diy solar

diy solar

Fedex is NOT getting a Christmas card this year (Sig Solar order destroyed)

Sorry to hear about your loss. Especially since FedEx is supposed to be dropping off my shipment next Monday. I hope they do better...
If it makes you feel any better. Fedex delivered last week: 10 of those 450w Boviet panels to me with the new chargeverter on top, as well as the yellow sign saying "do not stack" Everything came in intact.
Every carrier/company has shit workers, UPS/FedEx/DHL, doesn't matter.

Sorry you got the shit end of the stick with the workers in your area. I've had FedEx drivers pull into my circle, park, sit in their car for 10 minutes (never getting out) and then magically the box scheduled for delivery turns to "customer not home" -- so they are lazy and a liar.

These same companies do have some good guys though occasionally. My $12k worth of gear from signature solar arrived via FedEx freight in mint condition, 20 panels, 2 large indoor batteries, and 6000xp.

The longer you are around in the world the more you see -- the shitty lazy workers in any company that just float around and F stuff up, and the company has to pickup the bill, the suck part is that there's more of these types in the world than their should be. At work, on the road, society pays the price.
Those guys hate Chewy boxes weighing 50lbs, they know it’s dog food, and just throw them out of the truck.
I’ve seen the look on their faces on my video cameras.
Who said anything about dog food. Ever pick up a large box of kitty litter? Chewy over boxes it so now there’s no handles and because there’s other stuff with the order the box is just big enough to not have a good grip on if, so they have to use a hand truck. Yeah, the must really love me when they have a sale on the stuff 😂
There are instructions at the bottom of the email from your order, well, there should be anyway. Mine says:
If purchasing solar panels, we urge customers to purchase additional panels to ensure the safe delivery of the needed amount. PLEASE DO NOT BUY THE EXACT AMOUNT OF PANELS NEEDED.
When receiving your order please visually inspect your shipment for any damages or shortages prior to signing your delivery receipt.
If you discover damage or a shortage, here are the steps that need to be taken:
YOU MUST Note the damage or shortage on the Driver's Copy of the Delivery Receipt
Take Detailed Photos of the pallet upon delivery. Take images of it on the freight truck. Take images of ANY damage, individual images for each damaged piece of equipment
Notify Signature Solar team ( AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. If not noted within 48hrs your claim may be denied by the freight company.
In order to receive any refund or replacement, all damages to materials must be noted on the customer’s receipt at the time of delivery.
Customers MUST provide images of the damage and of a signed/notated delivery receipt provided by the driver at the time of delivery and MUST email these photos to Signature Solar within 3 days of delivery in order to be considered for a freight claim.
Any damages found without notation upon delivery may be refused by the shipper.
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The biggest downside to buying panels from a distant seller is this problem of getting a damaged panel replaced. To me, any seller unwilling to send a replacement for NEW panels damaged in shipping isn't a company I really want to do business with.

If I'm buying a pallet of used panels, I can see it. Buy a couple extra, just in case. But most of us who are buying decent-sized (new) systems designed in collaboration with a retailer are spending $20K or more, and shouldn't have to buy additional just in case of shipping damage. That's like buying an extra set of engine parts with a new car, "just in case". Having things go south before that system is even installed, due to some idiot with a forklift working for the shipper selected by the retailer, just isn't acceptable.The same shipper that damaged the shipment should be able to send a replacement at no charge to shipper or receiver. To me, it's the retailer's responsibility to have that agreement in place. They're the one selecting the shipper and with real bargaining power. Just offering a refund on a single panel or two, purchased as part of a system, is a total copout that screws the customer.
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I had my order arrive via freight recently. SS's packaging was honestly impressive. The amount of stickers, warnings, and the little yellow hat made it pretty clear how to not damage the pallet. It took quite a while to get it disassembled.

I have been sticking the yellow hat my kids heads for days now and I find it quite hilarious.
I had my order arrive via freight recently. SS's packaging was honestly impressive. The amount of stickers, warnings, and the little yellow hat made it pretty clear how to not damage the pallet. It took quite a while to get it disassembled.

I have been sticking the yellow hat my kids heads for days now and I find it quite hilarious.
Send em to school like that
The biggest downside to buying panels from a distant seller is this problem of getting a damaged panel replaced. To me, any seller unwilling to send a replacement for NEW panels damaged in shipping isn't a company I really want to do business with.

