diy solar

diy solar

Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

Are you sure its long proven? Why did some monkeys evolve into humans while other monkeys remained monkeys?

Tree dwelling monkeys in Africa were adapted to swinging from tree to tree.. staying off the ground to avoid four legged predators. As the climate in that area shifted (less rain) over millions of years, the lush jungle type forest thinned out. Trees were spaced further apart, and the monkeys found themselves having to skittle across the ground frequently to get to the next tree for protection. As the environment shifted further, those monkeys got better at running across the ground.. eventually using their rear legs more and more. The leg joints and musculature evolved to favor speed on two legs, the arms evolved to favor climbing.. Eventually, the environment became populated with more bush than trees and evolution favored having a pair of eyes high up to see over the bush.

Predators evolved to move low to the ground, prey evolved to have eyes higher up to see.

The monkeys eventually became adapt at walking mostly on two legs to keep their hands free to climb.

Evolution makes perfect sense when one examines the evidence.
Respectfully, that isn't true.

It's probably because of the advertisement/meme generations being fed half truths or outright lies for 4 generations.

"EARTH ENDING", "Save The Planet", etc for example...

The plant will still be here. It's a ball of metal with a rocky crust, pretty hard to destroy that, or 'End' it/remove it from existence.

The "Planet Earth" has never known there is life here and never will. It's human ego that *Thinks* it's anything special, collective or individual.

Take you ego out of it, engage the rest of your brain, and it becomes clear rather quickly...

As actual experts have educated me, it's the biosphere, where life exists, is the fragile part since it requires a fairly delicate balance to sustain/maintain conditions life as we know it.

Actual, educated scientists call it "Life Cycle" for a reason, things in the cycle have to stay in balance for the CYCLE to continue to support any given type of life.

"Biosphere Ending" and "Save The Biosphere" just don't have the same bumper sticker/meme ring... But WAY more accurate... but then again I've never been much into bumper stickers, slogans, and/or memes.

Now, if you want the earth to have an atmosphere more like Venus or Mars, our closest planetary neighbors, then by all means keep screwing with the biosphere.

*CAN* humans survive in a thin, CO2 based atmosphere? Maybe short term, there is no long term data of any kind since it's pointless to do research on anything but short term stays on Mars.

Again, the question would be,
"Do you want to try on a planetary scale?"

Sounds like way more work than I want to do...

Some guys would like the idea of closed environments, breathing everyone else's burps, facts, BO... drinking filtered urine (not recycled/evaporation distilled), etc.
Not my idea of a good time.

NOT being one of the ultra rich that can afford it, or the uber educated that can design & build such habitats, I'm screwed anyway.

Everyone but the 1% in either category has a shot, the other 99% are on their own, like usual...

Now, while a bunch (majority) ignore the issue, some turn it into political or conspiracy theory fuel, which does nothing, i choose to listen to the educated professionals as far as I can understand the product of their study...

DOE (Department Of Energy), DOD (Department Of Defense) and several others have been recommending since the 90s we go as sustainable/renewable as possible with current technology.

Examples are the push to have the military with a no fail mission, to go locally produced, sustainable energy. No big, aging power grid susceptible to failure and/or attack.

Example, in Delaware there isn't any local fossil fuel resources, every bit of power is imported.
They raise a LOT of poultry, chickens in particular. Chicken waste was a big problem, e-coli, salmonella, etc when used directly, lots of methane...

They built bio-reactors that extract methane for energy, cooked the waste so it was safe for fertilizer, and power big chunks of rural Delaware with it. It's naturally occurring methane, so it's in the carbon cycle, and not fossil fuel.

The military went locally produced wind, solar, and now receives locally produced power from chicken crap.

Example: Boston has an aging sewage system, much of which Ben Franklin paid to have built. It wasn't handling the population density.

One solution was bio reactors, methane/energy from crap. It's wildly efficient & effective with the added benifit of killing pathogens in that human waste.

Side businessness are building bricks (bio-bricks), fertilizer, and recovered heavy metals.

I would prefer to build facilities like these rather than closed habitats for the ultra rich and their servants...

