diy solar

diy solar

What the bloody hell is wrong with me?


Solar Wizard
Feb 1, 2023
I told my wife I got a bonus and had to have a ton of self talk to not buy an 18kpv. I was looking at victron but their self consumption doesn't work in the USA.

The only reason I would even want one is to seamlessly support ALL the loads in my house.

She said "you spend so much on your hobbies"

I said "well if I bought it then you wouldn't have to run the clothes dryer only during the daytime when we are exporting to the grid.

Now she is asking and even begging me to buy it so she can do laundry at any time and I'm still saying no because im thinking even using battery I'm still costing myself about 20% in conversion losses vs just doing laundry during the day and using the power directly from pv.

Tldr. My wife is asking me to get an 18kpv and I said no.

I should get a mental evaluation 🤣🤣🤣
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I told my wife I got a bonus and had to have a ton of self talk to not buy an 18kpv. I was looking at victron but their self consumption doesn't work in the USA.

The only reason I would even want one is to seamlessly support ALL the loads in my house.

She said "you spend so much on your hobbies"

I said "well if I bought it then you wouldn't have to run the clothes dryer only during the daytime when we are exporting to the grid.

Now she is asking and even begging me to buy it so she can do laundry at any time and I'm still saying no because in the back of my head even using battery I'm still costing myself about 20% in conversion efficiency vs using the power directly from pv.

Tldr. My wife is asking me to get an 18kpv and I said no.

I should get a mental evaluation 🤣🤣🤣
My wife loves it when I mess with solar…most of the time that means I do the laundry to use up all the extra PV potential…
What do you mean by self consumption doesn't work in the US?
There is no USA grid code, and the "other" option can only be used with a password from the dealer and I doubt that any USA dealer is going to provide that password.

Finally to be grid compliant one needs to buy other hardware to use the victron. I love the victron os and vrm but that's a lot of hoops to jump through.
My wife loves it when I mess with solar…most of the time that means I do the laundry to use up all the extra PV potential…
I'm good on the inverter drive washer with my Delta 2 max, doesn't get above 500W and around 13% used from the 2kWh battery but my dryer causes it to shutdown with overload. Next step will prob be a multi 2 5kVA.
There is no USA grid code, and the "other" option can only be used with a password from the dealer and I doubt that any USA dealer is going to provide that password.

Finally to be grid compliant one needs to buy other hardware to use the victron. I love the victron os and vrm but that's a lot of hoops to jump through.
Ah ok yeah if you are doing grid export Victron is not an option.
Yes sadly the US is the red headed stepchild when it comes to grid interactive for Victron. But with limited resources I can understand them not putting constantly changing NEC requirements in their priority queue. Still waiting on UL approval on their multi 2 5kVA.
There is no USA grid code, and the "other" option can only be used with a password from the dealer and I doubt that any USA dealer is going to provide that password.

Finally to be grid compliant one needs to buy other hardware to use the victron. I love the victron os and vrm but that's a lot of hoops to jump through.
The code is the easy part. The big problem is the missing UL certifications I would imagine all utility companies would require. I keep checking the Victron site every few weeks to see if the 5kVa cert has finally been listed…
My wife loves it when I mess with solar…most of the time that means I do the laundry to use up all the extra PV potential…
I don't blame her for liking free labor. I love your strategery
The code is the easy part. The big problem is the missing UL certifications I would imagine all utility companies would require. I keep checking the Victron site every few weeks to see if the 5kVa cert has finally been listed…
I'm already interconnected so I can change out equipment without notifying the utility but there is also additional equipment to buy so that the victron would disconnect in a grid down situation. Very confusing
I worked for a contractor years ago that would buy 1 bag of UL ty wraps for each job. You were responsible for making sure you refilled the bag with non UL ty wraps.
UL bag was $50 per 100. Non UL was $12.
The inspectors only looked at the carts for labels. The wraps were identical.
Ul tiewrap money grab
I don't blame her for liking free labor. I love your strategery
It just helps encourage an expensive hobby… 😁
I'm already interconnected so I can change out equipment without notifying the utility but there is also additional equipment to buy so that the victron would disconnect in a grid down situation. Very confusing
I’m guessing you’re referring to the Cerbo. That’s the only extra thing that would be required to my knowledge to sell back to the grid (but it’s so much more than just a tool for selling back). But yes there are multiple components that you could add to the system…don’t have to, but could.
It just helps encourage an expensive hobby… 😁

I’m guessing you’re referring to the Cerbo. That’s the only extra thing that would be required to my knowledge to sell back to the grid (but it’s so much more than just a tool for selling back). But yes there are multiple components that you could add to the system…don’t have to, but could.
It looks like when other is selected under grid code you need an external anti islanding safety device, like a ziehl
I worked for a contractor years ago that would buy 1 bag of UL ty wraps for each job. You were responsible for making sure you refilled the bag with non UL ty wraps.
UL bag was $50 per 100. Non UL was $12.
The inspectors only looked at the carts for labels. The wraps were identical.
Um… you and others all signed the same NDA. Don’t go telling all my secrets.
It looks like when other is selected under grid code you need an external anti islanding safety device, like a ziehl
Hmm, I’ve seen people select “other” before without needing to add something extra, of course the only videos I’ve looked at don’t attempt to sell back. I’m guessing there’s different requirements if you sell back.
Hmm, I’ve seen people select “other” before without needing to add something extra, of course the only videos I’ve looked at don’t attempt to sell back. I’m guessing there’s different requirements if you sell back.
The way I understand it, since there is no usa grid code, an external device is required

The exact requirements differ widely between the countries. For example the normal Multis, Quattros and MultiCompacts are certified for use in the UK. For other countries, Germany for example, only the MultiPlus-II is certified to be installed without requiring additional external anti-islanding safety devices (ENS). And in yet other countries an external ENS is required and/or the inverter/charger must be configured with the right grid-code. Check the safety certificates on our website to see the allowed models for your country.

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diy solar