diy solar

diy solar

How long till it all clicked? So Gratifying.


What's in a title?
Feb 17, 2022
Sort of a ramble of random thoughts waiting for everyone to arrive for a bachelor party weekend (not mine, yet) while enjoying delicious hazy IPAs from a local brewery.

How long till it really all made sense and you could sit back and enjoy it with nothing to worry about? (this should be a poll)

I spent a good 3 months researching and absorbing before jumping into a 24v system. I quickly realized how easy it would be to scale up to something much larger in order to be pretty much completely grid independent, I have a goal to find land and build my retirement home with 0 grid connection.
After a few months with my 20ah pack and 200w of solar on my 1500w inverter to power my coal stove blowers and auger in case the power went out I realized it was time to go big.
Currently I'm running everything but the electric dryer and range off grid, I hardly use the dryer and cook primarily with an induction cook top, table top convection oven, electric kettle, microwave and pressure cooker (I wish we had 240v table top appliances like that in the USA keeping loads balanced / being mindful of what's running is kinda annoying at times).
Anyway, my well pump and everything else besides the above items is off the grid....

It's to nice outside to be on my phone so I'll wrap this up and maybe keep rambling about the system / do a more formal later on.

For anyone on the fence and/or overwhelmed about solar / independence / saving money / doing your part for the greater good, don't give up. I promise it all pays off. You'll be sitting back helping others on here and enjoying life knowing the grid could go down and have no worries.
This really is the best forum in the world, the community is spectacular here.
When your systems are complete the gratification is huge.

Will and all the moderators, hopefully someday I can shake your hands in real life and give you a true Thank You!


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Yeah, I know what you mean. Before starting on my home grid tied system back 12 years ago, or so, I had no forums to help (at least that I knew of), and no 'kits' as such, as far as I knew as well. So, it was just study, research and study some more. I had done a solar/inverter-charger changeover on an RV that I had, but that was small potatoes to what I would be dealing with. I had to get approval from the utility to do a DIY grid tied set up, and that was a huge hurtle on it's own. Eventually, I had to order all the components, study the manuals very well, and come up with a wiring and hookup plan. And, I was doing this while building the home. A LOT of preplanning for slab penetration locations as all of the components would be in an inside mechanical room, and I wanted a really 'clean' system. Anyway, it was so gratifying to finally have it all figured out and to begin to put things in motion!
The forum has been great. I've come a long way since I first began with an Eco Worthy kit
I learned:
  • how to DIY my own battery bank
  • proper parallel wiring of said bank (4) 24v,200ah batteries
  • over paneling is OK to do (within reason)
  • Victron SCCs are the cat's pajamas
My system is mainly a backup with only moderate/light consistent loads
But I'm sitting cool in my "Maple Room" (sugar shack shed) with the A/C on high without drawing down the bank at all
For me, it took 2 to 3 years to sort of get 'on the other side' of things. I started by watching independent youtubes and tried to sort thru all the fuzzy competing concepts (off-grid, grid-tie, hybrid) along with DIY Powerwall.

But after 5 years of hands on and bit by bit expansion, reading posts, and contributing a bit I feel that I'm 'on the other side' of things for my particular off-grid approach. However, there are many approaches and I would not even try to pretend I'm up on stuff overall.

At the same time it feels like the word is spreading, there's a pretty good breath of AIO options now, the market has settled on LifePo4 (I'm 18650 NMC), and to a large extent a solar system can be put together easier than ever. At the same time there is so much more focus on laws/regulations, EVs, heat-pumps and things are only accelerating.

In any case I also agree that this (and another forum I'm on) has been a rare case of really good / valuable / honest info (in a crazy online landscape). Big shout-out to some pioneers (such as @Will and others) and to all those that spend HOURS AND HOURS contributing their best info to help others! The info/input of others gives me confidence in running my own power production safely.
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This blasted forum has cost me money!!!
Spending for things I can't afford with funds I don't have. Just when I think I can take or leave it temptation grabs me and out comes the wallet. I am thinking that I should join a Solar Anonymous group.

"Hello my name is MattB4 and I am a PV junky. It has been 4 hours since my latest binge."

But that aside it has been of interest and educational. So, My thanks to Will and his motley crew for the Forum.
I think my clicker is broken...

In my case, I spent over a year playing around with a 12v system in my barn. It ran everything out there and I was always worried that the battery would get too low or something would happen while I was away from home. Spent countless hours watching, reading and learning and finally jumped into the 48v arena.

After disappearing into the basement for days on end trying to get things to a point where they "just worked", I think I felt like I could finally breath once I had that AC-In connection on my system (because I knew my system wasn't big enough). Once it was finally configured to use the battery and then switch back to the grid when the battery was low, just felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.

Now I don't have to worry that the "animal sitter" is gonna turn off the inverter while we're gone on vacation...

But still learning...still growing...

Appreciate all the helpful people on this forum willing to share their time and knowledge. Don't know where I would be without them.
This blasted forum has cost me money!!!
Spending for things I can't afford with funds I don't have. Just when I think I can take or leave it temptation grabs me and out comes the wallet. I am thinking that I should join a Solar Anonymous group.

"Hello my name is MattB4 and I am a PV junky. It has been 4 hours since my latest binge."

LOL... reminds me of:

I was very lucky to be pointed in the right direction before I started.

Although forums like this are useful, the overwhelming amount of information (some of it incorrect), would make it very difficult to choose a system with limited initial knowledge.

Where i live, everyone is off grid. Over the last decade I’ve helped many people set up systems. They visit my place and see how my system works, and speak to others in the area to see what works and what fails.

The moment it “clicked” for me was when I realised that having two independent systems was easier than I thought. The main problem with professional installs is I’ve never seen one rely on anything other than a generator for redundancy. I’ve seen more than a few $100k+ systems fail within ten years, and the installers are nowhere to be found - very stressful for owners.
I live in Western Washington and am currently trying not to lose everything in the divorce, so I'm just hoping everything clicks before I'm too old to haul those panels around.

So close...
It took me awhile! at least a few months... first... procrastinating about actually doing it ... is it worth it... etc... then, a few months of learning, this website was a great help! Went through the process of - upgrading solar array, new and relocated inverter, then building a battery.

Along the way falling into a few noob pitfalls, one, buying super cheap cells from aliexpress (spoiler, they never arrived ... haha! paypal to the rescue there), then, while waiting for real cells, I had a borrowed battery I could use for awhile to test out the new inverter install. I had a heap of problems, turns out... it was 15S but I thought it was 16S... yeah, that will cause some issues... Hah. Luckily no damage done (thank f*ck for BMS's). I later retrofitted another BMS to that pack and fixed a range of balance issues (original bms had no way to see any data or info) and used it fairly smoothly for a few months.

Now 8-9 months on, the new system has produced close to 7mwhr, the new battery (diy 302ah build) is at around 120 cycles without ever hitting a cell HV or LV cutout, and all is running smoothly, talking to my inverter via ESPs and community developed software, and everything is hooked into home assistant, mostly thanks to this forum and YT. Good times... now... maybe just one more battery pack would be worthwhile ... and just how many more panels could I use in winter? it does not stop lol
4 victron scc’s and 2 lv6584 in the last month and a half maybe I could get mattb4 to be my sponsor in solar anonymous
LOL... reminds me of:

Solar queen doesn’t post anymore. What happened ?

diy solar

diy solar