diy solar

diy solar

Victron is Over-priced Eurotrash. Why would anybody buy Victron over an AiO?

This certainly reminds me of the “religious” debates re: Windows vs Mac vs Linux, etc. Seems like the people who feel Victron is worth the money and those who feel it is not have all made their points and counter points and no one is going to change their mind - lol.

Haha, yeah the first thought that came to my mind was the Ford, Chevy, Mopar 'religions', (today I have a Toyota, a Ram, and an Isuzu) hehe...

At some point I came to the realization that they're all just flavors, and that they all have their own proper place in this world, (yes, even liquorice ice cream) .

That's the good part about this free-agency thing we got going here...

I like Windows, Apple, and Linux, I have all 3 of them in my life everyday and I love the diversity... I couldn't imagine a world with any one of them missing, life would be more bland again. Glad I'm not stuck using my Macbook to turn on and off my shop lights via my iPhone, or stuck using an RPi to be my desktop.

We all shouldn't have to think as if everyone else should do everything just like the way we do things, just because we found it was so awesome our way, so that must be the only way everyone should do it.

There are aspects though which go into a purchase decision, like where are the cloud servers located, that can help answer about certain preferences in equipment (if you watch the news, hello).
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I'll find out if this blue is as badass as hyped. I'm sick of seeing all the extra panels and strut in the garage and fed up with falling back to the grid.
2s2p 370W NE Solar facing SW and SE.

I'll probably regret not ordering the 30A...

Jesus order from a reputable distributor should find invertersrus or pike if you look for other sellers. Also I think $20 more for the smart solar with built in Bluetooth
I'm also a PowMr owner. I have the 24V/3kW unit that was cheap as shit. It's for an application where reliability is a non-concern.

I've also hands-on assisted in multiple installations of Growatt.

5% more? That's laughable. The aforementioned PowMr consumes 38W just sitting there. I'm literally looking at it on the bench right now. I've personally observed 24V/3kW Growatts burning between 40 and 50W each.

My 2X Victron 48V/5kVA burn 27A each. That's 54W. Measured.

The PowMr uses 235% more power per watt than Victron. Where do you get 5% more? Is it that you just don't understand?

Again, this is another issue that's been well documented on this site as well as in Will's videos. Multiple posts of folks wondering why their batteries depleted in half the time because they are running low loads and didn't account for the high idle burn.

Just because you don't pay enough attention doesn't mean it's not here.

LOL... Mr. "most widely used inverters in the world (I think)"


Take some time to explore this site, and you'll see MANY instances of failures or erratic behavior with all "voltronics-type" brands.

@Adam De Lay swapped EG4 out for Victron due to unresolvable issues.

ya know, concerning Mr Git,….. I have seen this before in people… they arnt bad people…. Might even be pretty nice folks in many ways…generally they are smart folks ..they’re usually older and usually men …but they all seemed to have a few common traits in life…

most used to hold a ranking in life that no longer exists.… ususlly a rather lofty postion…they miss their Ex- Self…their Ex- Position in life …Their power …

when they find people who will participate , they can take ANY side of any argument as they're not arguing A POINT to prove anything , they are baiting others to engage in discussion so as to simply argue and debate “any “ point…

.they don’t need to win , they just want to play the game , that is the game …
Playing the game of verbal volleyball is the end goal….The back and forth….. the engagment…

Its not a bad thing , it’s just a thing…..

I'm scared to order one it will prob drop in price right after.

that’s one battle I don’t think you can win… everything I buy in life typically goes on sale the next month, becomes BOGO Free, is discontinued due to something horrendous, becomes shamefull to own as it ruins the planet… you can’t win …..
Just buy good and don’t read any advertisements about your purchased products..
5% more? That's laughable. The aforementioned PowMr consumes 38W just sitting there. I'm literally looking at it on the bench right now. I've personally observed 24V/3kW Growatts burning between 40 and 50W each.
I measured the idle consumption of my 4kW unit shortly after repairing it:

It was in line with the specifications which states an idle consumption of 45 W.
The multiplus 2 5kVA has a listed idle of 15W. Your quattros are relatively thirsty :) Quattro 2 seems to resolve that with the smaller units they've introduced so far.
Isn't it incredible how this thread has descended into anything BUT actually discussing the topic itself... The last ten pages are basically nonsense and I wonder why the posters here are wasting other people's time, if you want to have private discussion about your garage/kitchen/anything but Victron - start a new thread?

Because Victron owners know they have spent far more than they should have, and could have doubled their solar panel array for the extra money they spent on Victron components.

By the way, I have a Victron Lynx Power In and a Victron Lynx Distributor - very nice and high quality, not ridiculously expensive and they do the job perfectly.

But all in ones are now around £500 - £700 for a 5kW inverter, which you can parallel up to 45kW (99.9% of houses are not going to need more than 15kW, probably 95% of houses won't need more than 10kW.)

Your system isn't currently operable. Do you have any other experience with solar stuff?
the whole debate about no load power use when using the search function is pretty irrelevant to me. The Magnum 4448 PAE has a 6 watt search mode and 25 watts no load. but I have a load that runs 24-7. Its an air pump for the sewage septic tank. Here the tanks are small usually about 200 gallons, but they work like a 2000 gal septic tank as the Japanese use bubblers to pipe in air into the tank which makes the bacteria work way more efficiently/faster. so the bubbler is only 60 some odd watts but it is 24-7 hence the inverter runs 24-7.
I don't think anyone is talking about special search modes. Just the base zero load draw. The argument is oh just add another panel and more battery to compensate, problem is in the winter when it may not matter how many panels you have due to poor conditions .

diy solar

diy solar