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diy solar

Chargery BMS now with Low Temp Cutoff

FYI - Manual Update Underway

Just a quick note for everyone. Jason issued an interim manual to go with the Version 4.0 Firmware release and sent the source docs to me for editing & revision. Upon doing the revisions I realized that material has become somewhat disjointed and hard to follow and in general somewhat frustrating, therefore I am reorganizing the Manual and adding a table of contents to make it easier to locate pertinent information. As a result, I am finishing this up over the weekend and should have it to Jason for their review by Monday. There may be a slight delay because the reformatting will also have to be applied to the 3 versions of the BMS 8/16 & 24.

Thanks in Advance for your patience.
Well done Steve.
Thanks Steve, I have to BMS8T on there way and this will be great for me being a first time user.
sorry, look like some pc need install the USB driver. we have the driver but it is Chinese version, please down load the driver for windows PC.
hope the driver can fix the update problem.
Thanks Chargery for your reply, but I get a 404 file not found error when trying your link, can you please check the link? Also, can the update instructions be corrected to say that a driver may be required, and a correct link placed on the updates website? I'm sure that will save others time in my situation.
FYI - Manual Update Underway

Just a quick note for everyone. Jason issued an interim manual to go with the Version 4.0 Firmware release and sent the source docs to me for editing & revision. Upon doing the revisions I realized that material has become somewhat disjointed and hard to follow and in general somewhat frustrating, therefore I am reorganizing the Manual and adding a table of contents to make it easier to locate pertinent information. As a result, I am finishing this up over the weekend and should have it to Jason for their review by Monday. There may be a slight delay because the reformatting will also have to be applied to the 3 versions of the BMS 8/16 & 24.

Thanks in Advance for your patience.
Steve_S, First thing I noticed was no table of contents. Looking forward to your revisions.
sorry, look like some pc need install the USB driver. we have the driver but it is Chinese version, please down load the driver for windows PC.
hope the driver can fix the update problem.
I guess it is possible. I tried a second computer with the same result. The driver that is being used for the BMS is USB-SERIALCH340 provided by version 3.4.2014.8,Does this match your version?

Putting the information from these two posts together, I downloaded the CH340/341 USB driver from found at this link:
On my Windows 10 computer with the Chargery main unit connected and showing up as USB2.0-Serial, I used the zip version from the more download button at the above link, and updated the driver manually from device manager using the update driver option, pointing to the extracted zip. The Chargery BMS was then detected as USB-SERIAL CH340 (COM3) as expected (matching the screenshot in the manual). Windows reports the driver as version 3.5.2019.1 and everything reported in device manager is in English (though I don't know if this verifies the driver is an English version or just that my Windows is set to English).
With everything appearing ok, I updated both the main unit and LCD unit firmware successfully to v4.00 using the 1.03 updater as per the instructions. Great! Now to continue testing other things...

Thanks grizzzman for your reply suggesting Windows 10 could find the drivers itself, maybe that might work for some, but I don't think it is a complete answer for everyone. I built this Windows 10 computer for this purpose and it's offline for now. I would also not connect the Windows XP computer to the net, and it probably wouldn't automatically find drivers anyway. Hopefully update instructions can have this information included in a future release and this post helps others in the meantime...

The WCH link above says the driver "supports 32/64-bit Windows 10/8.1/8/7/VISTA/XP, Server 2016/2012/2008/2003, 2000/ME/98". There are also Linux, Mac and Andriod drivers, though these are of little use in this context as the Chargery updater is Windows only. However, I can only applaud this broad level of support. I've only tried Windows 10, but it looks like there are plenty of options for other users. I did initially try using a Windows virtual machine under Linux, but couldn't get VirtualBox to pass through the USB connection to the virtual machine. I won't try for now, but the WCH Linux driver may help with that as I may be able to connect either the USB if detected properly, or the COM port through to the Windows VM.
COM Port / USB interference.
I run Windows 10 and had issues with the updater not getting the USB port to open. After a bit of troubleshooting, I that a driver from Adobe Air (used for my Midnite Classic Monitoring ) was interfering with the port. After uninstalling that, everything worked as it should. The Midnite software can use the USB port to update the firmware in the SCC so that driver was the culprit.
FYI - Manual Update Underway

Just a quick note for everyone. Jason issued an interim manual to go with the Version 4.0 Firmware release and sent the source docs to me for editing & revision. Upon doing the revisions I realized that material has become somewhat disjointed and hard to follow and in general somewhat frustrating, therefore I am reorganizing the Manual and adding a table of contents to make it easier to locate pertinent information. As a result, I am finishing this up over the weekend and should have it to Jason for their review by Monday. There may be a slight delay because the reformatting will also have to be applied to the 3 versions of the BMS 8/16 & 24.

