diy solar

diy solar

Save the planet, kill everyone on the road.

Make it two identical cars. I kind of thought that went without needing to be said.
Thats just it. The cars wont be identical when in 10 years youve added 2,000 lbs to 25% of them that used to be identical. Its very significsnt when studies showed when a car outweighed the other by 1,000 lbs the fatality rate soared by 47%.
These are peoples mothers, daughters, babies that are going to be killed.
What lack of conscience you must have to sit here trolling trying to hide this from the public. WTF is wrong with you? Is Joe Bidens schlong that deep in your throat you feel the need to do this?

You pretend to be smart I know what youre doing. Youre being intentionally ignorant and obtuse, introducing concrete wall collisions, just trying to muddy the waters.
Youre fucking irrelevent here dude. I provided the most credible references possible, this is physics on the 6th grade level.
Youre just proving what a waste of intelligent conversation engaging with a troll is.
"According to a key study published by Oxford called "Pounds That Kill," when the other vehicle involved in a crash is 1,000 pounds heavier, the likelihood of dying in that crash increases by 47%."

In case someone forgot the point here.

"Less easily solved is the problem this extra weight poses when one of these extremely heavy EVs crashes into another, nonelectric car or SUV with a typical weight of 3,000-4,000 pounds. (A nonelectric pickup, typically weighing about 5,000 pounds, might fare a bit better.)

When two vehicles collide, the heavier vehicle pushes the lighter one backward, resulting in higher forces on the people in the lighter vehicle and lower forces on people in the heavier vehicle. That’s why we stipulate that our frontal crash test ratings — which are conducted against a fixed barrier and simulate a crash with an identically sized vehicle — can only be compared among vehicles of similar weight.

Over the years, we’ve conducted several demonstration crashes that paired larger vehicles with smaller ones to show the effect of size and weight on crashes. In two 2018 tests, one involving a midsize SUV and a small car and another involving a large car and a minicar, both the smaller vehicles performed poorly, despite good ratings in our tests.

.... their extra weight will afford them greater protection in a multivehicle crash. Unfortunately, given the way these vehicles are currently designed, this increased protection comes at the expense of people in other vehicles."
Thats just it. The cars wont be identical when in 10 years youve added 2,000 lbs to 25% of them that used to be identical. Its very significsnt when studies showed when a car outweighed the other by 1,000 lbs the fatality rate soared by 47%.
These are peoples mothers, daughters, babies that are going to be killed.
What lack of conscience you must have to sit here trolling trying to hide this from the public. WTF is wrong with you? Is Joe Bidens schlong that deep in your throat you feel the need to do this?

You pretend to be smart I know what youre doing. Youre being intentionally ignorant and obtuse, introducing concrete wall collisions, just trying to muddy the waters.
Youre fucking irrelevent here dude. I provided the most credible references possible, this is physics on the 6th grade level.
Youre just proving what a waste of intelligent conversation engaging with a troll is.
"According to a key study published by Oxford called "Pounds That Kill," when the other vehicle involved in a crash is 1,000 pounds heavier, the likelihood of dying in that crash increases by 47%."

In case someone forgot the point here.

"Less easily solved is the problem this extra weight poses when one of these extremely heavy EVs crashes into another, nonelectric car or SUV with a typical weight of 3,000-4,000 pounds. (A nonelectric pickup, typically weighing about 5,000 pounds, might fare a bit better.)

When two vehicles collide, the heavier vehicle pushes the lighter one backward, resulting in higher forces on the people in the lighter vehicle and lower forces on people in the heavier vehicle. That’s why we stipulate that our frontal crash test ratings — which are conducted against a fixed barrier and simulate a crash with an identically sized vehicle — can only be compared among vehicles of similar weight.

Over the years, we’ve conducted several demonstration crashes that paired larger vehicles with smaller ones to show the effect of size and weight on crashes. In two 2018 tests, one involving a midsize SUV and a small car and another involving a large car and a minicar, both the smaller vehicles performed poorly, despite good ratings in our tests.

.... their extra weight will afford them greater protection in a multivehicle crash. Unfortunately, given the way these vehicles are currently designed, this increased protection comes at the expense of people in other vehicles."

Stupid can't be fixed.


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Well, you keep driving that ICE car then.... ROFLMAO

Darwin will be along soon enough.
Darwins been dead over 140 years. Are yoiu some kind of reincarnation nitwit? If so your past life was a small insect I wiped off the sole of my shoe.
Darwins been dead over 140 years. Are yoiu some kind of reincarnation nitwit? If so your past life was a small insect I wiped off the sole of my shoe.

So you are too stupid to understand what it means.. Check.
Ill check your mama when shes done eating my shorts, smurph. Of course I know what it means.
Did your parents have any children that lived?

And you wonder why you've been rejected by everyone.