diy solar

diy solar

Future of DIY LiFePO4 looks bleak…

Energy returned on energy invested. That’s the issue. Unless they get off of their asses ASAP and start building out nuclear, we are fooked. Cheap oil and gas is going to come to an end at some point.

The Malthusians know this and a good amount of the world is now controlled by their ilk.

If not nuclear, then we need those magic energy machines those on the fringe keep talking about.
Energy returned on energy invested. That’s the issue. Unless they get off of their asses ASAP and start building out nuclear, we are fooked. Cheap oil and gas is going to come to an end at some point.

The Malthusians know this and a good amount of the world is now controlled by their ilk.

If not nuclear, then we need those magic energy machines those on the fringe keep talking about.
I have lived on this rural mtn land along time…every summer I see a few rabbits.. one or two. Maybe 3 at a time but never to many..usually a couple grazing in the pasture .
last year , they were everywhere.. dozens…20 at a time .. all day all over the community…they were so many they wouldn’t even run from ya …it’s like they were stupid … would just sit and stare at ya…

I mentioned this to an much longer inhabitant out here than me
the said I have seen this a few times…happens with deer and other stuff….won’t be none next year..! But they will build back one day and it will repeat.
He said disease will get em…to many crammed in the same area.any sickness will get em all.. foxes and cats and coyotes will get the rest…
This year… I have seen one rabbit all summer.. one little rabbit..65 acres very remote woodland …
somehow , it appears nature steps in and does some culling when things gets outa hand…
so I ask, judging from our past actions as humans, are we special or do we just think we are.?

yes we better get alot of tech / solar / nuclear working to produce power from any source possible ..we will probably need it…nature could care less about’s an equal opportunity master.
We crossed over the peak of that bell curve in 2016(peak oil), which makes sense if you think about our society since then, a slow decline..But, it is picking up speed...Some say 2018..Now if you look at barrels produced, it's easy to be fooled..But today, we count many bi products that were not historically counted before, and are not barrels of oil..But, it doesn't matter how many nuclear power plants we build, or if we crack the code of fusion energy.. The very worse thing that could happen is if humans found a free source of endless clean energy, because then the destruction to the planet would be complete, and there would be no chance of humans hanging on through a "dark ages" period for several thousand years as the environment recovers..Which is exactly what every "dark ages" period has been in our past..But, EROI is certainly one of the issues I was referring to... And has it's own built in consequences that are also unavoidable..And we killed 4.5 million people in the middle east because of those consequences, if you believe the report out of Brown University..There is a momentum/inertia to human civilizations, they don't change on a dime, ever..You have 8 billion people working very hard one way or another to keep the status quo, and you have a few million people working on the fringes to improve our practices, but too little too late.
We crossed over the peak of that bell curve in 2016(peak oil), which makes sense if you think about our society since then, a slow decline..But, it is picking up speed...Some say 2018..Now if you look at barrels produced, it's easy to be fooled..But today, we count many bi products that were not historically counted before, and are not barrels of oil..But, it doesn't matter how many nuclear power plants we build, or if we crack the code of fusion energy.. The very worse thing that could happen is if humans found a free source of endless clean energy, because then the destruction to the planet would be complete, and there would be no chance of humans hanging on through a "dark ages" period for several thousand years as the environment recovers..Which is exactly what every "dark ages" period has been in our past..But, EROI is certainly one of the issues I was referring to... And has it's own built in consequences that are also unavoidable..And we killed 4.5 million people in the middle east because of those consequences, if you believe the report out of Brown University..There is a momentum/inertia to human civilizations, they don't change on a dime, ever..You have 8 billion people working very hard one way or another to keep the status quo, and you have a few million people working on the fringes to improve our practices, but too little too late.
Do yourself a favor a take break from r/collapse.
Do yourself a favor a take break from r/collapse.
I'm building my third AIRBNB property in the forest..I'll be fine..I only indulged in that work professionally..Don't do it in my private time, and all my time is private time now...So, I took that break many years ago...I don't watch or read any of that stuff, other than the latest papers coming out, that catch my interests..I'm only online briefly two days a week and don't even have cell phone coverage, and don't own a TV..But, I do recognize that handle..Canada if memory serves...
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Punctuation was on point, but don't waste my time with paragraphs...Especially if I'm multitasking...
Look again. Here's just one short snip:
<snip>And has it's own built in consequences that are also unavoidable..And we<snip>
"It's" is always "it is" and never a possessive of "it." The word you wanted here is "its."

What is with the two periods and no space after every sentence? One period, then one or two spaces. One can use an ellipsis "..." to indicate that words or sentences are missing from the text. An ellipsis has three dots and is followed by one space and no capitalization, except at the end of a sentence, where it is followed by a period "...." and one or two spaces.

Paragraphs are part of punctuation. They add flow and readability to the text. A long-winded diatribe with no breaks quickly overwhelms the reader, who then declares, "Too Long; Didn't Read." Not wasting your time with paragraphs means that nobody wastes their time reading your work.
Look again. Here's just one short snip:

"It's" is always "it is" and never a possessive of "it." The word you wanted here is "its."

What is with the two periods and no space after every sentence? One period, then one or two spaces. One can use an ellipsis "..." to indicate that words or sentences are missing from the text. An ellipsis has three dots and is followed by one space and no capitalization, except at the end of a sentence, where it is followed by a period "...." and one or two spaces.

