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diy solar

Deye Hybrid Split-Phase Inverters - Discontinued in favor of SOL-ARK

I am also ready to buy a roughly 8K HF LV split-phase hybrid inverter with CT's now, like yesterday!

I've contacted Megarevo and their pricing is certainly reasonable, although the shipping is pretty ridiculous IMO ($580/$650 to CT depending on the carrier). They now have UL cert (through SGS). It sounds like some early users are seeing occasional bugs and not all features have been activated. The owner's manual is also unclear about what some features do. They have yet to release any firmware updates that I know of, they claim one is coming later this month and that it will enable some additional features too. I'm sure they will get the software sorted, but I still have no idea if the hardware is 100% as I know little about the brand or if some of the hardware in these new LV units is new/unproven compared to their existing HV line. Another concern is BMS compatibility.

I have reached out to Huayu for info on their new NA market 8k or 10k LV units, but I have yet to hear anything from them. Specs look good based on looking at their similar HV models. Availability, price, quality, exact features/specs, and UL cert is all ??? I still have many of the same concerns as I do with the new Megarevo inverters since this is another new product for Huayu.

Deye/GSL is my other real option. Proven, sorted and UL cert (again through SGS), but significantly more expensive than the above. Some availability issues, although they are out there. For me the Megarevo specs are a better all around given the slight larger capacity, the 4 MPPT, and having a wider MPPT range... not a MUST, but it certainly fits my panel locations and specs better. I can make the Deye work, but I have to make system compromises, and pay a good bit more for it.

I've waited 6 months to order the inverter hoping one of the new players with better MPPT options would plan out, and be at a lower price point compared to the proven Deye. I've had my panels sitting and my batteries (DIY) will be here early next week. Realistically I can wait another month or two if I must, but after all this waiting, well lets just say I'm ready to get going!
Deye is a good choice. I think.
They certainly seem to be well proven and likely a great option IF the product is available in your market. Sadly that's not the case for the NA market, hopefully this changes at some point in the not too distant future.
I have a friend in the UK. But, I'd rather not have to ask for their assistance in the purchase. Hopefully, a better option will be found.
I'm sure you can work with a freight forwarder or still find Deye split phase models in other areas (such as the Caribbean), but I personally didn't want to deal with all of this. Not to mention the lack of CS/TS, or even parts availability/repair work in the event I needed it is still a major concern for me with all of the Chinese inverters. Then add in all the financial and shipping fees before it gets to your door, and that initial perceived "good value" starts to look less attractive compared to just shopping for a decent price on a SA which doesn't have any of those risks. JMHO...
Not interested the split-phase version. Don't want to deal with its imbalance issues. 16k 240v, is the best one.
If you're not looking for split phase, I though the others were still being sold in the US. Is that not the case?
Sol-Ark has been given full exclusive sales for NA.
Deye, can't be sold to US customers.
which means nothing. If people want them they will just transship through another country just like everything else, thereby avoiding this restriction.
Sol-Ark has stopped Deye from making Split Phase Inverters altogether except for those made directly for Sol-Ark.
I did hear that some other Chinese companies have tried to make clones, mainly Huawei which I was told was ordered to cease and desist in some legal case they lost in China.
Sol-Ark has stopped Deye from making Split Phase Inverters altogether except for those made directly for Sol-Ark.
I did hear that some other Chinese companies have tried to make clones, mainly Huawei which I was told was ordered to cease and desist in some legal case they lost in China.
yes split phase, I was answering in regards to the non split phase comment above yours(wet1) . but in regards to the split phase some other company will clone it with minor differences and start selling them. it only takes time, patience and perseverance, which the Chinese have in spades compared to the fickle western customers
which means nothing. If people want them they will just transship through another country just like everything else, thereby avoiding this restriction.
Everything can be gotten around. If you don't mind spending the extra time and money. A lot of AliExpress, Alibaba, and Banggood sellers don't care who buys what they are selling. But, you can't always trust that you are going to get what is listed.
Can Deye sell single-phase inverters for North America? Are they stackable?