Yeah, I mean eventually the sun will become big enough to engulf earth.

I'm not really interested in living like a mole in a bio-dome. Quality of life matters and humans know too much to be able to not go crazy under constant duress.

We would need to be dumber....memory like a fish to be able to tolerate that.
Tree dwelling monkeys in Africa were adapted to swinging from tree to tree.. staying off the ground to avoid four legged predators. As the climate in that area shifted (less rain) over millions of years, the lush jungle type forest thinned out. Trees were spaced further apart, and the monkeys found themselves having to skittle across the ground frequently to get to the next tree for protection. As the environment shifted further, those monkeys got better at running across the ground.. eventually using their rear legs more and more. The leg joints and musculature evolved to favor speed on two legs, the arms evolved to favor climbing.. Eventually, the environment became populated with more bush than trees and evolution favored having a pair of eyes high up to see over the bush.

Predators evolved to move low to the ground, prey evolved to have eyes higher up to see.

The monkeys eventually became adapt at walking mostly on two legs to keep their hands free to climb.

Evolution makes perfect sense when one examines the evidence.

And eventually those humans devolved and as a result, began to vote liberal and put Joe Biden in office.
Why is venus a good example?
Venus (almost 70 million miles) is further away from the Sun than Mercury (about 45 million miles) .. and yet Venus is hotter than Mercury. Why? because Venus's atmosphere is almost entirely made of carbon dioxide, which traps the heat.

This makes Venus a good, albeit extreme, example of what happens when too much carbon dioxide is in the atmosphere.
And eventually those humans devolved and as a result, began to vote liberal and put Joe Biden in office.
I don't think the country voted to put Biden in office as much as we voted to remove the moron that was already there.
Venus (almost 70 million miles) is further away from the Sun than Mercury (about 45 million miles) .. and yet Venus is hotter than Mercury. Why? because Venus's atmosphere is almost entirely made of carbon dioxide, which traps the heat.

This makes Venus a good, albeit extreme, example of what happens when too much carbon dioxide is in the atmosphere.

That's an odd way of looking at it. Mercury has NO atmosphere so it's sunny side surface temps exceed that of venus by a wide margin.

Your argument is totally non-applicable to earth or Mars no matter how you look at it.
That's an odd way of looking at it. Mercury has NO atmosphere so it's sunny side surface temps exceed that of venus by a wide margin.
Really? Could educational variables and overall comprehensive understanding be playing a part with your statement?

Your argument is totally non-applicable to earth or Mars no matter how you look at it.
I suspect the applicable qualities of my argument will greatly depend on one's educational levels in this specific instance.
Really? Could educational variables and overall comprehensive understanding be playing a part with your statement?

I suspect the applicable qualities of my argument will greatly depend on one's educational levels in this specific instance.

Average surface temperature vs peak surface temperature.

I'll give you a hint. The sunny side of the moon is hotter than the Sahara Desert surface temp here on earth.
Average surface temperature vs peak surface temperature.
Really now? Are you sure about that?

I'll give you a hint. The sunny side of the moon is hotter than the Sahara Desert surface temp here on earth.
I'll give you a hint:
Even the space station experiences hotter temperatures than the Sahara Desert..
Are you sure its long proven? Why did some monkeys evolve into humans while other monkeys remained monkeys?

I'm pretty sure this is a troll since it shows a complete and total lack of basic scientific understanding...

Evolution is NATURAL adaptation to differing environments.

Why aren't there land reptiles in the arctic? Because they haven't NATURALLY mutated to have fur, internal temp regulation, etc, you know, like seals and polar bears did...

Humans have a serious flaw, a fatal flaw for billions... While we have 'Imaginations', it also means we are delusional.

See the lack of acceptance of evolution science. See 'Belief' over any given fact, like flat earth. 'Believing space aliens running the government. 'Believing' dumping sequestered carbon back into the atmosphere is neutral or a good thing...

The Constitution guarantees you can 'Believe' any delusion you come across or dream up, so have at it. What you don't have is any right to force your delusions on me (or anyone else).