If I'm buying a pallet of used panels, I can see it. Buy a couple extra, just in case. But most of us who are buying decent-sized (new) systems designed in collaboration with a retailer are spending $20K or more, and shouldn't have to buy additional just in case of shipping damage. That's like buying an extra set of engine parts with a new car, "just in case". Having things go south before that system is even installed, due to some idiot with a forklift working for the shipper selected by the retailer, just isn't acceptable.The same shipper that damaged the shipment should be able to send a replacement at no charge to shipper or receiver. To me, it's the retailer's responsibility to have that agreement in place. They're the one selecting the shipper and with real bargaining power. Just offering a refund on a single panel or two, purchased as part of a system, is a total copout that screws the customer.
I had my order arrive via freight recently. SS's packaging was honestly impressive. The amount of stickers, warnings, and the little yellow hat made it pretty clear how to not damage the pallet. It took quite a while to get it disassembled.

I have been sticking the yellow hat my kids heads for days now and I find it quite hilarious.
Mine looked like SS packed it in the truck. Both crates were flawless. Yes, quite impressive.
I am always thinking of this when I am inspecting shipments. FedEx Detainment Fee ($61for every 15 minutes)

I have started paying SS extra for shipping the smaller items ground. Seems like when they strap those on top of the shipping it doesn’t always turn out well.
Or this one, pisses me off..... Order 100 feet of 2/0 battery cable, shipped to me by usps, my mail lady refuses to deliver, states it is too heavy so I have to drive to office to get it. Did I not just pay for delivery? Should I get a refund. She had delivered exact same packages previous to this but now refuses. I think I weighed one package and it was around 40 pounds and small in size. Not that hard to handle.

IF usps cannot deliver, they should not take the money and just refuse shipping the package.
Or this one, pisses me off..... Order 100 feet of 2/0 battery cable, shipped to me by usps, my mail lady refuses to deliver, states it is too heavy so I have to drive to office to get it. Did I not just pay for delivery? Should I get a refund. She had delivered exact same packages previous to this but now refuses. I think I weighed one package and it was around 40 pounds and small in size. Not that hard to handle.

IF usps cannot deliver, they should not take the money and just refuse shipping the package.
Prob wore her out with previous packages she was delivering at her discretion. I've had pick up slips for oversize packages, I can imagine the same for heavy stuff. 100 ft of 2/0 is going to be heavy
I really can't believe SS strapped the inverter box to the top of a wood crate! That's a packaging container, not a shipping container.
I'd rather pay a little more than have their "free shipping" bundling stack that on there.
Prob wore her out with previous packages she was delivering at her discretion. I've had pick up slips for oversize packages, I can imagine the same for heavy stuff. 100 ft of 2/0 is going to be heavy
Like I said if it is too heavy usps should not take the job of shipping it. If the delivery person cannot deliver a package that usps standards say they should deliver, then maybe said employee should not be delivering packages. Wish I could refuse to do my job requirements cause I was wore out that day....
Those multiplus packaging is beefy AF thick foam and thick cardboard, amazed damage made it through to the case.

For my CC order of my MPII via Fed Ex, I opted for pick up at local Fed Ex store.
Wow, im so sorry! 😪 That's a mess! We're here, we'll get you taken care of! I'm sure you may have already called in but if you'd like to shoot me a DM with your name and email, I can follow up and ensure your resolution is swift 🫶🏻🌞
I ordered 2 pallets of PV panels and 5 loose panels from Signature Solar. They used a different shipping company.

First attempt - They came on a truck with pallet jack truck, driver could not un-load it, too heavy. He also noticed some of the 5 loose panels stacked on one of the pallets were broken. He said They need to be loaded on a flat bed that has a fork lift. Drove everything back to their local warehouse.

Second attempt - Successfully unloaded from a flat bed with a fork lift. Still with the broken panels stacked on one pallet. Took pictures including the damage report of the driver.

Immediately filed claim with Signature solar - They replaced the 5 loose panels and same shipping company now carefully packed them on a pallet with a pointed yellow cone on top.

Happy with experience with Signature Solar.
1.) Pallet has big yellow cone with sign DO NOT STACK ON TOP that was crushed by the item they stacked on top, crushing inverter and destroying top panel.
2.) Pallet had signs stating USE LONG FORKS ONLY, driver used short fork to take off truck, tilting pallet and dug fork into bottom panel.

