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diy solar

Deye Hybrid Split-Phase Inverters - Discontinued in favor of SOL-ARK

I just don't care for liars.
Just that simple.
What exactly did they lie about? Specifically?

They are veterans. They did design the original and now doing ongoing design of the current product line.

You get all bent out of shape over some marketing anomalies.

9 out 10 products in the USA say Designed and made here when in truth it’s assembled here from parts made all over the world.

Call Deye and make your own to compete with them.
Just make sure your Company marketing materials says” Designed in China and Manufactured in China”.
They are veterans.
They did design the original unit. Its more cost effective to take an existing inverter and Upfit it.

They signed the agreement with Deye who also signed it.

It’s a free market.

You can do the same thing.

If the inverter is crap and the service is bad then guess what? The company will fail.

It hasn’t failed.

People are NOT buying it because they are veterans. They are buying it because it works.

If you don’t like it then don’t buy it.

You’re bitching about free market forces.
I guess you would rather have a monopoly of Chinese cheap inverters with absolutely no benefit to Americans.
Agree and I am so tired of these crap posts from people who want a Sol-Ark but don't want to pay the price.
If the Sol-Ark was $1500 these same people would be singing it's praises and heaping praise on the Veterans who designed it and they would be happy and merry!
But because it is out of their price range all they do is bash it in hopes that the price will drop or that some cheap competitor will suddenly arrive on the scene. It's not going to happen! Sol-Ark is pretty much in the same Price range as Schneider, Outback, Tesla and Enphase.
Those are their competitors and that is the market they are targeting and so far with 300% sales increases year after year they seem to be very successfully at competing with them.
I was actually very interested in the Sol-Ark inverter.
It had all of the features that I was looking for. And even though the price was expensive, that didn't sway my choice. I just expected to save up, for a little while longer. It wasn't until I found out the truth, that I changed my mind. I just can't support a company like that. I will probably buy a Deye , eventually. For my next house. They make one of the best and most versatile inverters, on the market.
But, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. And can decide for themselves.
This is just mine.
I don't have a horse in this race but I think the general feeling is people don't like middle men.

Sol Ark took someone else's design (or at best gave Deye their specifications and asked them to design it for them) slapped their sticker on it, marked it up 300% and call it a day. All while using some questionable language (just like their naming convention) to give the impression that it was an American designed and made product. Just comes off a little slimy.

SunSynk, another Deye based inverter from South Africa, sells the 8k for $2900 and that includes SA's 15% VAT. Solark 8k? $6100.
I don't have a horse in this race but I think the general feeling is people don't like middle men.

Sol Ark took someone else's design (or at best gave Deye their specifications and asked them to design it for them) slapped their sticker on it, marked it up 300% and call it a day. All while using some questionable language (just like their naming convention) to give the impression that it was an American designed and made product. Just comes off a little slimy.

SunSynk, another Deye based inverter from South Africa, sells the 8k for $2900 and that includes SA's 15% VAT. Solark 8k? $6100.
Sol Ark did design and build the Beta Inverters in America and got them UL and FCC Certified Etc. They then sent out 30 Beta units and tested them extensively before they even got involved with Deye. You cannot compare Deye prices to Sol-Ark. Deye is selling on the grey market in the USA and the people importing them are doing so through other South American countries so they can avoid Trumps 25% Tariff.
Deye is NOT getting their stuff certified for the US market so that is a major expense they avoid. Deye is not using high quality parts in their Inverters so that is another huge cost savings. Deye is not warrantying anything, if it breaks your SOL unless they decide to be generous. Deye has no real customer support staff.

Sol-Ark on the other hand has about 30 full time Customer Service people who answer phone calls and emails 24/7/ 7 Days a week. Do you know what it cost to pay that many employees each week? Sol-Ark has a full Firmware development team that is updating the firmware about once per month with new features and bug fixes. Deye is cut off from firmware updates from Sol-Ark, so your basically running the early firmware that Sol-Ark first came out with.
I am really curious now. Was Solark designed by Solark and custom-built by Deye or did Solark create custom firmware for an existing Deye design?
The later.
Deye, comes out with a new model. And, all of the re branders announce it.
Deye re branders
And, I'm sure that there's others.
I get both arguments on this ongoing saga.

I agree buying something through a middleman at a huge markup never sits well with me. Can I afford their product? Yes, but again knowing I could buy basically the same inverter through the OEM for 1/2 the price takes the option off the table for me. Not to mention it adds a lot to the ROI of the system.

OTOH, SA does add some nice stuff to the basic Deye inverter, they have excellent support (China has almost ZERO), and their CS is top-notch (again China basically has zero).

They do offer an excellent product though either way.
Deye re branders
And, I'm sure that there's others.


We are dedicated to providing safe, silent, renewable power to customers who want to become energy independent.

We do this by engineering, creating, manufacturing, testing and delivering high-quality energy storage products for your home, work and play.
This is our passion, our mission!