If their single phase inverters could simply be programmed for 120V output and stacked 180 degrees out of phase, that would give split phase without neutral issues.
They also have 3-phase inverters (in one box), again higher voltage but if programmable for 120V legs would work fine for U.S. small customers.

various wattage single phases:

yes split phase, I was answering in regards to the non split phase comment above yours(wet1) . but in regards to the split phase some other company will clone it with minor differences and start selling them. it only takes time, patience and perseverance, which the Chinese have in spades compared to the fickle western customers
The Chinese are very good at cloning anything and in regards to an external appearance changes they are good at that also, but their engineering of products from scratch is Shite to non existent.

You do have companies in China that are big enough that they are in special favor with the CCP and can create an environment that will make no other company in China dare to clone or use any of the IP involved. I suspect that Deye is one of those large companies because this is what is happening to others that attempt to make clones. There is another Sol-Ark clone maker called SkyTrack that suddenly stopped making Inverters after 3 years of making a perfect Sol-Ark 8K clone. My dealer tells me that this happened at the same time that Sol-Ark put down their foot.
I assumed that Sol-Ark was Deye's biggest distributor in North America. So, agreeing to their terms just made good business sense. Otherwise, the deal wouldn't have happened. Money is always the greatest deciding factor.
I assumed that Sol-Ark was Deye's biggest distributor in North America. So, agreeing to their terms just made good business sense. Otherwise, the deal wouldn't have happened. Money is always the greatest deciding factor.
Distributors are a dime a dozen! There are a ton of bigger Solar Companies in the USA who would love to be the Distributors for the Sol-Ark.
If you think that Deye backed off because they were going to lose a Distributor, especially in a country that does not even have a huge market place your not understanding how this relationship works.
Distributors are a dime a dozen! There are a ton of bigger Solar Companies in the USA who would love to be the Distributors for the Sol-Ark.
If you think that Deye backed off because they were going to lose a Distributor, especially in a country that does not even have a huge market place your not understanding how this relationship works.
Well, I'm not sure what other reason would make it a good business decision.
You don't think that North America is a very big market for solar?
Sol-Ark is a trademarked name, I'm sure.
Nobody else can use that name.
Sol-Ark is a Deye distributor.
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Well, I'm not sure what other reason would make it a good business decision.
You don't think that North America is a very big market for solar?
Sol-Ark is a trademarked name, I'm sure.
Nobody else can use that name.
Sol-Ark is a Deye distributor.
I think you are going to find that developing countries are a much bigger market for up and coming chinese brands. (IRT I am specifically talking those that are close to becoming a tier one maker ) with less cash to spend many developing countries are more willing to spend cash on an up and coming with "some market cred" than americans. I am a perfect example I was not willing to skimp on my inverters or my solar controllers Simply put I had the cash to spend and did not want to screw around with "what ifs?" where as Joe Malaysian, or Jeffery Thai farmer int he boonies is more willing to try a sigineer than many of us were. (just an example) don't get me wrong we buy a lot, but so does africa without all of the import issues or infighting with whomever the current administration is.
I think you are going to find that developing countries are a much bigger market for up and coming chinese brands. (IRT I am specifically talking those that are close to becoming a tier one maker ) with less cash to spend many developing countries are more willing to spend cash on an up and coming with "some market cred" than americans. I am a perfect example I was not willing to skimp on my inverters or my solar controllers Simply put I had the cash to spend and did not want to screw around with "what ifs?" where as Joe Malaysian, or Jeffery Thai farmer int he boonies is more willing to try a sigineer than many of us were. (just an example) don't get me wrong we buy a lot, but so does africa without all of the import issues or infighting with whomever the current administration is.
Well, it's a big enough market that Sol-Ark wanted it.
And maybe a small enough market, that Deye didn't mind giving it to them. Either way, it had to make good business sense, for both parties. Or the deal wouldn't have been done.
There's scummy ways to operate in the free market and there's ethical ways. No, what they're doing isn't illegal or uncommon - but it doesn't communicate to the customer that they're a priority concern for Sol-Ark.

If they came out and just plainly stated that they utilize a design from Sun-Synk/Deye and make their own improvements to it or customize it for the US market and explain how their improvements and development are worth the massive added cost - then that would be a very ethical and upfront way of doing business in the "free market". As the customer could then decide the best path for their situation.

Instead, Sol-Ark appears to have hidden the fact that they didn't design the overall unit - then proceed to remove some features (Parallel smaller units) and at the same time jack the price up 300-400%. Then when customers (free market) start to find other sources for the original design - instead of trying to compete with the market and meet the customer needs, they decide to force the market by making deals to limit customers' ability to obtain the products in the "free market". Reducing customer options and securing their own bottom line. If they can't find a business model that works outside of scummy tactics - then maybe they should get the hint.

