diy solar

diy solar

Future of DIY LiFePO4 looks bleak…

Furthermore, unless you buy a purpose built case to hold it all, the result of DIY always has a rather kludgy look.
My DIY are definitely not pretty by anyone’s standards.
I can still build a 15kwh battery for $2500.

3 x 5.1 kWh server rack batteries = $4500

$2000.00 savings.

It’s almost double the cost for a commercial server rack battery VS DIY.

On the other hand I hedged my bets and have SOK batteries also.

Right now it’s still far cheaper to Build your own.
Might not be as pretty but from an initial pure cost approach is better.
Is that just for China/ Europe fulfillment?

Since they have one in Nevada It wouldn’t make much sense to manufacture 3s in China to ship and pay import on them to the US.
i think globally, but mostly china / eu ( although most model 3's i've seen here are assembled here out of us parts)
once the german gigafactory opens , i suspect each gea location will have their own

but , i could imagine that when there is a shortage at one site, cars from other factories will be sold
And here I thought building your own computer involved ICs, perf board, and a wire-wrap tool.

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We've got like one forum member who is building his own inverter.
One who is building his own battery cells (size for testing, not useful, of a different chemistry).
The rest of us just bolt wires onto things.

The one above is how I started out. Only after I became an EMI guy did I understand messy is better, and I've taken that to heart.

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Haven’t seen a wire wrap board in a long time.

I remembered the old wire wrap IBM 64 byte memory boards with little ferrite toroidals strung in between X & Y pairs.
My DIY are definitely not pretty by anyone’s standards.
I can still build a 15kwh battery for $2500.

3 x 5.1 kWh server rack batteries = $4500

$2000.00 savings.

It’s almost double the cost for a commercial server rack battery VS DIY.

On the other hand I hedged my bets and have SOK batteries also.

Right now it’s still far cheaper to Build your own.
Might not be as pretty but from an initial pure cost approach is better.
What do you mean by ”hedge my bets?” Not confident in your DIY batteries?
What do you mean by ”hedge my bets?” Not confident in your DIY batteries?
More like not confident in my abilities as I get older.

Almost 70. Not exactly mentally and physically swift anymore.

I can still build and maintain them today but 10 years from now?

The SOKs are more of a Future proof thing In Case I became incapacitated and my wife had to run things.

She can have an individual server rack swapped out if goes bad (10 year warranty through Current Connected).
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Haven’t seen a wire wrap board in a long time.

I remembered the old wire wrap IBM 64 byte memory boards with little ferrite toroidals strung in between X & Y pairs.

64 byte!

Here's one twice that big:


And for the guys interested in EMP hardened ... not sure these things are EMP hard with those wire loops, but they are rad hard.
Of course the drive electronics needs to be, too.
DIY lithium batteries - maybe someday instead of reject EV cells we will see reject aircraft cells.

Airbus talks about batteries for electric aircraft.

Nearer term, firefighting involving lithium batteries as part of conventional aircraft.
You know those bad translations we sometimes see? Here's a document for firefighters from Airbus.

"Battery packaging: the battery system (composed of 14 cells and battery management system) is embedded in an aluminium casing designed to sustain a thermal runaway event. This casing is connected to an exhaust system composed of a 1 inch piping ended by an exhaust valve mounted in the fuselage skin (Figure 2) to evacuate the gazes outboard the A/C. The two batteries installed on the left hand side of the E/E bay are connected to the exhaust valve on the left hand side of the aircraft. The two batteries on the right hand side of the E/E bay are connected to the exhaust valve on the right hand side of the aircraft. The exhaust valves are normally closed by an orange coloured burst disk. In the event of one of the Lithium-ion cells overheating, the gas produced will create an excessive internal pressure. The excessive internal pressure will burst the orange disk, allowing gasses to be vented to the outside of the aircraft."

Apparently lithium battery fire is not terribly hot, and aluminum enclosure is sufficient to contain it.
The idea of a sealed box and vent pipe would be good for DIY, especially for non-LiFePO4 "vent with fire", but also any battery that releases noxious or flammable fumes.
The burned cabins and vans we've seen probably wouldn't happen if vented outside. Water heater pressure relief if vented away from people, do similar for battery enclosure.
My DIY are definitely not pretty by anyone’s standards.
I can still build a 15kwh battery for $2500.

3 x 5.1 kWh server rack batteries = $4500

$2000.00 savings.

It’s almost double the cost for a commercial server rack battery VS DIY.

On the other hand I hedged my bets and have SOK batteries also.

