diy solar

diy solar

LTO battery fire

Wow this thread was a doozy.

Can someone smarter than a smoothbrain like me tell me: those cell terminals and conductors look really damn close to that metal rack he has it sitting on... Would you guys build your packs like that? Serious question. I feel like if I was doing this I'd want some serious insulation. I feel like if I leaned into inspect that thing my jacket zipper might short out and kill me.

Also I'm not going to even comment on using alligator clips, what the hell, man.
there are so many things wrong with this battery setup that it is not surprising that it started a fire.
it is a lethal hazard with exposed bus bars , which are also close to the non insulated metal rack, relying on alligator clips for balancing.
And the OP claims the be an expert.
The most dangerous person of all is someone who does this sort of dodgy work and then tries to help others with their "knowledge"
If you have a very large bank, just run 2 CORE's and 2 shunt trip breakers. Only lose one half the bank. Takes the same number of K9's, just an additional CORE and shunt trip. I almost set up my bank that way but decided I would add another CORE, K9's and shunt trip if I add to the bank.

I've been extremely pleased with my decision to run Batrium. It isn't cheap but is certainly flexible.
You could buy a Batrium Expansion Board instead. You can run multiple shunt trip breaker on one Watchmon Core with expansion board.

diy solar

diy solar