diy solar

diy solar

Did I have a weird dream about Will adding a 'dislike' button?

I just now got the quick react emojiis today.
I've seen others using it already, but i was only able to "like" before today.

Maybe you got the pe-release🤔
It appeared "momentarily" as did a msg thread talking about it but POOFDAH - I suppose as I predicted PUSHBACK and emotionalism got into play... mustn't hurt little Johnie's feeling even if he's a moron and can't handle a dislike/downvote.
Yup, some people are a little too sensitive. Life moves on...
Either that or dementing 🤣

Swear to god there was a thread about a dislike button and the 'Like' changing to 'Quick React'. And I can vividly picture the red down thumb icon between the like and love one.
You are correct
There was. There was also talk in that thread about changing the "Like" button to "Quick React". Not sure what happened to it.
Either that or dementing 🤣

Swear to god there was a thread about a dislike button and the 'Like' changing to 'Quick React'. And I can vividly picture the red down thumb icon between the like and love one.
I was dreaming about going into the Chit Chat Zone and raining down "dislikes" like rice at a wedding.

But I guess it was just a dream.
Or was that a real thing about 6 hours ago that has since gone, together with a thread about it?

A confused Seagal :unsure:
Oh it is still real. Just in Alternate reality 23-F-05. This kind of confusion happens all the time when your reality shifts on you. I just got back from AR 23-G-09 myself where Will had instituted the Death penalty for the next poster that asked if they could power their entire home with a small "Solar generator". It was wildly popular with the Forum members.
I am trying to think of a way to incentivize people to stay on topic but I can't think of anything. I was even thinking about hiring some of the forum members and paying them if they report off topic posts.
I need to think of some form of punishment for people that continue to sidetrack threads as well. If you guys have any ideas let me know
I sometimes tell a side-tracker starts a new thread rather than hijacking someone else's
I am trying to think of a way to incentivize people to stay on topic but I can't think of anything. I was even thinking about hiring some of the forum members and paying them if they report off topic posts.
I think one of the great things about this forum is that threads will meander but often it results in additional knowledge and new ways of thinking.

diy solar

diy solar