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diy solar

DIY LiFePO4 Cost Analysis - Almost February 2023 Edition


Staff member
Dec 25, 2019
63° North, Finland
This is a recalculation based on the situation today, of what I did last year.

Disclaimer: I mention vendors below and use them as an example and as reference. This should not be considered an endorsement of said vendors!

Let's start again with leveling the playing field. The EG4 is a 5kWh battery pack, and still pretty much the cheapest - I can find a price on Signature Solar for $1424 on sale right now. I know this is excluding shipping, but I'm assuming you're either picking it up or it's included.

The most common and popular cells available right now are arguably still the 304Ah EVE cells. So if we compare 3x the EG4 (15kWh) to 16x EVE 304 cells (15kWh) we're pretty much comparing apples to apples. At a cost of $4272 for the three EG4 systems we now have a price target to compare against.

For the cells, I'm using Luyuan as a reference this time. I asked for a quote for 16 cells, delivered to Finland. These go for $163 ('Grade A' with test report from EVE) per cell excluding shipping. As mentioned we need 16 and we include shipping, and this brings the cost to $2942. This includes the bus bars, etc.

I'm sticking to the JK BMS. The 200A with 2A balancing would set me back $208 with free shipping based on current prices at Hankzor.

Since class T fuses are still almost impossible to get, I'm going to go with BS88 fuses, 125LET Eaton Bussman. lists them at around $26. Just like last time, I'm adding a Schneider 250A 160V DC breaker at a cost of $110 at Signature Solar.

Adding this all together, we get to: $3286, so around $280 more expensive compared to last year. And of course, you have to add a housing of some kind.

You can once again decide for yourself if it's worth it for you or not.
You can DIY it cheaper still with other cells, but I didn't want to make 'the cheapest' version. Instead, I used what are more than likely excellent cells, and a BMS that (even through there seems to be some issues lately) still is one of the best ones available. You can of course substitute any and all component, which is part of the flexibility DIY offers.

Personally, I am a big proponent of DIY, so I'm probably biased. That said, EG4 and the like aren't even an option for me since they're not available, let alone at the price point I used in the calculation.
I'll throw in my battery I just built a couple days ago. I bought 16 LF280K cells from a supplier with US stock for $2208. I bought the BMS and display from Alibaba for $206. I bought the box and all the need parts from Luyuan on Alibaba for $225. I had other parts in the order including another set of 304 cells and another JK BMS and the shipping total for all of it was $296. I'm sure it would have been less without the 16 cells and BMS but we'll leave it at $296. All together gives me a total of $2935 for everything with LF280K cells.


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Only downside I could see would be one battery of 304 cells, any issues yours SOL, where as 3 different EG4 units loss of one and the system would still be up and running.

Of course the best solution would be to pick up 1 or 2 more DIY batteries of 304/280ah varieties, can’t have too much storage.
Only downside I could see would be one battery of 304 cells, any issues yours SOL, where as 3 different EG4 units loss of one and the system would still be up and running.
In my system there are 2 quattro 10k's and going to be 4 280/304 banks. I just finishes programming the inverters yesterday. Getting ready to start building the power wall.


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You can DIY it cheaper still with other cells, but I didn't want to make 'the cheapest' version. Instead, I used what are more than likely excellent cells, and a BMS that (even through there seems to be some issues lately) still is one of the best ones available. You can of course substitute any and all component, which is part of the flexibility DIY offers.

Personally, I am a big proponent of DIY, so I'm probably biased. That said, EG4 and the like aren't even an option for me since they're not available, let alone at the price point I used in the calculation.
sok amd jakiper dp have eu stores since some time.
their 5 kwh version come to ~ 1799
Only downside I could see would be one battery of 304 cells, any issues yours SOL, where as 3 different EG4 units loss of one and the system would still be up and running.

Of course the best solution would be to pick up 1 or 2 more DIY batteries of 304/280ah varieties, can’t have too much storage.

On the plus side, at least one can replace a cell in case it fails, which you can't do with the EG4 units.
I'm a proponent of DIY having done one, but the learning curve is pretty steep and I'm a very accomplished DIY'r with tons of tools and happy to buy more. For an awful lot of people I just don't think it's a good option. For many more that THINK they could do it, realistically they probably shouldn't.

I designed a plywood flat-load cargo floor for inside a late model pickup truck because we had three small dogs at the time we got the truck. It was pretty crafty and looked and worked great, and I put it up on the owners forum with a detailed materials list, dimensions, and photos on how to do it. This is just a simple plywood piece with some carpet on it, but you know about the third reply post someone wanted to know if I could make them one and ship it. That was never my intention, but now after shipping several hundred of them all around the country, which paid for over half of the truck, it's obvious the average person can't even use a tape measure or pick up a saw.

If you shop older resale homes or used cars, you get to see firsthand how poorly some people (most) do stuff. I think about them configuring and assembling electronics and just shudder. Just no. LOL Just buy a battery bank.
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Only downside I could see would be one battery of 304 cells, any issues yours SOL, where as 3 different EG4 units loss of one and the system would still be up and running.

Of course the best solution would be to pick up 1 or 2 more DIY batteries of 304/280ah varieties, can’t have too much storage.

Double plus 1

too many nightmares of damaged cells or shipping issues. I ordered 9 when I needed 8.
a BMS that (even through there seems to be some issues lately) still is one of the best ones available.

Boy that was fun (not). I hate those kind of surprises they throw out when updating. My system is still working well at this moment since the latest update.

2 month ago I ordered 16 - 280 Ah cells from Ali express. Had a few issues with the seller and had to get Ali Express involved. Two cells were damaged (1 dented at the bottom and the post was bent, 2nd cell had a bent post as well). Ali Express wanted me to pay for return shipping until they were received, then I would get my money back. They made it sound like I would get a "credit"... Well I was not going that route nor was I going to wait an additional 3 -4 months for it to be resolved. Long story short, I accepted refund for 1 battery and had to eat the other.

That left a bad taste in my mouth and haven't gone back to Ali Express since.

I'm sticking to the JK BMS. The 200A with 2A balancing would set me back $208 with free shipping based on current prices at Hankzor.

If/when I go back I will most likely do the same and buy a JK BMS through them.
We have some members here using these RJ Energy batteries, not UL but seems like good price:

For 48V 28.7KWH LFP Battery, US$6,027
Door to door shipping, US$1,485 including taxes and import duties
Delivery time: 55days


DIY cost more I just received aluminium for a box for 16 x LF280K and it cost me 170€ - $184 and I still need screws, remain material and my time.

The EG4 or other brands have warranty and support we DIY have nothing.

We shouldn't DIY for the price but to learn and know what we have, I'm not sure if EG4 has EV grade cells and if the remain material has the same quality and care I put in the battery.
Well best is if you can find some really good stuff for cheap, I have been searching around and some guy has a 32KW dual LG setup that I think I can get for under 10K. I'm a get the batteries first and then wait for his divorce to finish up and then try to get the panels form his roof depending on who gets the house.

Pretty sure my total cost is going to be under 15K for a 32K + 12K solar panel setup, those batteries look to be made in 2019.
There is something priceless about a DIY build. A definite learning curve and plenty of patience. However worth every penny in my book.

Love the look of the prebuilt units as well. Now I know what makes them tick.

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diy solar