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diy solar

Do We Need a Control Group?

You been living under a rock?

A few couldn't.
The rest were in danger of bankruptcy for lack of customers.

Seemed to me, the answer was obviously to stabilize patients, then transfer to outlying hospitals, away from the epicenter.
Maybe, but it took a couple years to be made to measure for new variant. After starting initial version within 3 days of getting the genetic code over the phone.

The making was pretty quick, testing it it takes a long time.

Chinese scientists put the genetic sequence of the novel coronavirus online on Jan. 11. Over the next two days, the NIH and Moderna used it to plot out a vaccine. Moderna delivered the first doses of its Covid-19 vaccine to the NIH for testing on Feb. 24, 2020, and “the first Moderna shot went into a volunteer’s arm in Seattle on March 16, 2020.

Was an early approach to treating HIV. (AZT)

This paper mentions heterosexual population and treatment of females.
Of course, communication of HIV is less about sexual orientation and more about particular pathways to enter the body. That explains its greater spread in some cultures.
Yeah, I hope they get a vaccine for HIV soon.
LOL....I believe after my first two shots....was very mild...thanks to the vaccine.

BTW...I have always given a rat's ass if people get vaccinated. I also don't care if people wear seat's everyone's right to be stupid.

To what does unvaccinated me thank for case being mild?

To who do my many vaccinated coworkers thank for their cases being fairly rough?

So easy to fool you.
You been living under a rock?

I thought we agreed on the validity of anecdotal evidence?


Hospitals were screening patients and not even trying to put people on a ventilator if they thought another patient was more likely to benefit.

You're parroting News articles Leo. I want to know what you saw with your own eyes.
A few couldn't.
The rest were in danger of bankruptcy for lack of customers.

Seemed to me, the answer was obviously to stabilize patients, then transfer to outlying hospitals, away from the epicenter.
I thought US government spend large amounts of money to support businesses, did you not get any?
My friend is the head of a medical group with 600 docs in San Diego. They were overflowed in their emergency room and had to convert large parts of their facilities into Covid wards.

Their emergency rooms are always overflowing in San Diego.
Manufacturing capacity.
mRNA method takes advantage of the existing manufacturing capacity of 8,000,000,000 homo sapiens.

Whole dead virus is of course the traditional method (that, and weakened live virus, such as oral polio.)

For one, manufacturing in vats is more efficient than drawing blood or other samples from thousands of monkeys, chickens, eggs, etc.
For another, those chickens turned out to have other pathogens that cause cancer, monkeys carried HIV, etc.

If mRNA could be successfully and safely used, it would be a miracle treatment. It does have many years use in veterinary vaccination.
But with massive deployment, all the differences in patients and administration expose issues. Whether side effects or ineffectiveness against variants.
Maybe against other pathogens which don't mutate rapidly if would be more effective.

Maybe, but it took a couple years to be made to measure for new variant. After starting initial version within 3 days of getting the genetic code over the phone.
Monkey = HIV?


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LOL....I believe after my first two shots....was very mild...thanks to the vaccine.

BTW...I have always given a rat's ass if people get vaccinated. I also don't care if people wear seat's everyone's right to be stupid.

Seat belts work, the MRNA vaccines do not.

That is why you caught the disease.
Seat belts work, the MRNA vaccines do not.

That is why you caught the disease.
Vaccines are meant to increase your immunity. Keep on saying stupid proves who you are.

If you are so opposed to MRNA vaccines, why didn't you take the J&'s a traditional vaccine?
I thought US government spend large amounts of money to support businesses, did you not get any?

I got some unemployment, and some stimulus money. I am among the ones who will in the end pay more, financing what was given to others.
I've been fortunate that my situation let me eat, pay the mortgage, etc. without difficulty. And when I was again employed, the interest rates benefitted me by cutting my mortgage in half.

I was referring to hospitals. They cancelled scheduled and elective care. Some locations were overwhelmed with covid, but many other locations were not.

Presumably, intake and billing departments cooperated to ensure all covid-positive patients could earn the hospital a covid premium billed to the government. Some businesses made out like a bandit, while others went bankrupt.
Vaccines are meant to increase your immunity. Keep on saying stupid proves who you are.

If you are so opposed to MRNA vaccines, why didn't you take the J&'s a traditional vaccine?

J&J is a viral vector vaccine that again, only causes you to generate immunity to one small portion of the virus.

I learned 20 years ago you cannot vaccinate against a coronavirus. They mutate and spread to fast.

I also knew that lockdowns don't work.

And even Fauci knew that masks didn't work until he caved to the pressure of his handlers.
Aren't you an engineer? You should be better at gathering data than thus.

LOL...again...a 2018 article.

Their emergency rooms are always overflowing in San Diego.

You said San Diego ERs are ALWAYs overflowing. You from San Diego?

You remind me a LOT of that dipshit Batvette guy that was on here posting his BS.
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LOL...again...a 2018 article.

You said San Diego ERs are ALWAYs overflowing. You from San Diego?

You remind me a LOT of that dipshit Batvette guy that was on here posting his BS.

Surely if you're in a scientific discipline, you would understand why I am posting about hospitals being overwhelmed pre-covid.
Why don't they just use whole dead virus for the vaccine instead of MRNA?

The vaccine enthusiasts can't answer that one.
It was because they were absolutely frothing at the mouth at the prospect of a huge forced trial of an mRNA vaccine on the human population.
The were so determined to do it that they squashed any treatment protocol that looked promising. They had to do that to get emergency approval for the Covid vax .... they didn't care at all that some of those protocols could have save a lot of lives.

They are determined to do whatever they have to so they can unleash a parade of other mRNA vaccines on us.
That's why it surprised me that they came out and admitted the side effects on Friday .... They must feel they have to admit to some level of risk.
Now you're playing games which means you're emotional and unable to make rational judgements or decisions.
Playing games is all he is here for ... neither he or the other blatant troll have ever offered something of substance.
I think Leo has been tricked .... but many of his posts are purely for troll purposes also.
Playing games is all he is here for ... neither he or the other blatant troll have ever offered something of substance.
I think Leo has been tricked .... but many of his posts are purely for troll purposes also.

Which is weird. What are they mad at? They are winning.
Which is weird. What are they mad at? They are winning.
I think that they are mad because on some level they know we have been right all along .... there is more evidence and more and more doctors and other medical professionals admitting the truth and being willing to speak out about it ..... still a lot more to come.

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