We provide products that are valued by our customers because we design, engineer, manufacture and test each product to the highest standards. It doesn't go into production or shipped out of our HQ until it passes a ridiculous amount of testing.

Those dirty dirty Middlemen Liars..
I get both arguments on this ongoing saga.

I agree buying something through a middleman at a huge markup never sits well with me. Can I afford their product? Yes, but again knowing I could buy basically the same inverter through the OEM for 1/2 the price takes the option off the table for me. Not to mention it adds a lot to the ROI of the system.

OTOH, SA does add some nice stuff to the basic Deye inverter, they have excellent support (China has almost ZERO), and their CS is top-notch (again China basically has zero).

They do offer an excellent product though either way.
That’s where SA market comes from Good products and Great support.

Buy a Deye and you get a Deye and a Good Luck.
Their newest model is definitely the Deye.
Not sure about any of their other products.
LionEnergy, that is.
I am really curious now. Was Solark designed by Solark and custom-built by Deye or did Solark create custom firmware for an existing Deye design?
no on both cases

design was done by keith slough, sunsynk
ngigbo deye ( holding company of both deye and sunsynk) holds the patents.
sol-ark simply slaps a stcker on it and provides local support, and gives a markup of 300%

sunsynk -:exclusively sold in uk, africa's and nz/aus
Deye - rest of world
Sol-ark - usa and territories

there are some fanboi's here that have no interest in doing some research
Does Deye (and other rebranded) inverters have the same problem mentioned in this Lion Energy review video?

Does Deye (and other rebranded) inverters have the same problem mentioned in this Lion Energy review video?

not that i know of. each rebrander can muck with the firmware but the underlying functionality is the same.
I am really curious now. Was Solark designed by Solark and custom-built by Deye or did Solark create custom firmware for an existing Deye design?
The Sol-Ark 8k was on the market long before Deye had any similar kind of inverter. The unit was designed and built in the USA. It was beta tested and certified in the USA. At some point Sol-Ark realized that they needed to build them abroad to be able to make them in bulk. This is where Deye came into the picture. Sol-Ark would allow them to use their design and forward for domestic chines sales while Sol-Ark would n
no on both cases

design was done by keith slough, sunsynk
ngigbo deye ( holding company of both deye and sunsynk) holds the patents.
sol-ark simply slaps a stcker on it and provides local support, and gives a markup of 300%

sunsynk -:exclusively sold in uk, africa's and nz/aus
Deye - rest of world
Sol-ark - usa and territories

there are some fanboi's here that have no interest in doing some research
Why don't you ask your friend Keith to come here and make the statement that he designed the Inverter. I am pretty sure he already has an account on this forum. I would think that if he is the man that Invented it would be really pissed off to see Tom Brennan from Sol-Ark publicly come on the This Forum and take the Credit for his design.

Here is a Sol-Ark 8K First Unit Back in Feb 2018. I also have an earlier picture of a Beta unit that is spray painted and screwed together.

Deye did not even have a Sol-Ark style Hybrid Inverter during the whole of 2018 and 2019.

Here is Sunsync 18 Months later with their first Proposal Video For A Hybrid Inverter in July 2019

Does this guy sound like the designer when he is getting a factory tour and asking how it works?

Why do you keep repeating this non sense. I asked you in the other thread to show me Deye or Sunsync 8K inverter from 2018 that uses the same design and features of the Sol-Ark 8K and you showed me nothing and have now moved to spreading the same story on another thread. The Deye GTIL Inverter from back then is crap and it has nothing in common with a Sol-Ark.
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The Sol-Ark 8k was on the market long before Deye had any similar kind of inverter. The unit was designed and built in the USA. It was beta tested and certified in the USA. At some point Sol-Ark realized that they needed to build them abroad to be able to make them in bulk. This is where Deye came into the picture. Sol-Ark would allow them to use their design and forward for domestic chines sales while Sol-Ark would n

Why don't you ask your friend Keith to come here and make the statement that he designed the Inverter. I am pretty sure he already has an account on this forum. I would think that if he is the man that Invented it would be really pissed off to see Tom Brennan from Sol-Ark publicly come on the This Forum and take the Credit for his design.

Here is a Sol-Ark 8K First Unit Back in Feb 2018. I also have an earlier picture of a Beta unit that is spray painted and screwed together.

Deye did not even have a Sol-Ark style Hybrid Inverter during the whole of 2018 and 2019.

Here is Sunsync 18 Months later with their first Proposal Video For A Hybrid Inverter in July 2019

Does this guy sound like the designer when he is getting a factory tour and asking how it works?

Why do you keep repeating this non sense. I asked you in the other thread to show me Deye or Sunsync 8K inverter from 2018 that uses the same design and features of the Sol-Ark 8K and you showed me nothing and have now moved to spreading the same story into another thread. The Deye GTIL Inverter from back then is crap and it has almost nothing in common with a Sol-Ark.
fanbois will be fanboys

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diy solar