diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Signature solar horrible customer service

    You could if just said you're having a good experience with them instead of accusing people that have legit issue of attacking. Or since you're annoyed by it said nothing at all!
  • Post in thread: Has anybody used the Rosie inverter yet for prime time?

    I'm still leaning more towards the xwpro, proven track record. And, since I like ham radio it's LF provides less interference. I just wish Schneider / outback would start releasing higher wattage inverters and also higher voltage ones. I'm surprised either one doesn't have a 12Kw inverter when...
  • Post in thread: Keep the WHO from dictating our national policy.
  • Post in thread: Do We Need a Control Group? It's live M-F 9am-11am and in the evening 4pm - 6pm CST. TIP, the evening show will have to be refreshed after the first slot after a few minuets to pick up the new feed from a different network. You can review a lot of the recorded videos above.
  • Post in thread: What's the reason behind using 240V inverters with transformers when they have split phase ones?

    That's not what I was asking! I'm saying why go through all that trouble when you can get units with split phase ready to wire in. hope that put more context to it.
  • Post in thread: Hail damage in Texas.

    I thought panels were more resilient? I'm about to start looking at panels and live around Texas / Oklahoma border so I want good panels that have decent hail resistance. Any brands or special certifications to look for on panels for this?
  • Post in thread: 10kw new mpp split phase inverters.

    Just a fyi, I decided to write a email to mpp to see if they ever had plans on offering higher wattage inverters for the us market. This was their reply from somebody name Peggy. Thanks for your question MPP Solar does have a new Split phase hybrid solar inverter 10kw , which is currently...
  • Post in thread: Has anybody used the Rosie inverter yet for prime time?

    Will does good general reviews. I want to see it tortured tested. Will it run a decent welding rid like 400bird did with his xwpro, will it start a 2-3hp deep well pump, large shop air compressors etc. The xw and radian have a good track record for starting heavy duty loads.
  • Post in thread: Interesting poll results! Sol Ark VS Signature Solar

    Who are the known players for UL listed batteries?
  • Post in thread: Schneider XW pro 6k vs. Eg4 18k - need help deciding

    Did you document the install, wiring and what products you used like breaker / distribution panels etc. This is a very very nice setup.
  • Post in thread: .

    Yes..again I understand my poco uses a transformer to provide the neutral to me for split phase. I thought you were saying HF uses transformers to provide split phase which is why I was asking for clarification as I thought perhaps I misunderstood them or the vendor was lying in saying they...
  • Post in thread: Keep the WHO from dictating our national policy.

    My ideology ..from a single meme or two. efficient.
  • Post in thread: WTH is this new Cali BS? Income Based Rate Increase??? I don't understand.... someone look at this PLZ

    Because good men stood down and did nothing and socialism crept in via bleeding heart its seeds are germinating and blooming into full blown Marxism. Took decades but they boiled the fog successfully. Now what are we going to do about it is another question that has come up in...
  • Post in thread: Has anybody used the Rosie inverter yet for prime time?

    I doubt it! I'd like to be proven wrong. The massive torodial transformer in the xwpro is the secret sauce and it can take the brunt and beating of heavy long surges year after year. It's just a huge hunk of metal. I'm assuming,Rosie and the like, uses large caps to achieve similar results. Just...
  • Post in thread: Combiner box

    Lots of folks build the sheds tight and insulate them..including the shipping container ones. Then they drop a split in them for the summer. It's the dam batteries that worry me. If you're rural...put a alarm system on it and monitor it for crack heads.
  • Post in thread: WTH is this new Cali BS? Income Based Rate Increase??? I don't understand.... someone look at this PLZ

    The link provided before mine and the one I provided are intrinsically linked. Have you not been watching what's going on in the Netherlands regarding the Dutch farmers and the move to strip their land as a sacrifice to the mother gaia cult? The specific's a bunch of bullshit from...
  • Post in thread: WTH is this new Cali BS? Income Based Rate Increase??? I don't understand.... someone look at this PLZ

    Now I fully understand why you can't fathom or comprehend that government could be so evil and corrupt.
  • Post in thread: ATF come knocking?

  • Post in thread: WTH is this new Cali BS? Income Based Rate Increase??? I don't understand.... someone look at this PLZ

    We don't claim them..they are pedos and a cult to boot and utterly despicable; additionally where a lot of this shit started. They should be put to death.
  • Post in thread: Keep the WHO from dictating our national policy.

    I agree.. but everybody is too dam scared to talk about it. Notice patterns and your antisemitic. The most protected group on the planet..can't even discuss the issue.
  • Post in thread: WTH is this new Cali BS? Income Based Rate Increase??? I don't understand.... someone look at this PLZ

    And squarely behind the invasion on the southern border under the guise of "Catholic Charities" along with the NGO's.
  • Post in thread: Lithium prices dropping.

    Somebody is ready to bring to market sodium ion batteries, I can't remember who. That would be very interesting overall.
  • Post in thread: I'm DONE with MPP Solar

    1.21 woke gigawatts.
  • Post in thread: Warranties 3 5 10 year, does this make a big difference in quality ? E4G or ?

    The old kenmore and whirlpool ones in avocado green and harvest gold that still work today. The street lights dim a little when they come on but they still work. The washing machines that you didn't have to wash twice or flush the tolite multiple times...the good ole days. I blame disposable...
  • Post in thread: WTH is this new Cali BS? Income Based Rate Increase??? I don't understand.... someone look at this PLZ

    It isn't his fault...even his libtard news says so. Good news is they can reverse it with just two more boosters.
  • Post in thread: They want to charge you for using the sun now

    Yes they are putting that crap in schools starting in elementary. Even down here in Texas we've had to take the liberal enclaves of Austin and Houston to court to have it removed. First hand experience isn't some right wing conspiracy; you don't have to take legal action if something isn't...
  • Post in thread: Keep the WHO from dictating our national policy.

