clearly tells me you care and are concerned for the well being & happiness of your viewers & the members of this forum equally I will assume. You have a Conscience and that my friend is not only Honourable & Respectable it is very good "human". I know from some other videos I watched on YT, that MANY are not interested or concerned about their fellow humans, when I found you through the fellas at CleanTechnica and watched your first vid's, I knew you were good and cared about what you are doing, you passion for it gave it away ! ;)
MBR said:
I cannot go to sleep at night if I get a certain number of critical comments.

Sorry to hear that.
Keep up the good work and don't let the bastards wear you down.
Will said that so I have no idea how you got me as making that quote?

And I was also thinking this morning that the "Lowest Common Denominator" was the
issue online and in life with liability and keeping everyone safe.
I have to end a 9 year old event due to this.
Will said that so I have no idea how you got me as making that quote?

And I was also thinking this morning that the "Lowest Common Denominator" was the
issue online and in life with liability and keeping everyone safe.
I have to end a 9 year old event due to this.

Sorry MBR I meant to reply to Will.
Common ! a Tesla S3 ! i thought you were targeting at least a Rivian.
i had two Range Rover and the Rivian looks pretty much the same. The interior of the old Range Rover is great.
I do not like the design of the new one


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@Will Prowse

I think you made the right decision to take down the two videos.

The Tesla one was just wrong time like you said, there is no need to hurt your brand on a video about buying something. People are just going to be jealous and that's just the way its going to be.

The other one with the 240v panel, I hate to say it but there are way too many morons watching YouTube that are going to learn just enough from your videos to kill themselves. This is definitely not your fault, just people are to stupid to know their own limitations and they DON'T LISTEN!!!

Overall you videos are very informative and entertaining. Your just having a rough patch.

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