Paragraphs are part of punctuation. They add flow and readability to the text. A long-winded diatribe with no breaks quickly overwhelms the reader, who then declares, "Too Long; Didn't Read." Not wasting your time with paragraphs means that nobody wastes their time reading your work.
Are you Freakin high, we don't need an editor in a solar forum..I'm not writing a book, or article for publication..And "it's" isn't exactly a confusing punctuation issue...The periods are a habit..I know the signs, when I strike a nerve, or else encounter the punctuation police, however, in this case, I suspect the former, since the latter isn't really a thing..Your time would be better spent proof reading some dicktionaries...I might have misspelled that..LOL..Hopefully it's not a criminal offense...
I still wish I could type thst good , even with the mistakes you point out..?
That's not punctuation mistakes, don't pander to the self important/self declared punctuation patrol.. And think about what I said, in the context of getting the most out of every minute.. There fleeting...
Aside the punctuation points and errors. Your friend Nate has been speaking doom and gloom for quite some time now. And while I don't disagree in the fact that there could very well be currency induced cost push inflation, monetary troubles, and supply chain issues due to a myriad of social reasons, I just haven't been given the time telling evidence, aside from an extra terrestrial impact event that will cause such a fast moving apocalypse on the planet where as to turn these blue batteries into "blue gold" anytime soon except for perhaps temporary reasons listed above. So far the grace period could very well be another thousands of years.
The batteries just keep dropping in price and becoming more abundant for now. Perhaps due in fact to the very doom and gloom monetary function of the dollar that your scientist nate warns least for now.
That's not punctuation mistakes, don't pander to the self important/self declared punctuation patrol.. And think about what I said, in the context of getting the most out of every minute.. There fleeting...
I appreciate the conviction of your thoughts..and find myself being quoted in the middle of a discussion of which I am not even aware of the point.

To Be Clear …I never even read that long single spaced post I was speaking of…be it written by a bot or not…my eyes arnt young and it’s a tedious task …and after two sentences I knew it wasn’t somthing for me ……BUT …
I did look at it think…” wow , I wish I could bang the keyboard that good”..that’s all I meant.!

I was making no reference to the quality of the message good …or bad… y’all can decide that and inform me of your collective decision.

This is all to heavy , I need another beer..
Aside the punctuation points and errors. Your friend Nate has been speaking doom and gloom for quite some time now. And while I don't disagree in the fact that there could very well be currency induced cost push inflation, monetary troubles, and supply chain issues due to a myriad of social reasons, I just haven't been given the time telling evidence, aside from an extra terrestrial impact event that will cause such a fast moving apocalypse on the planet where as to turn these blue batteries into "blue gold" anytime soon except for perhaps temporary reasons listed above. So far the grace period could very well be another thousands of years.
The batteries just keep dropping in price and becoming more abundant for now. Perhaps due in fact to the very doom and gloom monetary function of the dollar that your scientist nate warns least for now.
One likely scenario? PRC invades ROC. Possibly in collusion with nK aggression towards the ROK.

Battery supply would be completely FUBARed. And anything electronic and bunch of other shit.

As to paragraphs and formatting? I run informational websites so I’m tuned to it and usually write one to three sentences per paragraph, but I’m not going to call anyone out on it on a forum either.
One likely scenario? PRC invades ROC. Possibly in collusion with nK aggression towards the ROK.

Battery supply would be completely FUBARed. And anything electronic and bunch of other shit.

I can see why North Korea would want to engage in such stupidity, but what exactly is in it for PRC to rock the boat? The people leading China seem to be doing quite well for themselves with the status quo. They have the whole world eating out of the palm of their hand. Why risk upsetting things just to settle an old dispute with ROC?

Maybe I'm just not unhinged and aggressive enough. If I have food in my belly, a little money for some toys, and time to do things.. I'm ok. I guess it might be different if I was playing a real life global game of risk/monopoly or something and had to win at all costs.
I can see why North Korea would want to engage in such stupidity, but what exactly is in it for PRC to rock the boat? The people leading China seem to be doing quite well for themselves with the status quo. They have the whole world eating out of the palm of their hand. Why risk upsetting things just to settle an old dispute with ROC?

Maybe I'm just not unhinged and aggressive enough. If I have food in my belly, a little money for some toys, and time to do things.. I'm ok. I guess it might be different if I was playing a real life global game of risk/monopoly or something and had to win at all costs.
You are trying to use logic which is a mistake.

Xi is an utter nut who has eliminated anyone who would push back against anything…or even feed him accurate Intel or potential negative outcomes.

Also, the PRC is aging. The one child policy is quickly catching up to bite them in the ass. It’s now (or in the next couple of years) or never.
Is that just for China/ Europe fulfillment?

Since they have one in Nevada It wouldn’t make much sense to manufacture 3s in China to ship and pay import on them to the US.
The LFP based Teslas from China are shipped to Canada in addition to other areas of the world.
$238 including shipping:

There are others that are $229 + $20 shipping so this price-point for 1.28kWh seems to be getting pretty widely established on Amazon.

$238 / 1280Wh = $0.186 / Wh.
About the only thing going down in price these days is OTS LiFePO4 batteries:

$230 shipped for 1280Wh translates to $0.1797/Wh - new low-water mark on Amazon…

diy solar

diy solar