diy solar

diy solar

FBI warns of Solar System Cyber Threat

Be armed. If I lived in a rural area, I'd walk around holstered. And this is nothing new. My grandma in rural KY kept a 38 under her pillow and a shotgun close by. I remember one time we were visiting, and arriving after sundown. My mother (her parents) made sure we stopped about 30 minutes out and called to let them know we would be there shortly so as to not get shot, even though they already knew we were to get in that day. Net result there was (of course) a table full of fresh hot biscuits and gravy, corn, tomatoes, blackberry jam, ham, eggs to order because of course we would be hungry when we got in at 9PM or so. Fond warm memories.

Yep, I've got that covered. After I realized that I had apparently walked in on the guys, things changed. Talking to the cops afterwards, they were not all surprised by the break in. Addicted drug users will do a lot to obtain sellable items. But the widespread use of cameras is making it more difficult. If I have cameras and another target does not, they will likely hit the guy without cameras.

There are known drug addicts in the small town of 1000 near us and the locals keep an eye on them. But these guys are willing to travel and go to extreme lengths to get stuff.

For instance, the guys who broke into my shop stole my 8 hp snowblower. It was almost new. They climbed into a window that was unlocked, unlatched the sliding doors, rolled the snowblower outside and picked it up to move it over a log I had dragged up to the shop. That snow blower was over 200 lbs. They then had to roll it about 500 ft to get to a nearby road. They took everything out of the back or side of the shop and moved it through my neighbors yard to a cross road. They avoided being near the house. No one was home at the time but I keep some lights on.

The night I came home, I went into the shop and the back doors were open and items were dropped in the yard. It was a very dark night. Late December. Between Christmas and New Years day. I think they saw headlights coming into the driveway, dropped the stuff and ran.

diy solar

diy solar