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diy solar

Growatt SPF 5000ES firmware update

I Also found tagt strange before..

@BeirutSolar not even the display works anymore ;)

I just have a picture from before the „update/bricking“ and you can see the fw version here:
View attachment 102113

If someone has the new fw, please send it to me.

I started another theard to document it:
Spf500es Bricked

Thanks for the link to the german forum, i hope he doesnt try to downgrade xD
My best guess so far is to call support on Monday xD
Have you heard anything from the ones in china regarding fw 067xxx ?
Where did you get the firmware upgrade for the 67xxx version?
My inverter also has the same series.
Hi everyone,
I have faced the Firmware problem for SPF5000 TL HVM Can anyone direct me to how I can get the required firmware?
This isn't windows update or some sh*t, it's not critical to update them unless there is a specific advisory from the manufacturer.
Be very careful updating the firmware, if it isn't broken do not attempt to fix it anyway.
This isn't windows update or some sh*t, it's not critical to update them unless there is a specific advisory from the manufacturer.
Be very careful updating the firmware, if it isn't broken do not attempt to fix it anyway.
Dear Drbytes,

Thank you for your advice.
The Control board has been damaged, and I wanted to fix it.
NOTE: Sometimes updating may fail, you may close the inverter by disconnect battery break and close ISP tool and disconnect USB line. Confirm the inverter is not power by battery or PV or utility. Then you connect USB line again, and open ISP tool do the same step as above, after you press Flash button, you let the inverter power on. Wait for several minutes the update will go on

This is in the document ?

Never had to try it, but worth a bash
Power on means PV or battery? Can you post all details pls?
What version was on bevore?
Old or new comm board? (Search in formum to see differneces)

What fw do you try to load?
mine is on the same version. installed about 3 months ago. no idea how long the seller had it in stock. All the internet searches I did a month so ago say it is the latest version.
On a side note if you entered the inverter serial number in the warranty section of Growatt's official website ( it would display the factory shipping date along with the warranty date. Atleast it does it for me. I purchased my unit last week in Thailand.
Glad it Worked for you :)
Now electricity may be with you ? ⚡
After Fw change I'm notice a noise increase from an UPS (with transformer inside) on Battery mode. I'm wondering if it is a signal not sinus problem? Does anyone have a previous firmware for testing(before 2022.06)? Thanks.
067.00... or 067.01... pls.
.67.......... is the newest one of my inverters has when purchased from Signature Solar.
Do you have full power of PV arrays or you have similar issue like us "when there is 4.8kw from PV and you connect load 4.9kw, the PV power drops to 3.6-3.7kw which is annoying.
I have to wait until the PV power is over 5kw and connecting additional load up to 100% will nor make the PV power to drop."
Do you have full power of PV arrays or you have similar issue like us "when there is 4.8kw from PV and you connect load 4.9kw, the PV power drops to 3.6-3.7kw which is annoying.
I have to wait until the PV power is over 5kw and connecting additional load up to 100% will nor make the PV power to drop."
I know my 4 older firmware units are capped at 18a, newest one will do 23a for sure. One time I was watching the newer one it was making good power but kept going up and down, while the older ones stayed making steady power. All inverters are paneled the same one same ground mount.
After Fw change I'm notice a noise increase from an UPS (with transformer inside) on Battery mode. I'm wondering if it is a signal not sinus problem? Does anyone have a previous firmware for testing(before 2022.06)? Thanks.
067.00... or 067.01... pls.
Search back in the topic.
I posted the firmwares 040/041.06 november 2021 and january 2022.
.67.......... is the newest one of my inverters has when purchased from Signature Solar.
Did you remark the PV power throttling described which appears on the firmware 040/041.06?
How does the new firmware behave in the mentioned situation?

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diy solar