diy solar

diy solar

Dual EG4 6000XP Wiring (please review)

Every overload test that I've conducted resulted in the inverter switching to grid bypass. Inverter will stay in bypass until the load drops below either 90% or 95%
As drawn it shows a 100A bypass. It could just be a 100a breaker in his main panel with a generator interlock. That's what I'm doing in my critical load panel.
*Edit* I didn't see that there had been a handful of replies, and someone already pointed out it was a transfer switch. Removed my duplicate (and late) reply.
It sounds like it should work for you. So I assume it just logs an overload error? I must have missed those threads you pointed out. What's your time frame for completion? If all this works as dedicated I may just run one 6000xp and keep the second in reserve.
Time will tell :)

I was hoping to have it up and running already, but work/life/diy balance has been quite skewed. Install location is at my cabin 2.5hrs away, which makes it even more challenging. My goal is to have initial tests going in the next month or so.
@AZ Solar Junkie or @Zapper77 have you tested this by any chance?
Yes - works great. When I go over the inverter capacity it handles the surge for a few seconds and then seamlessly switches to grid bypass. Once the load demand goes back down then after a few minutes it switches back to running off the inverter.
Hi diy'ers. I have used much of what I've picked up on a number of different threads (mostly: to come up with a wiring diagram that I think will work for my off-grid setup in a remote cabin:

- 2 x EG4 6000XP, off-grid with grid backup
- Combined for maximum AC output (50A) + pass-through (100A)
- Support for all-grid bypass (emergency, maintenance, etc.)
- Fall back to grid AC only when absolutely necessary
- N/G bond disabled at each inverter
- N/G bond ONLY at main panel
- 10X Solarever 455W PV (going to 20X)
- 5X (25kwh) EG4-LLv2

View attachment 193596

Some questions:

- does this look reasonable / safe?
- should all the grounds be home-run to the main panel (vs. next hop)?
- are the breakers correctly sized to support max inverter AC output and grid pass-through?
- anything else?

Any help/advice is greatly appreciated...and thanks to all that have already contributed to get me to this point.
What product are you using for the combiner panel?
The 6000xp is an offgrid inverter. the Grid connection only draws power from the grid, it does not supply power to the grid. At least, as long as it's wired up correctly. The power company doesn't know or care about it's existence. To them, it's just another electrical appliance drawing power from them.
Do you know if power companies require a solar permit then for an inverter like the 6000xp if connected to grid power?
Do you know if power companies require a solar permit then for an inverter like the 6000xp if connected to grid power?
No permit needed when you’re not using a system that feeds power back to the grid 😎. To them the 6000xp is just like any other appliance when it’s drawing power.
Hi diy'ers. I have used much of what I've picked up on a number of different threads (mostly: to come up with a wiring diagram that I think will work for my off-grid setup in a remote cabin:

- 2 x EG4 6000XP, off-grid with grid backup
- Combined for maximum AC output (50A) + pass-through (100A)
- Support for all-grid bypass (emergency, maintenance, etc.)
- Fall back to grid AC only when absolutely necessary
- N/G bond disabled at each inverter
- N/G bond ONLY at main panel
- 10X Solarever 455W PV (going to 20X)
- 5X (25kwh) EG4-LLv2

View attachment 193596

Some questions:

- does this look reasonable / safe?
- should all the grounds be home-run to the main panel (vs. next hop)?
- are the breakers correctly sized to support max inverter AC output and grid pass-through?
- anything else?

Any help/advice is greatly appreciated...and thanks to all that have already contributed to get me to this point.
I'm planning to use a similar wiring scheme with a couple of modifications. I'm curious your thoughts.

The main change will be eliminating the 100 amp bypass and wiring the combiner panel directly to the loads panel and wiring the main panel with a 200 amp breaker and accordingly sized wire to the loads panel. I plan to use an interlock breaker to act as a manual transfer switch between the 100amp line from the combiner panel and the 200 amp line from the main panel. The main reason that I'm using an interlock breaker is because a 200 amp transfer switch is very expensive - compared to a 100amp switch - and I'd like to have the possibility of having the full 200 amp service to my loads panel should I need it for any reason.
I think that'll work just fine. One of my goals was to make it as novice-friendly as possible. This is a remote location and someone other than myself may need to switch from PV to grid. 200A grid bypass would be nice, but I'd rather avoid anyone having to open a breaker and interlock.