Example: The idiot saying computers are a 'Gay' invention of Allen Turing and the "Devil's Invention". Thst idiot misspelled Turing, and typed it on a computer, sent it out over the internet through a series of computers... Delusional...

An example of evolution is microbes having a genetic change, developing the ability to consume NON-ORGANIC chemicals like plastics.

Now, they are no longer the same spices they started from, new subspecies, and less than about 100 years old, since humans invented plastics, since inorganic plastics they feed on didn't exist before that.

You "believe" what you want, I'm not a teacher/educator, it's not my job to fill in the gaps in your knowledge base. If you are in the U.S. people like me gave the child version of you 13 free to you years to get an education, obviously you passed...
That's an odd way of looking at it. Mercury has NO atmosphere so it's sunny side surface temps exceed that of venus by a wide margin.

Your argument is totally non-applicable to earth or Mars no matter how you look at it.

I have ignorance on mute, but from the reply you posted, ignorance is still at it...

Mercury isn't applicable. Too close to the sun. Pick the closest neighbors, Venus and Mars for applicable possibilities.

The total lack of education makes this guy think the sun is much smaller than earth because he can cover it with his thumb stuck up in the air in front of him.

He has no idea the energy the sun is putting out, Mercury hasn't a chance of keeping an atmosphere as close to the sun as it is.

The difference between IGNORANT & STUPID is...
A little education kills ignorance.
You have to fight hard to keep being stupid since that education is almost everywhere. Stupid is a willful, self inflicted condition.
Crap! Sorry about that again Svetz! I see a long line of notifications and just respond rather than seeing what thread they belong to.
DId you guys see the Durham report findings? It proves the media, DNC, FBI, and CIA all colluded using false data to try and remove a US president! That is treason. What else are they lying about? Climate Change perhaps?
LOL...that's what you got out of it? Spin it the way you want but it was a pretty huge nothing and a waste of tax payer money.

What happened to Watergate times 100?
That's an odd way of looking at it. Mercury has NO atmosphere so it's sunny side surface temps exceed that of venus by a wide margin.
No.. That is wrong.
You should be accustomed to being wrong. Venus is hotter than Mercury genius boy.. Venus is hotter than Mercury in both maximum and average temperatures BECAUSE Venus has a lot of co2 in its atmosphere.

Venus is a stellar example (see what I did there? LOL) of how CO2 acts as a greenhouse gas.

Your argument is totally non-applicable to earth or Mars no matter how you look at it.
Says the guy who doesn't understand even simple facts about our solar system.

Biden’s War On Mining Weakens America​

China’s efforts to ramp up lithium extraction could see it accounting for nearly a third of the world’s supply by the middle of the decade. Chinese-controlled lithium mines, including those in Africa, are expected to increase output to 705,000 tons by 2025, from 194,000 tons in 2022—almost quadrupling the amount of its global supply and lifting China’s share of the critical mineral to 32 percent of the world’s supply, up from 24 percent last year. Further, over the next two years, China’s share of cobalt production is expected to reach half of global output, up from 44 percent currently. China’s cobalt refining reached 140,000 metric tons in 2022–77 percent share of the world’s refining capacity.

"According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, the typical American drives their car about 13,500 miles per year. A typical EV would require about 3,857 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity. For 26.4 million EVs, that’s over 101 terawatt-hours (TWh) of electricity in a year or about 2.5% of what the U.S. grid produced in 2020. Although it’s a small percentage, it’s much more than what we’re currently asking of the electrical grid.

Can the Power Grid Handle the Growing EV Demand?

Despite the big increase, this new level of demand is manageable. But it will take planning on the part of utility companies in order to handle it well. Without proper preparation, a scenario in which our busiest cities see their electrical grids regularly overloaded during peak-demand times is not at all far-fetched.
You should be accustomed to being wrong. Venus is hotter than Mercury genius boy.. Venus is hotter than Mercury in both maximum and average temperatures BECAUSE Venus has a lot of co2 in its atmosphere.

Lesson 1 - How not to be a dick:

Actually, venus is hotter than mercury despite being further from the sun due to the amount of CO2 in its atmosphere.