    Exactly, and that's what they are doing. They are ceding control to the WHO via a treaty and bypassing congress. What the two retards above can't mentally grasp is these Marxist don't give two shits about the constitution or rule of law and they despise this countries founding principles with a...
  • Post in thread: I'm DONE with MPP Solar

    Property taxes keep going up. Our property taxes are largely tied to the school system, more kids means more teachers and supplies and buildings. Our school systems are busting at the seams with illegals and the tax payer is forced to educate them, feed them, provide school supplies and after...
  • Post in thread: Now Trump wants to defund the FBI and Justice Dept

    It's clown world! I can't believe the white house said that trans bitch was a victim...sick The world would have tolerated them but they just had to shove their degeneracy in our face, demand we condone their behavior and then insist indoctrinating our kids and if you don't like it we will take...
  • Post in thread: I'm DONE with MPP Solar

    I've done a fair amount of research both on the internet and here with actual users which is how I arrived at my conclusions. It's not uncommon to see folks using the solark complain about it shutting down all the time even under limited surge / load. Nuisance tripping! Solark is way too...
  • Post in thread: .

    Dam, if you're going to do it it correctly by back feeding the dryer outlet. lol Seriously..using the dryer outlet to back feed in a pinch, turn off the mains first, works just fine. You just have to follow some steps to not electrocute yourself and make sure the mains are off so you don't...
  • Post in thread: Midnite Solar Announced their new 10kw AIO at Intersolar Today

    A few more questions. Rosie has a five year warranty right? This new AIO has ten? Why? It would appear Rosie is a superior inverter made in the USA? How does the surge compare between the two? Finally, why does any inverter I can find that has 100A pass through relays are AIO? I thought Rosie...
  • Post in thread: Has anybody used the Rosie inverter yet for prime time?

    I my opinion ...America First all the way. I believe Schneider said it was made in either india or mexico.
  • Post in thread: WTH is this new Cali BS? Income Based Rate Increase??? I don't understand.... someone look at this PLZ

    So..put a meter on the folks sucking water out of the aquifer that are running a business like AG or the fracking company etc. Asking average Joe who just uses enough to drink, take a bath and water his garden and chickens is tyranny. We're talking about the same people who want us to have QR...
  • Post in thread: Has anybody used the Rosie inverter yet for prime time?

    So that means Rosie has a bigger heavy duty sister...are we going to see a 15Kw inverter soon? Perhaps her name could be Bertha. Curious do you guys have plans for larger inverters and do you guys plan on every getting into the high voltage DC side that the industry seems to be interested in...
  • Post in thread: Sol-Ark 15K Rejected by PG&E in California

    I wish the government would just leave us alone and keep their hands out of our pockets...mabye stop warmongering to. Not too greedy of a ask is it?
  • Post in thread: What's the reason behind using 240V inverters with transformers when they have split phase ones?

    Post 55 "For those that are looking for a system to actually run something? Duh! This is about comparing the capacity of various split phase inverter setups. We don't care about your puny system." Post 68 "If the neutral goes open, you will feed 240V out on the 120V circuits; I guess some...
  • Post in thread: New Lux Power LXP-LB-US 12k / GSL-H-12KLV-US with 200A AC Passthrough Current (US Market)

    I agree SA is ludicrous on their pricing and we need a comparable alternative. Deye should figure out a way to get around SA and sell to the NA market. If SA wants to choke off competition they should be cut out of the market themselves.
  • Post in thread: Keep the WHO from dictating our national policy.

    I'm sorry the libtards opened the border and you're getting the tainted Fentanyle, but this thread was about the WHO not your obsession with race and sexuality. If you want to talk about trannies and budlight start your own dam thread.
  • Post in thread: I'm DONE with MPP Solar

    Raid 10 ..good choice! I used it often in the data center on databases. ZFS is also a great if you want to cut out the raid controllers and go straight HBA but does require specific ram to be effective with it's built in data corruption healing. I'm using BTRFS right now on my personal stuff due...
  • Post in thread: Signature solar horrible customer service

    Maybe check on what happened to Jeff..since the last video he made and I posted you said he'd say that your support was helpful while saying otherwise on the video. Here's his latest video...seems like you lied again. He's still waiting for a call back.
  • Post in thread: What's the reason behind using 240V inverters with transformers when they have split phase ones?

    That's for this thread like you asked...but he's the same way with others throughout this forum when people disagree with him. I'm new to this forum and I realized this before even posting my first post about this particular person. We can act like adults and converse as such ..even when people...
  • Post in thread: Main to sub panel wiring.

    You have to move the wires over even with a transfer switch to ..right? Anyways, I've seen people use wago connectors to extend the wires over to a sub panel.
  • Post in thread: Do Electric bikes use the same batteries used in solar?

    Personally, I don't even like putting the car in the garage. It's gas but still...
  • Post in thread: Keep the WHO from dictating our national policy. This is also being reported on by Justice watch and fox before tucker got canceled; there's is a agreement being drawn up to allow the WHO to dictate our health polices...
  • Post in thread: Keep the WHO from dictating our national policy.

  • Post in thread: Do We Need a Control Group?

    You do know they were forced to come out and state they knew beforehand that the vaccine didn't prevent contacting or spreading covid? They as the CDC / Phizer and Moderna. It's coming out now as we get more info from FOI requests that they also knew it was causing.. clots, abortions...

diy solar

diy solar