Right now it’s still far cheaper to Build your own.
Might not be as pretty but from an initial pure cost approach is better.
I built my 14kWh (16x 280A) for 1800$, cells, fuse, shunt and BMS (jkbms)
You can buy (in EU) 14kWh pack with metal box Seplos bms included for 2700€.
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So, you're agreeing that the future of diy lifepo4 is indeed bleak, on the basis that the lifepo4 cells themselves will be rare like gold someday. No one will be able to diy lifepo4 combined with solar and their corresponding electronics because it will all be unobtainable for the average user...very cryptic indeed sir.
Cryptic???? HMMM.... I'm pretty sure I listed the relevant information..Peer reviewed science, the "grace period" we find ourselves in, the fact that every civilization to ever exist has found itself in the exact same spot, teetering, and our weapons go without saying.. But yes, The world's supply systems are incredibly vulnerable..The American empire is comprised of the most dangerous people to ever walk the Earth..The climate issues are breaking down our civilization..People look to our technology for salvation, but, it's actually the problem, 8 billion people destroying the systems that allow us to exist, It's a perfect storm.. The day is coming when you won't be able to get any of this, and if our government had their way it would be next week.. Considering everything is manufactured in China.. There was a time when I was rubbing elbows with some of the most educated people on the planet, I wasn't one of them, and they wouldn't say those things in public, but every single day in private..But, it is obvious, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to see the signs all around you, no matter what catches your gaze..If I had to make an educated guess, I would say, within the next decade, give or take a few years, you won't be able to get any of this technology..Period...It could also be next week, if cooler heads don't prevail..But, it's coming..There is no escaping the consequences of our collective behavior..That's the way civilizations(life) works...
Cryptic???? HMMM.... I'm pretty sure I listed the relevant information..Peer reviewed science, the "grace period" we find ourselves in, the fact that every civilization to ever exist has found itself in the exact same spot, teetering, and our weapons go without saying.. But yes, The world's supply systems are incredibly vulnerable..The American empire is comprised of the most dangerous people to ever walk the Earth..The climate issues are breaking down our civilization..People look to our technology for salvation, but, it's actually the problem, 8 billion people destroying the systems that allow us to exist, It's a perfect storm.. The day is coming when you won't be able to get any of this, and if our government had their way it would be next week.. Considering everything is manufactured in China.. There was a time when I was rubbing elbows with some of the most educated people on the planet, I wasn't one of them, and they wouldn't say those things in public, but every single day in private..But, it is obvious, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to see the signs all around you, no matter what catches your gaze..If I had to make an educated guess, I would say, within the next decade, give or take a few years, you won't be able to get any of this technology..Period...It could also be next week, if cooler heads don't prevail..But, it's coming..There is no escaping the consequences of our collective behavior..That's the way civilizations(life) works...
There has been times recently where any number of things are unobtainable, but usually it's merely a matter of time. I'm not assuming how long you're talking about but you bring up civilizations so is it safe to assume that you mean in a lifetime? Several? Even without any linked peer reviewed science or studies that I may better educate myself on, I am failing to understand how within a decade, the "blue gold" will be unobtainable for a lifetime or more. I'm interested in the reasoning behind your hypothesis, but minus any extra terrestrial (meteor/asteroid) apocalyptic scenarios, I'm just failing to see how this plays out. Though I am a skeptic and I do understand the fragility of complex systems and social cohesiveness along with the monetary issues involved. Those seem to play out fairly quickly (years? not generations) especially today with the help of all the information technology of course.
If or when these beliefs play out, we will all look like the smartest people around having invested in such things.
Almost everything depends on a global supply chain.
Conflicts, governments, economies could interrupt that.
With food and fuel supply chain broken, chaos would reign.

Perhaps debt financing will collapse the country, but that still hasn't happened over the decades, so maybe it will go on for the foreseeable future, continually reducing buying power of wages and savings.
Almost everything depends on a global supply chain.
Conflicts, governments, economies could interrupt that.
With food and fuel supply chain broken, chaos would reign.

Perhaps debt financing will collapse the country, but that still hasn't happened over the decades, so maybe it will go on for the foreseeable future, continually reducing buying power of wages and savings.
Energy returned on energy invested. That’s the issue. Unless they get off of their asses ASAP and start building out nuclear, we are fooked. Cheap oil and gas is going to come to an end at some point.

The Malthusians know this and a good amount of the world is now controlled by their ilk.