If I find myself needing 200A more than on a rare occasion, I'll likely invest in the 200A switch (or do as you're doing).
If you ever do decide to make the switch (or if anyone reading is planning to do something similar), I did a little research on it and was able to find this.

It allows you to transfer the entire 200 amp service with two hot leads and provides a tie-in for your neutral.
Am I understanding this right? — can this essentially act as a transfer/bypass built right in to the main service panel?
Yes. It's not a breaker so it can't be turned off. You'd have your breaker on your 200amp loads panel, which could be interlocked to your 100 amp circuit coming out of your combiner box. If you wanted the actual transfer switch, instead of the interlock, you'd have to spend for the 200 amp capacity.
Yes. It's not a breaker so it can't be turned off. You'd have your breaker on your 200amp loads panel, which could be interlocked to your 100 amp circuit coming out of your combiner box. If you wanted the actual transfer switch, instead of the interlock, you'd have to spend for the 200 amp capacity.
Reading your posts, I hadn't considered having that breaker interlock in the whole house sub-panel. Similar to @solarenvy, I have that 200 amp main, and 200 amp sub-panel, so I need to decide how I'm going to facilitate the transfer mechanism between the inverters and the direct grid line. In my main, I only have space for 2 breakers, one breaker is being used for the whole house sub-panel, the other slot is empty. So essentially, what you are saying is..
  1. That I could keep my existing wiring from my main panel to my sub-panel.. and could add another breaker from the main to branch off to a combiner with 2 50 amp breakers for the 6000 xps.
  2. Then the 2 6000xps feed to another combiner with 2 50 amp breakers, and I can then bring that load directly to the existing whole house sub-panel
  3. And then in that spot on the sub-panel, I use the breaker interlock. Is that essentially what you plan? Are there any safety concerns here?
I have 2 questions about about this setup because I'm considering almost the same thing with two 6000xps.
  1. Do you need two 50 amp breakers feeding into the separate 6000xps, or could you make it work with just one 100 amp breaker coming off your main, and then branching inverter #2 off of Inverter #1? I only have two spots on my main panel, and the grid bypass needs one of them with the existing whole house breaker, which leaves just one breaker for both inverters.
  2. Can your combiner and bypass be the same panel if you use a breaker interlock, rather than a whole separate bypass switch? I'd rather not buy that expensive 200 amp MTS, if I could make it work in one box with the breaker interlock. So in my case, you'd have 2 50 amp breakers for the inverters, and a 200 amp breaker for the bypass.
You can see my diagram here.
I have 2 questions about about this setup because I'm considering almost the same thing with two 6000xps.
  1. Do you need two 50 amp breakers feeding into the separate 6000xps, or could you make it work with just one 100 amp breaker coming off your main, and then branching inverter #2 off of Inverter #1? I only have two spots on my main panel, and the grid bypass needs one of them with the existing whole house breaker, which leaves just one breaker for both inverters.
  2. Can your combiner and bypass be the same panel if you use a breaker interlock, rather than a whole separate bypass switch? I'd rather not buy that expensive 200 amp MTS, if I could make it work in one box with the breaker interlock. So in my case, you'd have 2 50 amp breakers for the inverters, and a 200 amp breaker for the bypass.
You can see my diagram here.
View attachment 202167
1. You would need to (should) protect the line going from the 100 amp split to the 6000xp grid connection with a Over Current Protection device.

I would use a 4/8 circuit panel. Land the 100 amp in the panel and run two 40/50 amp breaks to each inverter.

Don't daisy chain #2 of of #1

2. I've seen individuals use the same panel...but I'd never recommend doing that.

Edit...#2, would I do it...yes I would,but I'd never admit it.

