diy solar

diy solar

Do We Need a Control Group?

It was because they were absolutely frothing at the mouth at the prospect of a huge forced trial of an mRNA vaccine on the human population.
The were so determined to do it that they squashed any treatment protocol that looked promising. They had to do that to get emergency approval for the Covid vax .... they didn't care at all that some of those protocols could have save a lot of lives.

They are determined to do whatever they have to so they can unleash a parade of other mRNA vaccines on us.
That's why it surprised me that they came out and admitted the side effects on Friday .... They must feel they have to admit to some level of risk.
Still a crazy conspiracy theorist.

No one here is opposed to finding effective treatment for covid. Just because Ivermectin doesn't work, (even the maker of Ivermectin says so) that doesn't mean I do not want there to be a treatment.

Where do you get those crazy ideas?
What really trips my trigger is when I start thinking about all the harm they have done to kids and young adults in the name of public health ..... it is absolutely horrific .... and yet they are STILL trying to force these vaccines on kids.
They can no longer complain that they were just doing what they thought was best at the time .... all the evidence is clear to see .... there is no benefit and only risk when kids get the Covid vaccine.

I forget the nuances now, but when the FDA approved the vaccines for kids it gave the manufacturer another level of protection against litigation.
What really trips my trigger is when I start thinking about all the harm they have done to kids and young adults in the name of public health ..... it is absolutely horrific .... and yet they are STILL trying to force these vaccines on kids.
They can no longer complain that they were just doing what they thought was best at the time .... all the evidence is clear to see .... there is no benefit and only risk when kids get the Covid vaccine.
What harm was done by the vaccines?

Are you ready to take (partial) responsibility for the deaths of those who did not get vaccinated and would otherwise be alive today?

What harm was done by the vaccines?

Are you ready to take (partial) responsibility for the deaths of those who did not get vaccinated and would otherwise be alive today?

Where is your control group of unvaccinated?

You need an entire country, say Africa.

How did they do?

The average age of covid deaths in the U.S. is 82 years old which above average life expectancy.

Attributing old age deaths to covid is disingenuous don't you think?

Telling kids they are nothing more than worthless vectors of disease who will kill grandma for doing nothing more than engaging in normal childhood behavior is mean don't you think? Not to mention where are these oldsters who even made those demands of kids?

They don't exist. I literally saw zero old people who said young kids shouldn't go to school because doing so would kill them.

That was people like you who don't want to admit that you're scared of catching a cold and that people like me who are not afraid remind of you of that fact, that you are irrational and full of baseless fear.
Where is your control group of unvaccinated?

You need an entire country, say Africa.

How did they do?

The average age of covid deaths in the U.S. is 82 years old which above average life expectancy.

Attributing old age deaths to covid is disingenuous don't you think?

Telling kids they are nothing more than worthless vectors of disease who will kill grandma for doing nothing more than engaging in normal childhood behavior is mean don't you think? Not to mention where are these oldsters who even made those demands of kids?

They don't exist. I literally saw zero old people who said young kids shouldn't go to school because doing so would kill them.

That was people like you who don't want to admit that you're scared of catching a cold and that people like me who are not afraid remind of you of that fact, that you are irrational and full of baseless fear.
I didn't read his post ... but it looks like he tried to change the subject to school closing .... that wasn't what my post was about anyway.
I haven't completely thought thru the school closings .... was there a VERY SHORT period of time when it may have made sense .... I doubt it. They also spent a boat load of money to upgrade schools infrastructure and most of that got spent on other things instead.
I didn't read his post ... but it looks like he tried to change the subject to school closing.

You came to a conclusion of what I wrote without reading it. Is it any wonder why I say you are crazy?
Now you're playing games which means you're emotional and unable to make rational judgements or decisions.
When you have no argument...this is what you come up with? This is what happens when you have low intelligence.
When you have no argument...this is what you come up with? This is what happens when you have low intelligence.

You took the vaccine at least 3 times and caught covid but still think it worked.

Just admit you're scared of the germs and are upset when other people are not because it shows that you are governed by irrational fear.
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I have been posting the same link of the United States: COVID-19 weekly death rate by vaccination status, 50+ All you had to do was click...

