diy solar

diy solar

Install and Operation of the SUNGOLD 10KW 48V SPLIT PHASE SOLAR INVERTER

Well, my Battery #5 again.... Instead of the run light going on and off it is on constantly. It starts blinking if I turn the circuit breaker off (disconnect from the system) but goes back to solid green when I reconnect. Also the battery voltage is below the others despite it thinking it's at the same SOC

Screenshot 2024-03-01 155416.png

I did send Cindy/Support/Sungold an email....we'll see...
And now all the green run lights are solid on.... Maybe I've just never noticed this before.... Hmmmm.

No changes in configuration... connection...
What parameters are you evaluating?
I looked at the Watts, and only #5 stands out.
4 packs with an average voltage of 3.46. Pack 5 average of 3.41. Pack 5 as a whole is a volt lower than the rest
High voltage to low voltage cell deltas per pack:

While not seemingly severe, he recently balanced these all and reorganized his packs. I’d have expected these two to better match the other 3
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I forgot about the recent balance. If they've drifted that bad it could be a sign of weak cells, I think.
My thoughts were if he’s still odd pack daisy chained that it’s being treated like the step child. Pack 5s a volt lower and only at 3.41/cell so may not ever get much time to balance?
My thoughts were if he’s still odd pack daisy chained that it’s being treated like the step child. Pack 5s a volt lower and only at 3.41/cell so may not ever get much time to balance?
That's definitely possible. Iirc the balance start voltage was rather high in the BMS settings, I can't remember if it was lowered.

Edit - I didn't even notice it was a volt lower, good eye.
My thoughts were if he’s still odd pack daisy chained that it’s being treated like the step child. Pack 5s a volt lower and only at 3.41/cell so may not ever get much time to balance? has still acted a bit different than the others...but not excessively so ..
That's definitely possible. Iirc the balance start voltage was rather high in the BMS settings, I can't remember if it was lowered.

Edit - I didn't even notice it was a volt lower, good eye.
I made some adjustments... I'd have to check...
Cindy says.....(useless response as typical, don't know why I bother asking them for support)

Dear Mr Kenny

The green light always on means the product is running.
Could you please check if there is any discharging current of this battery when the RUN green light is always on?

Best Regards
That's definitely possible. Iirc the balance start voltage was rather high in the BMS settings, I can't remember if it was lowered.

Edit - I didn't even notice it was a volt lower, good eye.
I believe I changed them all slightly from default Threshold of 3.5 to 3.4 and Balance from 30 to 20... but there really hasn't been any problems...all has been working great for the past month+ I just noticed this constant "Run" light which was probably already doing this and I had not noticed it before. Am going to just let things continue and keep an eye on them. I want this system to run like an appliance, like a refrigerator, want it to Just Work without any intervention. :)
The manual says "Green light, always on when the product is running". However I believe it flashes when the battery is idle/discharging and is on solid when the battery is charging. At least that is what mine do (I think???).
Right now my batteries are slowly discharging and the light is flashing.
The manual says "Green light, always on when the product is running". However I believe it flashes when the battery is idle/discharging and is on solid when the battery is charging. At least that is what mine do (I think???).
Right now my batteries are slowly discharging and the light is flashing.
That fits with my observation....I must just not have noticed it before...
You might find thread interesting.

It appears the SOK batteries that are now shipping have new firmware and since the SGP batteries are clones of Jakiper or SOK batteries I reached out to SGP concerning firmware updates.

Equally important is that neither the SOKTool or PbmsTool software provides the ability to upgrade firmware into existing batteries.
I also reached out to SGP on this issue as well. Could not find any software for the Jakiper but maybe SOKTools works with it.

SGP did reply that newer batteries will be shipping with updated firmware. I asked it older batteries could be updated and the reply was "Yes". I then asked about the software to update the batteries as well as where the software and firmware could be downloaded and so far no reply.

I also asked about batteries with older firmware co-existing with batteries with the newer firmware and whether a battery with the newer firmware had to be the "Master". Alisa responded Friday that my request has been forwarded to the technical folks.

Hopefully early next week I will get a response. Similar questions have been asked of Current Connected (distributor of SOK) with no response.

Will be a negative gamechanger if new and old batteries cannot co-exist.

My EG4 LifePower4 batteries can be updated and the BMS_Tool software gives the end user the ability to install newer firmware. In addition EG4 has created a new device specifically for installing new firmware into the batteries. The updated can be downloaded from the EG4 website and the file includes a spreadsheet listing all the updates/versions and what was changed/affected.

Hopefully Jakiper, SOK and SGP (and any other clones) will provide a similar capability.
You might find thread interesting.

It appears the SOK batteries that are now shipping have new firmware and since the SGP batteries are clones of Jakiper or SOK batteries I reached out to SGP concerning firmware updates.

Equally important is that neither the SOKTool or PbmsTool software provides the ability to upgrade firmware into existing batteries.
I also reached out to SGP on this issue as well. Could not find any software for the Jakiper but maybe SOKTools works with it.