I am so pissed right now. We do not have a lot of money and now I do not have enough panels to rack and cannot get any more. So I guess I have to sell these panels at a loss and save more money to order more. We got free shipping because our order was over xxxx dollars.

The inverter has damage on all side so who knows if its any good. I sure as heck don't want to run power to it and burn my house down.

So Fedex has now also lost my battery order 2 of 2. Item one made it but item 2 is lost between Billings and spokane. No delivery date and no movement.

Can't anyone do a good job anymore? This sucks so much. Now I am just screwed.
I usually email the shippers and tell them anything but FedEx. They suck

I had one shipment where they stole all of the copper tubing for my minisplit project and then rewrapped it and reorganized the load so I couldn't see. I learned a good lesson that day - unwrap it while its still on the truck and take stock of the condition. Thankfully in my case I took a video while I was picking it up for my channel and Pioneer made me whole again.

Sorry about your loss, maybe SS can help file a claim againt FedEx.
I ordered 2 pallets of PV panels and 5 loose panels from Signature Solar. They used a different shipping company.

First attempt - They came on a truck with pallet jack truck, driver could not un-load it, too heavy. He also noticed some of the 5 loose panels stacked on one of the pallets were broken. He said They need to be loaded on a flat bed that has a fork lift. Drove everything back to their local warehouse.

Second attempt - Successfully unloaded from a flat bed with a fork lift. Still with the broken panels stacked on one pallet. Took pictures including the damage report of the driver.

Immediately filed claim with Signature solar - They replaced the 5 loose panels and same shipping company now carefully packed them on a pallet with a pointed yellow cone on top.

Happy with experience with Signature Solar.
My pointed yellow cone was crushed like a bug
Those multiplus packaging is beefy AF thick foam and thick cardboard, amazed damage made it through to the case.

For my CC order of my MPII via Fed Ex, I opted for pick up at local Fed Ex store.

Mine,wasn’t shipped on a pallet, but yes they are packed very well
1.) Pallet has big yellow cone with sign DO NOT STACK ON TOP that was crushed by the item they stacked on top, crushing inverter and destroying top panel.
2.) Pallet had signs stating USE LONG FORKS ONLY, driver used short fork to take off truck, tilting pallet and dug fork into bottom panel.

I am so pissed right now. We do not have a lot of money and now I do not have enough panels to rack and cannot get any more. So I guess I have to sell these panels at a loss and save more money to order more. We got free shipping because our order was over xxxx dollars.

The inverter has damage on all side so who knows if its any good. I sure as heck don't want to run power to it and burn my house down.

So Fedex has now also lost my battery order 2 of 2. Item one made it but item 2 is lost between Billings and spokane. No delivery date and no movement.

Can't anyone do a good job anymore? This sucks so much. Now I am just screwed.

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If you payed with credit card , dispute the charge today… as soon as SS get wind that the Credit Card $ have been deducted from their operating account, and credited back to your card it will be much easier to discuss a solution… keep your pics , record everything to help your case…

If you can get your full refund I would say take it and walk away… there are cheap panels all over the place nowdays…
Don’t get drug into a mud hole of wasted time.

Sorry you're dealing with this nightmare. That had to be loud AF when all that tempered glass shattered. There's no way the guy who did this didn't know what just happened. Not sure if it could be chalked up to ignorance or incompetence though. It seems like a systemic problem with these companies; the employees are incentivized only to rush, not get hurt, and load trailers to maximum capacity. Following the sender's loading and stacking notices just isn't a thing.
I don't agree with the above. SS shipped the stuff per the agreement and met their obligation. I would give SS an opportunity to make this situation as right as they can as disputing a charge when it's not necessary will work against you in the future.
I definitely would give them the chance to make it right before initiating a chargeback…, but he stated all they would do is give him a refund , but that didn’t seem acceptable to him.
Personally I would take the refund if there was no other options..

BUT, SS job ends when his product is delivered in good shape by the company hired to be their delivery “agents “ in this transaction..
If they fail in that , it’s on their watch…it’s not his problem to solve it…they need to step in and make it right…no squabbling, no excuses , just give the man what he ordered…

The reason you must act promptly with the credit card is to be “in action” during the window that you can act… if it drags out it can cause you to have no rights to dispute… timelines can vary..

Overall I agree with with your comment , as I have had many shipments come in with damage at my store.. … never once after making a call to the distributor did I get a runaround about this that or the other… they re- shipped it and picked up the broken order…
But it’s a new world we live in..


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diy solar