If not nuclear, then we need those magic energy machines those on the fringe keep talking about.
Energy returned on energy invested. That’s the issue. Unless they get off of their asses ASAP and start building out nuclear, we are fooked. Cheap oil and gas is going to come to an end at some point.

The Malthusians know this and a good amount of the world is now controlled by their ilk.

If not nuclear, then we need those magic energy machines those on the fringe keep talking about.
When looking back at the history of the planet ,the zillion species that are no longer here,
and more recently while our species has been alive, Mr Malthus has some intresting points.. IIRC many of that mindset, among other things ,meet once a year down near Hilton Head..
jus sayin…
There has been times recently where any number of things are unobtainable, but usually it's merely a matter of time. I'm not assuming how long you're talking about but you bring up civilizations so is it safe to assume that you mean in a lifetime? Several? Even without any linked peer reviewed science or studies that I may better educate myself on, I am failing to understand how within a decade, the "blue gold" will be unobtainable for a lifetime or more. I'm interested in the reasoning behind your hypothesis, but minus any extra terrestrial (meteor/asteroid) apocalyptic scenarios, I'm just failing to see how this plays out. Though I am a skeptic and I do understand the fragility of complex systems and social cohesiveness along with the monetary issues involved. Those seem to play out fairly quickly (years? not generations) especially today with the help of all the information technology of course.
If or when these beliefs play out, we will all look like the smartest people around having invested in such things.
I don't have any "beliefs", I have what I can prove, and the odds based on a variety of facts that span many different disciplines, biology, chemistry, history, politics, human psychology, the biosphere, the cryosphere, the atmosphere, feed back loops,energy, ecosystems, carrying capacity, complex systems, the oceans, forests, web of life, planetary systems, and how they all interrelate ..I could literally list hundreds of peer reviewed papers, some I played a tiny role in gathering evidence..And I could list well over a hundred civilizations that are blueprints for where we are now and where we are heading..We survive on Earth because of natural planetary systems, and because of the civilization we were born into and it's current supply systems..Both of those, systems natural and civilizational, have one thing in common, everything is interdependent/interrelated, which means, once a threshold of damage is reached, cascading collapse becomes unavoidable inevitable..It's a fact that governs all complex systems on Earth, the solar system and the universe. Over the past 250 years we have taken hundreds of millions of years of ancient sunlight, in the form of energy dense fossilized fuels, and released this energy into the atmosphere, oceans, and terrestrial environments..This one time energy jackpot also allowed for the doubling several times of the human population..Which in turn has killed several trillion trees, most of the complex life on the planet, and literally has every ecosystem on Earth reeling and in a state of decline..The climate is always changing, it's the rate of change that matters..You can find many peer reviewed papers that estimate that the rate of change now is ten thousand times faster than mammals and most other species can adapt to, over the last several decades and those to come, because it's a fact..We have seen the exact same thing play out, through all of the planets mass extinction events, through many lines of evidence..Although, this is thought to be the fastest rate of change, in all the mass extinction events, faster than the Permian mass extinction event, called "the great dying", when most life on the planet went extinct.. Only the Cretaceous-Paleogene event compares to what we are doing now, when a 6 mile wide mountain slammed into the Earth traveling much faster than any bullet..We have created this energy imbalance that effects all of our once stable planetary systems..It is the equivalent of exploding 8 nuclear bombs every second in the oceans..When I say that we live in this grace period, or lag in the time that it takes for massive complex planetary systems and civilization to break down and collapse, this is the tip of the melting iceberg, of evidence that is available..I've been looking at this evidence for decades, along with many others, it takes decades to absorb it all...We have set in motion many processes that are out of human hands because of the laws of thermodynamics, the laws of nature and the laws that govern complex systems..No one can say when this house of cards falls, we can only take an educated guess, based on the many disciplines I mentioned earlier, and you saw my guess, for what it's worth..But, make no mistake, there is no escape..No green technology can reverse or stop this cascading collapse..Despite what the scientific community says in public..They are cancelled the second that they tell the truth, they lose support in Universities and other professional environments..And the there's our weapons, and if you think we are not going to use them, then you don't understand our history, and the pathology created by an out of touch ruling class and their greed, ego and violence..I would say it's a mathematical certainty..A friend of mine, Professor Nate Hagens has a website and YouTube channel that attempts to illuminate some of these issues..Mostly talks to other scientists, that would probably be a good spot to get your feet wet..I would suggest the book "Overshoot" by Professor William Catton and the book, "Collapse of Complex Societies" by Professor Joseph Tainter..Those three resources will educate you very quickly, and lead to a lifetimes worth of information..

diy solar

diy solar