Thanks in Advance for your patience.

You are my fricking hero ....

do you think that 4.0 will be the latest update for a while or should i wait a few weeks .. im in no rush .... thx
You are my fricking hero ....

do you think that 4.0 will be the latest update for a while or should i wait a few weeks .. im in no rush .... thx
I don't know about new versions, like all things there will likely be new updates to follow I'm sure. I've mentioned some ideas about the doc's to Jason and some ideas are being tossed about in that regard as well. There is new hardware and components/options coming in the near future as well, so that is certain to change things up even more.
I don't know about new versions, like all things there will likely be new updates to follow I'm sure. I've mentioned some ideas about the doc's to Jason and some ideas are being tossed about in that regard as well. There is new hardware and components/options coming in the near future as well, so that is certain to change things up even more.

THX ... let me know if you can when he publishes the latest newest version ... THX

Can you add a small section about extending the communications cable to the manual
requires RJ11 connectors and is crosses over
MANUAL UPDATE - Info Request

I've spent the last 10 hours completely restructuring the Owners Manual which now includes a Table of Contents. The document has been reorganized to improve the general flow and to keep related information together. I am also including the revised update instructions as well in the document.

INFO Request:
If someone has found something that is Needed or Missing which requires an addition to the manual, pipe up !
If you have an addition which should be added, such as a "Supplemental: " please forward that ASAP. *

* Example of Supplemental would be like the Diagrams provided by @onemorebattery in the SRR Testing Thread for using the 2-Channel Opti-Coupler taking the two Relay Signals and using only a single relay. NB: I am adding that posting as a Supplemental page as it's applicable to many.

@mkaye I will add something related to the R-J11 for RS232, although it is now in the new V1.25 RS232 document.

IF You have a suggestion, written text or images that should be included please send them to my PM / Conversation which will email me immediately. I would like to have this completed today, so I can forward it to Jason.
Thanks Chargery for your reply, but I get a 404 file not found error when trying your link, can you please check the link? Also, can the update instructions be corrected to say that a driver may be required, and a correct link placed on the updates website? I'm sure that will save others time in my situation.
sorry, now the driver link is available, please down load the USB driver when update BMS8T, 16T & 24T to v4.00, and down load driver installation & update instructions , please read the update instructions carefully before udpate.
new bi-direction DC Contactor (DCC) is in producing, there are 4 models: 100A 200A, 300A and 600A, these DCC can be used in common port ( only one DCC) or in separate port ( need two DCC), two DCC controlling signal can connect to ONE DCC and control one DCC on and off. the power consumption is very small, the DCC manual will be released when DCC production finished.
Owners Manual Update Version 4.1 information.

I have completed the new Manual. It is now an "Owner's Manual" with Table of Contents / Index.
I have restructured it quite a bit and cleaned up some bugaboos that snuck in during the previous revisions.
The formatting & layout is based partly on user feedback and I hope that it makes installing & operating a bit easier. I'm sure some may not like the change but "ces't la vie mon amis."

Everything has been sent up to Jason for Review & final tweaks before he puts it up on the web.

@onemorebattery I've included that info & revised PNG file, of course, you got Honourable Mention. ;-) That was great and I am doing similar using Keyes 2R1B Optopcouplers, Gigavac & Dongya Energy Saver Relays, as I am Production Testing them, no more bench stuff no time for that now, that's winter stuff. Unfortunately, my SSR testing was a FLOP and a costly one too...

Have Fun folks,
BTW: How often do you come across a company that listens and HEARS what customers are saying these days ? and if you do, just how responsie are they ? NOT Many anymore !

Not to derail this conversation, but this is the opposite experience I have seen with this company.

FYI, I updated to 4.0 and the SOC is still showing 0% with batteries fully charged. I'm over the buggy software and responses from Chargery. I'll just have to live with the system as is and hope it doesn't fail.
Not to derail this conversation, but this is the opposite experience I have seen with this company.

FYI, I updated to 4.0 and the SOC is still showing 0% with batteries fully charged. I'm over the buggy software and responses from Chargery. I'll just have to live with the system as is and hope it doesn't fail.
You will NOT see the correct SOC untell you discharge then recharge.
You will NOT see the correct SOC untell you discharge then recharge.

Hello grizzzman. I'll find out later today when I charge. Either way, it doesn't matter since the current calibration is so off at times with too much drift. At this point, as long as it provides me with LVD and HVD protection, its fine

I'm not sure what the deal is here, but I'm not able to set the Wh for the battery. It only lets me go negative values and not positive values. eg, only the down arrow works and not the up arrow on the display,

diy solar

diy solar