diy solar

diy solar

Anyone else turn off PV on purpose?


Ever the student
Jun 6, 2023
Upper Mississippi Delta
Plenty of sun here lately. Also no need for A/C or heat this time of year. Batteries have been balanced and hitting 100% every day for a few days.

Yesterday before sunrise, SOC was 94%, should be sunny for the next few days, so I turned the panels off. 84% soc this morning, trying to stay out of the "knees" so panels staying off today too.

Feels wasteful, but what else to do?
I've got the same problem. Built a solar system on my camper that I don't use often enough especially with winter coming. Don't want the batteries sitting on full all the time.
Get an ebike, use more electric cooking appliances, get a hot tub, dump that load in to a water heater, charge up power stations for camping and emergencies.

In summer my batteries are full by 10AM usually so I run my microwave and washer and charge the ebikes and run the evap cooler off the excess.

In winter they charge by noon and I run a dump load to a small IR quartz heater and recharge any low power stations to have for those low sun days and to run my electric snowblower.

Some days if everything is full I just sit and smile at the read outs and be thankful for a system that works.
On my trailer, I converted to LiFePo4, kept the original FLA converter and used solar to top them off. The solar will keep them at 100% so I've been turning the panels off to keep below the knee. Run them up on occasion to balance. I may dial back the SCC for the winter.
I had set mine to stay around 90% but after everything I have ran across recently on the effects or lack of effect of staying fully charged I changed over to fully charged.
Another hot tub vote. As an owner of one it has to be the single largest waste of energy ever devised by man.
If you were sitting in one with an ice cold beer right now you wouldn't be saying that!

I actually agree and a traditional hot tub is a huge waste of energy. I made a Japanese soaking tub out of a 75 gallon cattle trough and use passive solar to heat it and it is actually for bathing and is emptied after use.
I have a modest system, and yep, I've turned off my panels, just so the batteries cycle a decent amount, instead of cycling 100%-75-100-75 etc.

One of the weird ways I burned up extra power was running an electric hot plate and boiling water for weed killing. Cooks the weeds, and completely non-toxic. Labor intensive, though.

Thought about an EV or PHEV, but the numbers don't work, and I don't like any of them enough to buy one even though the numbers don't work. If the Edison guys build a pickup truck, I'll buy one.
If you were sitting in one with an ice cold beer right now you wouldn't be saying that!

I actually agree and a traditional hot tub is a huge waste of energy. I made a Japanese soaking tub out of a 75 gallon cattle trough and use passive solar to heat it and it is actually for bathing and is emptied after use.
There is a bunch more energy use than just heating the thing. The jets, heat and circulation pump combined are beyond belief power hungry.

diy solar

diy solar