See how easy it can be to not be a dick?
"According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, the typical American drives their car about 13,500 miles per year. A typical EV would require about 3,857 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity. For 26.4 million EVs, that’s over 101 terawatt-hours (TWh) of electricity in a year or about 2.5% of what the U.S. grid produced in 2020. Although it’s a small percentage, it’s much more than what we’re currently asking of the electrical grid.

Can the Power Grid Handle the Growing EV Demand?

Despite the big increase, this new level of demand is manageable. But it will take planning on the part of utility companies in order to handle it well. Without proper preparation, a scenario in which our busiest cities see their electrical grids regularly overloaded during peak-demand times is not at all far-fetched.

This messes with my head but it's a fact.

To electrify the whole fleet including semi trucks only requires a 5% increase in power generation over what we are doing now.
No.. That is wrong.
You should be accustomed to being wrong. Venus is hotter than Mercury genius boy.. Venus is hotter than Mercury in both maximum and average temperatures BECAUSE Venus has a lot of co2 in its atmosphere.

Venus is a stellar example (see what I did there? LOL) of how CO2 acts as a greenhouse gas.

Says the guy who doesn't understand even simple facts about our solar system.

Average. Mercury gets hotter on the side that faces the sun and colder on the side that doesn't than venus does in either case. If you average the surface area and temps on the given area, yes Venus is hotter on average because the side not facing the sun retains heat because it has an atmosphere, not because it's atmosphere contains co2..wouldn't matter what gas it was.

For the same reason the moon gets hotter than earth on the side that faces the sun.

Not difficult to understand but totally silly to compare venus and mercury and say that venus is hot because co2 even though mercury has not atmosphere.
Lesson 1 - How not to be a dick:
Nice is reserved for those who want to learn, research, investigate.

Dick is used for trolls, propaganda pushers, conspiracy wackos, etc.

Actually, venus is hotter than mercury despite being further from the sun due to the amount of CO2 in its atmosphere.

See how easy it can be to not be a dick?
That doesn't work.. the response would be something on the order of "the scientists were paid to say that"..

Sorry dude.. I'm quite willing to be nice to those who want to learn, but I have absolutely zero tolerance for the others.

When you get to my age, you might feel the same way eventually.
Nice is reserved for those who want to learn, research, investigate.

Dick is used for trolls, propaganda pushers, conspiracy wackos, etc.

That doesn't work.. the response would be something on the order of "the scientists were paid to say that"..

Sorry dude.. I'm quite willing to be nice to those who want to learn, but I have absolutely zero tolerance for the others.

When you get to my age, you might feel the same way eventually.

You only mentioned C02 because liberals propaganda.

Ignoring atmospheric pressure at MSL which is like something like 1300 PSI.
Lesson 1 - How not to be a dick:

Actually, venus is hotter than mercury despite being further from the sun due to the amount of CO2 in its atmosphere.

See how easy it can be to not be a dick?
Here, let me show you how it works... See the response below... This isn't opinion, its hard science but this chucklefuck is a troll...

Average. Mercury gets hotter on the side that faces the sun and colder on the side that doesn't than venus does in either case.

For the same reason the moon gets hotter than earth on the side that faces the sun.

Not difficult to understand but totally silly to compare venus and mercury and say that venus is hot because co2 even though mercury has not atmosphere.

@klystron This information isn't hard to look up.. he's a troll, he knows he's a troll, and he's posting misinformation because he's a troll.

You know that morality problem people keep talking about in the USA? There you go.. a perfect example.

I'm wondering how long before the admin bans him.
Here, let me show you how it works... See the response below... This isn't opinion, its hard science but this chucklefuck is a troll...

@klystron This information isn't hard to look up.. he's a troll, he knows he's a troll, and he's posting misinformation because he's a troll.

You know that morality problem people keep talking about in the USA? There you go.. a perfect example.

I'm wondering how long before the admin bans him.


If what you were saying were true, the surface of the moon on the sunny side would not get hotter than earth on its sunny side and not hotter than the surface of satellites we put in orbit.

diy solar

diy solar