diy solar

diy solar

Sigineer charge controller

Yeah ... issue #1 occurs without the communication cable, issue #2 occurs with the communication cable.

Here in FL we choose to run with the com cable, because we seldom get a shut down due to temp vial the BMS, but when it does happen, we have to turn off the breakers going to the external SCC or it cause the hi voltage fault on the Inverter
Did you get the Sigineer 48120 installed? Results?

Ordered one to replace the Growatt garbage . Hope to get it up and running tomorrow
Witam wszystkich
Kupiłem Growatt SC4880-MPV i mam z nim problemy. Podczas pracy wydaje skrzypiący dźwięk i nie pokazuje produkcji fotowoltaiki ani ładowania akumulatora. Wentylator jest głośny. Jak o tobie?