Very anti-free market in my mind. Yes, tons of companies do it - but I despise every single one of them that does. If that's the kind of "free market" you guys support and encourage - then I guess you enjoy getting bent over and used. Companies need to be called out on this and stop harming what really is a Free Market where the best products are widely available and customers ultimately get the choice on which business to support via purchases.

Wasn't directing this at anyone personally - so don't take this as an attack on you, Scorch - just giving an alternate opinion and you happened to be last. Just a difference of viewpoints.
bravo !
My gosh folks,

Is all you have time to do is to get on forums and argue??
Who cares about any of this nonsense?
Don't like Sol-ark, their prices, marketing etc, then buy something else and be done with it.
Full disclosure, I bought a 12K model because it does want I want, need it to do and also for the customer support, warranty and because I didn't want a whole crap load of boxes on my wall.
If I wanted to save money then I certainly could have done so by buying cheaper systems, used panels, throw them on the ground and call it a day, but that's not how I roll.
Me thinks that people here with axes to grind one way or the other have some hidden agendas going on!
I think the real and main issue is that the Deye split phase are not available anymore to the US market because of an agreement made with Sol-ark. Freee market is about choices, and options. it was taken away for some people. Sol Ark have great products but many, myself included cannot afford them . I was lucky to get a Deye hybrid inverter with split phase for less than $2000. Now if I wanted to get another one I cant.
I think the real and main issue is that the Deye split phase are not available anymore to the US market because of an agreement made with Sol-ark. Freee market is about choices, and options. it was taken away for some people. Sol Ark have great products but many, myself included cannot afford them . I was lucky to get a Deye hybrid inverter with split phase for less than $2000. Now if I wanted to get another one I cant.
No market is truly free. There are other options out there and if Deye wants to only do business with Sol-ark that is their prerogative. That’s how markets work.
Lots of things are cheaper in other countries than here or visa versa.
I don’t have money ? to throw around either but it was the best solution for me.
I see people cheap out all the time only to later on regretting it and ultimately wasting time and money when they could have done things the right way initially.
My all in one system works great, was a fairly easy install and the support I got along the way was very good plus I feel I have a warranty that I can depend on.
What’s funny is I got my Deye 8k because they were the manufacturer of those blue grid-tie inverters with limiters, and so I googled it and came across Deye’s site circa 2019 and then obtained one before I ever knew the Sol-Ark/Deye relationship. I’ve got nothing against Sol-Ark, but they didn’t loose a sale to me. There’s no way I would have paid that much. I suspect most people wanting the Deye are in the same category.
Well, I'm not sure what other reason would make it a good business decision.
Because Sol-Ark might have taken their IP to another manufacturer in China or Vietnam.
They are still saying that they plan on fully building the inverters in Texas by 2024. All firmware development is still done by the same team that created the 8K and it is done in Texas.

You don't think that North America is a very big market for solar?
Nope! In most parts of the US we pay very little for power and it's typically reliable. There are probably about 4 billion people on this planet that live in countries where electricity is very expensive and unreliable.
I am not factoring in commercial PV as that does not apply to this conversation.
Sol-Ark is a trademarked name, I'm sure.
Yes it is. The point is that if Deye truly had control of the IP they would have just dumped Sol-Ark instead of letting them dictate terms. They could then cut a deal with a desperate company like Schnieder and rebrand the unit. Nobody would care so long as it is the same Inverter.
Nobody else can use that name.
Sol-Ark is a Deye distributor.
Sol-Ark is a Partner with Deye just like hundreds of US companies that design the product in the USA and then contract a large Chinese company to manufacturer the product. As Sol-Arks CEO stated the original agreement allowed Deye to make versions of the Inverter specifically for the Domestic Chinese market.
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If that were true, there wouldn't be 3 or 4 other distributors selling the exact same Deye inverter with their own name on them. Most manufacturers will put your name on their products, if you buy a large enough quantity. Sol-ark already made a name for themselves in the US. And have a large following of people who have drank their cool-aid. It didn't make sense for Deye to start over in the US market, with a new distributor. Especially if it is such a small market. It was probably an easy decision.

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