Those are old age deaths.

The elderly, sick and infirmed do not have to go out and get the liberal vaccine dujour.

They already have enough health issues.
You took the vaccine at least 3 times and caught covid but still think it worked.

Just admit you're scared of the germs and are upset when other people are not because it shows that you are governed by irrational fear.
I don't care if you had the vaccines or I said are totally allowed to be stupid.

Out of curiosity, what did your doctor suggest you do? Or do you actually listen to doctors?
Some "nurses" have absolutely no competence or understanding. Other, through experience, are more in tune with what happens to patients, could have better understanding than most doctors.

This particular (retired nurse?) points out that officials say there are excess deaths in England, Europe, etc.

What is your opinion regarding "excess deaths", beyond those attributed to Covid itself?
What is your opinion regarding "excess deaths", beyond those attributed to Covid itself?
I would have to see studies by real medical doctors if there is actually such a phenomenon and the reasons behind it.

I don't listen to morons who post BS from conspirators like "DR" Campbell.
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Some "nurses" have absolutely no competence or understanding. Other, through experience, are more in tune with what happens to patients, could have better understanding than most doctors.

This particular (retired nurse?) points out that officials say there are excess deaths in England, Europe, etc.

What is your opinion regarding "excess deaths", beyond those attributed to Covid itself?
It needs SERIOUS research.

The rise in unexplained excess deaths correlates perfectly with the Covid vaccination rollout .... we know there are serious side effects from the vaccine, particularly in the younger group. There is an increase about 1000% in the number of athletes dropping dead due to sudden cardiac arrest. Insurance companies are reporting a huge uptick in unexplained deaths.

It's kind of obvious what should be suspected and seriously studied .... hence, the need for an unvaccinated control group.
I don't care if you had the vaccines or I said are totally allowed to be stupid.

Out of curiosity, what did your doctor suggest you do? Or do you actually listen to doctors?

Why would I bother a doctor over something that trivial?
I would have to see studies by real medical doctors if there is actually such a phenomenon and the reasons behind it.

I don't listen to morons who post BS from conspirators like "DR" Campbell.

So it's the data you trust, not the "experts"?

There might be hope for you yet.

It needs SERIOUS research.

The rise in unexplained excess deaths correlates perfectly with the Covid vaccination rollout .... we know there are serious side effects from the vaccine, particularly in the younger group. There is an increase about 1000% in the number of athletes dropping dead due to sudden cardiac arrest. Insurance companies are reporting a huge uptick in unexplained deaths.

It's kind of obvious what should be suspected and seriously studied .... hence, the need for an unvaccinated control group. many hours a day do you devote to this crazy crusade you are on?
I would have to see studies by real medical doctors if there is actually such a phenomenon and the reasons behind it.

I don't listen to morons who post BS from conspirators like "DR" Campbell.

Are you asking for studies by real doctors to determine if there are excess deaths to investigate?
Or, are you asking for real doctors to investigate the excess deaths? That is what "Dr." Campbell is asking for.

This report from CDC graphs excess deaths. I don't see that it distinguishes excess covid vs. non-Covid deaths.

This one attributes the excess deaths almost exclusively to Covid

(I will note that hospitals got extra funding if their patients had Covid)

This one for California features excess deaths not attributed to Covid.
(possible some deaths due to Covid were not coded as such, possibly leaving all excess deaths actually attributable to covid.) make yourself look more stupid every post.

To who? I'm not the one who was scared out of his mind to the point that he bothered a doctor over some trivial question about the covid vaccine.

Nor am I the one claiming the vaccine works after taking it 3 times and still catching the disease it was supposed to prevent.
So it's the data you trust, not the "experts"?

There might be hope for you yet.
You have very poor reading comprehension skills.....maybe read what I wrote again....say it out loud. Maybe you will understand it this time.
... hence, the need for an unvaccinated control group.

Which Africa does not provide, since there are so many differences.

Unvaccinated people within the US are useful. Unless, they also refuse to wear masks but the vaccinated do.
Now that powers that be have said "Everybody take your masks off!", we could get better data: Anti-vaxxers vs. Sheep.

diy solar

diy solar