diy solar

diy solar

Half price electric cars

Legalize all drugs.
Make them register to get their drugs.
Tax them.

Eliminates Cartels, Black budget ops, gang funding, home theft, etc.

You hurt someone else well you pay the consequences.
Hurt yourself. Oky doky.

You want to screw up your life then go to it.
Darwin Awards for everyone.
They tried that in Portland. Legalized all drugs including hard. Absolute disaster.
So someone get me up to speed on what has happened in the last 12 hours.

So far I see that @Q-Dog and @Nobodybusiness are very close to round 15.

The plan for all of this that I heard over 15 years ago seems to be moving exactly as stated.
In stage one everything Gas powered will be moved over to Electric. Eventually It will become very expensive and undesirable to keep running anything on Fossil fuels. Soon after that it will be very hard and expensive to even get the fuel. Society will see anyone using gas for a private vehicle as a Pariah.
In the end days of Gas they will be using the same marketing campaign they used against the Cigarette companies. Just repackaged as a weapon against Hydrocarbons.

I remember as a kid in the winter driving in the back of my uncles car with my two cousins.
My uncle would have the Window up and go through half a pack of cigarettes during a 3 hour drive.
Today if a person lights up one cigarette and the wind even blows it into someones direction they will give the person a nasty stare and complain about how much it stinks. Things sometimes change very quickly.
If you drive into the local city here you are overwhelmed by the smell of cannabis coming from homes and other vehicles, post legalisation.
They tried that in Portland. Legalized all drugs including hard. Absolute disaster.
Portland is a Mess anyway.

Did they put any framework in place or just go Willy nilly like usual?

They don’t enforce the laws they have so nothing surprises me there.
Or selectively enforce them.
If you drive into the local city here you are overwhelmed by the smell of cannabis coming from homes and other vehicles, post legalisation.
Yeah there is something really whacked about that!
Cigarettes are Evil but Cannabis is good !??
Our city decided a few years ago to put in a regulation that you couldn't smoke cigarettes within 20 feet of a business. Well that created a catastrophe. People would pull up in front of a business and were being told they couldn't smoke in their own vehicles. Try enforcing that crap. Pandemonium!!
This is something that I have seen over and over. This isn't my photo but I see this often. Range gets them all the time.
But why? They've all got a distance/miles to go gauge, no different that a non-EV. Tesla's are even telling you in real-time how far away the next charging station is and giving you directions to it.

The same person that ignores all of that is also regularly running a gas power car out of gas is my suspicion.

Something like 98% of the average persons daily commute is less than 40 miles, 90% is is less than 20 miles. A few hours of charging on 120v outlet on extension cord at home is all most people need to handle thier daily miles.

No I don't have an EV. I have a Prius and a diesel F250. LOL
But why? They've all got a distance/miles to go gauge, no different that a non-EV. Tesla's are even telling you in real-time how far away the next charging station is and giving you directions to it.
Don't think its as accurate as a fuel gauge. My pickup isn't gonna go from 100 miles left to a tank to 80 in less than 5 miles because I'm runnin the AC heavy and the outside temp is 110 or some other parameter that throws the remaining miles out of whack. Now I don't own one, but my son in law does and he tells me that the gauge plays games with the actual miles you can achieve while you are driving it. He does drive his on 50-100 mile commutes so he has a great deal of highway miles on his.
On short delivery routes, Amazon is apparently saving a lot of money with their Rivian vans. I see them all the time. That is a niche that is working.

Wholeheartedly agree. Stop and go delivery routed work is perfect for electrics along with the frequent "engine off" scenarios gas/diesel delivery trucks deal with.

Lots of fuel and wear and tear occurs under those conditions on ICE vehicles and lots of fuel gets wasted.

Brakes are going to last sooooo much longer as well.
I'm not a EV operator so I would have to drive one for a while to see how accurate the miles left on a charge are and if it jumps around instead of staying steady during a long commute.
It’s painful to read comments like “most people only need a 15a AC outlet to meet their demand” when in the past I’ve said things like “why do ppl need 200a/400a panels” and quickly and summarily informed that 100-125a is just not sufficient for the masses anymore
I’m sure that’s true but you can go get a can of gas and come back.

Hard to get a can of KWH..
I fill my main daily driver when my trip indicator reaches between 220-240 miles.
I can depend on making it 280 miles every single tank, regardless of how I drive it or the weather I drive it in.
This is very easy to plan around. (Although I’d much prefer a range of 400-500 so I could fill up every Friday instead of 2-3x weekly.
While I imagine I could plan just as suitably with EV, to the other persons point and to yours, I can’t depend on battery and mileage consistency nor the pace at which to replenish
But why? They've all got a distance/miles to go gauge, no different that a non-EV. Tesla's are even telling you in real-time how far away the next charging station is and giving you directions to it.

The same person that ignores all of that is also regularly running a gas power car out of gas is my suspicion.

Something like 98% of the average persons daily commute is less than 40 miles, 90% is is less than 20 miles

Yeah, those people must not be buying electric cars due to misinformation.

It’s painful to read comments like “most people only need a 15a AC outlet to meet their demand” when in the past I’ve said things like “why do ppl need 200a/400a panels” and quickly and summarily informed that 100-125a is just not sufficient for the masses anymore

Imagine these people thinking that a Tesla can sit in a garage or outside in Minnesota and charge when it's 8 degrees outside off a 20 amp 120V outlet.

Unfortunately these people are in charge of things right now.

They have no clue while at the same time not caring.
I guess you could carry a small gas powered inverter genny in the trunk if you run out of charge.
The problem is that something reasonably portable like a Honda eu2200i will generally give you 1.6kW of output, and an hour of that will get you maybe 4 or 5 miles?
Yeah there is something really whacked about that!
Cigarettes are Evil but Cannabis is good !??
Combustion of leaf is bad, vapor from dry herb good. Stay away from those nicotine vapes filled with who knows what.

It's been a long time since I've had a cigarette but the weather looks great for a nice cigar.
Wow, how could someone lite their smoke from an EV. It's pretty simple with a hot exhaust manifold on a turbo combustion engine.
Everything is OK in moderation, don't force it anyone though.
Don't think its as accurate as a fuel gauge. My pickup isn't gonna go from 100 miles left to a tank to 80 in less than 5 miles because I'm runnin the AC heavy and the outside temp is 110 or some other parameter that throws the remaining miles out of whack. Now I don't own one, but my son in law does and he tells me that the gauge plays games with the actual miles you can achieve while you are driving it. He does drive his on 50-100 mile commutes so he has a great deal of highway miles on his.
Miles to go on a gas car can also be flakey. No reasonable person would set off on a 100 mile trip in an EV or gas car with no chance to gas up or recharge when thier miles to go said 85.