diy solar

diy solar

Slow-mo filming of the magic smoke coming out !

I am pretty sure it was just the definition - a coulomb per volt, or Amp*second/volt which turns out to be a damn big ass unit for most electronics applications it seems. So we're stuck with micro-farads. sigh.
This was wild :)

This is what happens when the magic smoke gets out of your inverters !
Wow. That’s just about the coolest most useless video I’ve ever seen. I did not know how much I needed to see a cap blow in slow mo.

I’m going to watch it again and maybe an 11th time, too.
farad /făr′əd, -ăd″/ noun The unit of capacitance in the meter-kilogram-second system equal to the capacitance of a capacitor having an equal and opposite charge of 1 coulomb on each plate and a potential difference of 1 volt between the plates.

Looks like you're right @OffGridForGood
Wow. That’s just about the coolest most useless video I’ve ever seen. I did not know how much I needed to see a cap blow in slow mo.

I’m going to watch it again and maybe an 11th time, too.
Anyone else wish they did some larger ones? Like take this big juicy 4800uF 16v cap and blow it up.
All I can say is if you are in your garage, in town and that happens police will be paying you a visit even in the 1970's.

Sounded like a bomb went off, it was way louder then the acetylene balloon we made.

I think part of the problem today is too many stupid and unlucky kids survive childhood. You need to be one of two things to be an adult, lucky or smart, and you become smart by playing with trashbags full of acetylene gas and making them go boom. You don't do that again. Smart and lucky, I only blew out a few windows in the shop. That is another thing I still feel to this day. You learn not to do that again. Everything you did stupid had a price that had to be paid.

But man it was so cool.
Propane, then propane/air, in bags.

Saltpeter, carbon, sulfur.

Gunpowder, fishing sinker, eyedropper (small opening serves like opening to chamber of flintlock.)

Survived, still have all fingers and eyes.
(Untrained Amateur. Children, don't try this at home.)
All I can say is if you are in your garage, in town and that happens police will be paying you a visit even in the 1970's.

Sounded like a bomb went off, it was way louder then the acetylene balloon we made.

I think part of the problem today is too many stupid and unlucky kids survive childhood. You need to be one of two things to be an adult, lucky or smart, and you become smart by playing with trashbags full of acetylene gas and making them go boom. You don't do that again. Smart and lucky, I only blew out a few windows in the shop. That is another thing I still feel to this day. You learn not to do that again. Everything you did stupid had a price that had to be paid.

But man it was so cool.

lol. Life without a bit of real danger is lifeless. Just don’t die in the process as you said.
chemistry sets, garage full of tools, and scrap to work with, oxy-acetylene!, big yard and lots of free time as a youngster...whoa the dangers and learning experiences.
all fingers and toes, eyes, ears in tact and lived to tell the story!
I had a tech that worked for me repairing vcr's and stuff one time. He would take the lithium batteries off of any bad board that was laying around which was mainly off of dead computer motherboards and solder a wire to the two poles then twist the ends together and chuck them out the back door of the shop. We always knew when he was playing since there would be a loud bang from the alley behind the store. Pretty loud on its own but hella loud in that alley :)
These aren't the modern coin batteries. These were those barrel shaped ones that predated those.

I think they are alkaline actually but not sure.