@Zapper77 ok, thanks for that info! .1 seems straight-forward.. just feed to this load center and install 2 50 amp breakers that each to go an inverter. But about .2, haha.. so if I hired an electrician to help me wire it up, is there a recommended method? Would I need another of that same 125 amp load centers that the two inverters output to, combine, and then feed that into an MTS? I guess I'm just trying to find the simplest way to wire this up with a grid bypass.. I know that adds an extra level of complexity, but it sounds like it is recommended.
@Zapper77 ok, thanks for that info! .1 seems straight-forward.. just feed to this load center and install 2 50 amp breakers that each to go an inverter. But about .2, haha.. so if I hired an electrician to help me wire it up, is there a recommended method? Would I need another of that same 125 amp load centers that the two inverters output to, combine, and then feed that into an MTS? I guess I'm just trying to find the simplest way to wire this up with a grid bypass.. I know that adds an extra level of complexity, but it sounds like it is recommended.
That’s exactly my plan when I add a second 6000xp. 👍🏻
That’s exactly my plan when I add a second 6000xp. 👍🏻
That’s exactly my plan when I add a second 6000xp. 👍🏻
What is your meter main and sub-panel setup? For me I have this 200 amp service, but the combined in the 6000xp cuts that in half of course… so I’m wondering if I can just downgrade to 100 amps for the grid bypass as well. It cuts down on equipment cost also. The only issue I see is when I might be running the electric oven (on a 50 amp breaker) and AC or Heating at the same time.

I guess it seems like a lot of boxes, doing the combiner before the 6000xps, then another combiner after, and then the MTS as well.. but I suppose it is what it is. Alternatively I had considered an 18kpv, because it is full 200 amp pass through. I’m wondering if there is an advantage in my case for the 18kpv over 2 6000xp.
What is your meter main and sub-panel setup? For me I have this 200 amp service, but the combined in the 6000xp cuts that in half of course… so I’m wondering if I can just downgrade to 100 amps for the grid bypass as well. It cuts down on equipment cost also. The only issue I see is when I might be running the electric oven (on a 50 amp breaker) and AC or Heating at the same time.

I guess it seems like a lot of boxes, doing the combiner before the 6000xps, then another combiner after, and then the MTS as well.. but I suppose it is what it is. Alternatively I had considered an 18kpv, because it is full 200 amp pass through. I’m wondering if there is an advantage in my case for the 18kpv over 2 6000xp.
Yeah like you’re suggesting, I’ll be using 2 small 6 slot 100 amp panels - 1 to distribute power from my main panel to the 6000xp’s inputs and the other to combine the outputs. From the output combiner panel I’ll be going to a Reliance Pro/Tran 2 50 amp MTS. I wish there were a higher amp MTS option that supported switching individual circuits between grid or solar, but if there are I haven’t found any.

Going with a single 18kPV would certainly eliminate the combiner panels and allow the full 200 amp bypass and give you more capabilities - just costs a lot more. I don’t have any personal experience with it (or any other grid export capable inverter) so I’d have to leave that to others to expound on. There are also entire threads discussing the advantages and disadvantages of using multiple 6000xp’s vs the 18kPV. 😎
Hi diy'ers. I have used much of what I've picked up on a number of different threads (mostly: to come up with a wiring diagram that I think will work for my off-grid setup in a remote cabin:

- 2 x EG4 6000XP, off-grid with grid backup
- Combined for maximum AC output (50A) + pass-through (100A)
- Support for all-grid bypass (emergency, maintenance, etc.)
- Fall back to grid AC only when absolutely necessary
- N/G bond disabled at each inverter
- N/G bond ONLY at main panel
- 10X Solarever 455W PV (going to 20X)
- 5X (25kwh) EG4-LLv2

View attachment 193596

Some questions:

- does this look reasonable / safe?
- should all the grounds be home-run to the main panel (vs. next hop)?
- are the breakers correctly sized to support max inverter AC output and grid pass-through?
- anything else?

Any help/advice is greatly appreciated...and thanks to all that have already contributed to get me to this point.

I'm currently working on installing two of these 6000xp's at my house and I've found your electrical diagram helpful. Thanks for that.
What software did you use to create it? I'd like to make a similar diagram with a few tweaks.

diy solar

diy solar