SGP did reply that newer batteries will be shipping with updated firmware. I asked it older batteries could be updated and the reply was "Yes". I then asked about the software to update the batteries as well as where the software and firmware could be downloaded and so far no reply.

I also asked about batteries with older firmware co-existing with batteries with the newer firmware and whether a battery with the newer firmware had to be the "Master". Alisa responded Friday that my request has been forwarded to the technical folks.

Hopefully early next week I will get a response. Similar questions have been asked of Current Connected (distributor of SOK) with no response.

Will be a negative gamechanger if new and old batteries cannot co-exist.

My EG4 LifePower4 batteries can be updated and the BMS_Tool software gives the end user the ability to install newer firmware. In addition EG4 has created a new device specifically for installing new firmware into the batteries. The updated can be downloaded from the EG4 website and the file includes a spreadsheet listing all the updates/versions and what was changed/affected.

Hopefully Jakiper, SOK and SGP (and any other clones) will provide a similar capability.
Very interesting. I was under the impression that the software could be updated using the PbmsTools application. It has a tab/selection for software update. (or maybe ... likely... it was the Inverter software I'm thinking of as far as updating cause I don't see it on the PbmsTools software)

Thanks for all this and please pass on any responses/information you get from SG!
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View attachment 199411
View attachment 199412
4 packs with an average voltage of 3.46. Pack 5 average of 3.41. Pack 5 as a whole is a volt lower than the rest
High voltage to low voltage cell deltas per pack:

While not seemingly severe, he recently balanced these all and reorganized his packs. I’d have expected these two to better match the other 3
Yes, and they have been for the most part when I've intermittently checked. I think when I get a chance, like maybe tomorrow (because they are all 'fully charged' today) I'll turn them all off but #5 and give it a full charge, then turn #2 back on and do the same... then all together now!
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Yes, and they have been for the most part when I've intermittently checked. I think when I get a chance, like maybe tomorrow I'll turn them all off but #5 and give it a full charge, then turn #2 back on and do the same... then all together now!
Didn’t mean to cause any alarm at all. I am glad to hear they are performing as a whole much better. I’m sure my scrutiny was over critical but I know you’ve spent a lot of time trying to dial them in as well, I’m sure it’ll enjoy the top off! 🍻
Didn’t mean to cause any alarm at all. I am glad to hear they are performing as a whole much better. I’m sure my scrutiny was over critical but I know you’ve spent a lot of time trying to dial them in as well, I’m sure it’ll enjoy the top off! 🍻
No, no not at all! I think I just over-reacted to my Run light being on and then I too noticed the minor issues with #5 and #2

Thank You!!!

and P.S. I notice that (after connecting up SOKTools that #2 had not been adjusted for the Threshold of 3.5 to 3.4 and Balance from 30 to 20.
and also that cells were displaying BL on both #2 (lots!) and #5 one cell. But... but.... but.... since the inverter thinks they are charged it is not supplying charging voltage so nothing happening as far as I can tell. To that effect I increased Param 10 "Battery Bulk Charging Delay Time" from 120 to 240... but that may or may not address these discrepancies in batteries #2 and #5.

I think I'll try what I said above tomorrow if we have sun...may be cloudy/rainy...and see if I can't get battery #5 back to 'normal' and then see about #2. I really don't like there is a 2 volt difference on #5 and it thinks it's 100% SOC. :(
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....aieeeee.... I feel myself being sucked into the black hole..... I think I just need to back away....
For me, if I select FF for the Pack, anything I change on the "Parameter Settings" tab (after entering the magic password) gets applied to all batteries.

In addition after I "Read All", I then "Export" to a file I name with the Date/Time of the export as well as "export" in the file name.
I then make whatever changes I want and export that as well (same file name format except with "update" in the file name) before clicking "Write All"

I then note the changes/updates in my solar system log and why I made the changes.

You do have a Solar System Log, right???

Archive all files somewhere for safe keeping in case you want to revert back.

You can also make changes to a specific battery
For me, if I select FF for the Pack, anything I change on the "Parameter Settings" tab (after entering the magic password) gets applied to all batteries.

In addition after I "Read All", I then "Export" to a file I name with the Date/Time of the export as well as "export" in the file name.
I then make whatever changes I want and export that as well (same file name format except with "update" in the file name) before clicking "Write All"

I then note the changes/updates in my solar system log and why I made the changes.

You do have a Solar System Log, right???

Archive all files somewhere for safe keeping in case you want to revert back.

You can also make changes to a specific battery
Yep, I'm working with individual batteries because I didn't want everything to change and to use FF I have to plug in to battery #1 and disconnect Solar Assistant.

I'm keeping notes on it all so you might call that a System Log. :)

I'm very hesitant to make ANY CHANGES without understanding exactly what it's doing. Less so now that I was in the beginning of this thread/adventure, but...

Only thing I've changed in the BMS's is those two values (as far as I know).... I'm wondering about the full charge voltage though 56..I don't think I changed that... I'm pretty sure that was factory value... Perhaps you can confirm that the default is 56 V for these sg48100 batteries?
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diy solar

diy solar