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diy solar

EG4 18kPV Q+A general thread

It would be nice if they could add an Ac coupled section. They have ac coupled numbers under Gen power on the website.


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I'm a little annoyed about how the menu options seem really obtuse and non-obvious.

Has anyone made a quick start guide or YouTube video that dumbs down the settings into more easily understood explanations? :)
Shoutout to Signature Solar support for helping with a bunch of weird things when I first set the 18kPV up. However, I am still having one peculiar issue that I am wondering if is a feature or an actual bug/setting issue. I have Ruixu batteries set to Lithium Type 6 per Ruixu support. The battery stats and setting all come across to the 18kPV correctly. The issue I am noticing is that once the batteries hit 20% they charge from the grid at about 500 watts. Then once the batteries hit 30% they start discharging till they get to 20%. This is after the sun goes down and there is no solar power, or a cloudy day. With solar the batteries will charge all the way if I am consuming less than the solar can produce. To stop this cycle from happening I enable AC charge and set it to .1kW. How do I stop the batteries from charging from the grid when AC Charge is disabled? These percentages also don't match any of my settings. Also, when the battery reaches 20% solar starts charging the battery as well instead of going to the load.
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Looking to understand the "PV Input" choices in the Advanced section.


I have three separate arrays, each going to its own input on the inverter.
There are multiple combinations of PV# & PV# independent, No PV, and PV# Only.
While I was troubleshooting some generator issues, I found mine was set to PV1, PV2 independent. With three arrays being fed into the system there were no issues using the solar from each. I changed it to PV1, PV2, PV3 independent and have noticed no difference in behavior.

How should one set this up for their system and what do they mean by "independent"?
I just installed my new 18kpv, and it won't discharge at all from batteries. I have all the settings set up properly I think, but the little home icon shows 0W and when I go to the debug page, it says inverter discharge power is limited to zero. How?! no it's not! There's literally no setting I can change to fix this right now.

Why? Voltage is OK, dunno how much battery is sitting behind it.
Yeah I'm not worried at all. I charge them to 58v to make sure they get fully evened out. It's 1200ah of Lifepower batteries, should be totally fine
I'd make sure my firmware is up-to-date, but there are several settings that control output. There is more than one page there under discharge. Look under advanced.
Yeah I'm super confused what's going on right now.

Now the "normal" light isn't lit up, but it's still outputting power... what the heck is happening here.

Hmm, apparently I need the installer code for signature solar to be able to register it. I've connected it to my cabin wifi, but can't seem to do anything with it
Also it appears that it's running as a UPS, which I don't want it to do, I want it to be running as the primary so that it powers my loads from battery and solar first before grid. I must be missing a setting somewhere, but I can't seem to figure out what the heck I should change.
You should be able to connect direct to the dongle, but yes, engage support for your initial install, they can get your initial settings working. I don't run mine grid-tied so I'm not sure on that aspect, everything of mine goes out the load port.
Installer code is "Signature"
Then I'm curious about what firmware version it is shipped with but you should upgrade to what is currently available to you in the app after you've got it connected up.
Why? Voltage is OK, dunno how much battery is sitting behind it.
Maybe it’s nothing, but my charge rate drastically cuts back at 93%, more at 96%, more at 98%. 1704657145548.png


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Any confirmed installs of 18kpv in three phase yet? Not sure I would consider such a new product for my planned install but still interested to know if this AIO has been put through the three phase ringer yet…

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