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SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

nofear72784, your scope is clipping. Will need to re-capture this with a higher voltage range.​

They sent the wrong range scope. But the drifting back and forth show the inverter clearly has a problem. I tried it with no load, 3kw resistive, 500w resistive, no pv or grid.. nothing changed. Every anomaly in the waveform coincided with the lights flickering in that room. The video I took on grid... rock solid just clipped like the inverter.
I had this same issue when connecting a generator to supply power to the entire house. What solved my issues was disconnecting the ground to neutral bonding at the generator since the ground to neutral bond was at the load panel/ breaker box. Also check the voltage on each phase if you have multiple phases.

I was told by many electricians and engineers bonding was not the problem but it resolved my issue. Might be worth a check on the inverter bonding
We went though that. I even tried installing the bonding screw back in, disconnecting the output to my panel and and testing it right from the output of the inverter. Same exact drifting and unsteady waveform. 100% an inverter issue.
Sample from the grid inlet to the inverter. Waveform is clipped due to the limitation of the scope but notice it does not waver like the inverter.

These short clips were created to send to the manufacturer as they are they are now non-responsive. I ordered directly from their site and paid with PayPal, am debating on opening a case. I will give them another day. Building inspector wants the entire system removed if we can not do a 1 for 1 swap within 14 days. Understandable since anyone could flip the disconnects and the capped PV, DC and Mains connection would become a fire or electrocution hazard. Pretty bummed TBH.
Unfortunately AC Voltage Quality is a subject that is just not looked at or expected in reviews.
I have been asking for it for several months and I really hope it becomes standard that all reviewers include information on THD and Waveform analysis and also a confirmation of Inverter efficiency. It's not that hard to do and it's very important to know that a loaded down inverter is not distorting the waveform at 90% of it's rated load much less doing it with no load.
So my question is how am I the only one seeing this with all the LV6548's out there? Is there an actual difference between the MPP unit and the Sungold Power? Is my unit defective? Is this normal for these units? I find it hard to believe it's normal as it trips my UPS's randomly for dirty power.
As an update, I have still yet to hear a word back from Tech support. I was told 2 business days max by sales, that was 3 days ago. Things happen, it's all about how the company handles it. They have a supposed no questions asked 30 day free return policy and a warranty covering shipping both ways. Sounds nice on paper but if no one ever approves an RMA or return what good is it. Giving it one more day before I open a dispute with paypal.
Meh, they did just respond with, "You are the first to show an abnormal waveform. Keep waiting, the engineers need to verify the issue it's going to be a few more days". Which ok I get it but if the waveform I sent is not what they said the spec is just replace the unit or send me the inverter board. Next week will be the end of the 30 day return window, (they start it at purchase date) I truly hope I am not being strung along to prevent a return.
@Will Prowse By any chance did you check the output waveform of the SP6548? I am already locked into this unit under my existing permits so before I go and pay for a replacement to avoid months of downtime I would like to know if this is an issue isolated to this unit. Figured it's a long shot to get a response but worth a shot. Thank you in advance!
So my question is how am I the only one seeing this with all the LV6548's out there? Is there an actual difference between the MPP unit and the Sungold Power? Is my unit defective? Is this normal for these units? I find it hard to believe it's normal as it trips my UPS's randomly for dirty power.
not using the lv's , am using 3 x 8000 Max...
all and only LED's , not seeing any flickering.....
using only Philips leds and dimmer though
good to know! I think it's just a dud. Hopefully we can resolve this amicably. So far it's like pulling teeth. Again, the language barrier is tough especially when you get into technical topics. Will update when I find out more.
good to know! I think it's just a dud. Hopefully we can resolve this amicably. So far it's like pulling teeth. Again, the language barrier is tough especially when you get into technical topics. Will update when I find out more.
like mentioned before, iam ( maybe of good assistance here
like mentioned before, iam ( maybe of good assistance here
Good luck with that lol

"Please don’t cry to us when you decided to buy from an international/fake/copy seller – no support, no local warranty, no local phone number. (It happens all the time)
There are lots of fake Chinese copies out there , perhaps saving you 100 to 200 bucks, I say – go for it! Once bitten, twice shy.
We don’t sell proprietary modified equipment that ties you to a specific supplier for life (“not Network Locked”) thus firmware and hardware directly from the manufacturer (MPP Solar) will be supported by our products, Note: there is a proprietary version with 500V MPPT inputs that will “Hotel California” to that supplier for life (Firmware and Hardware)"
Good luck with that lol

"Please don’t cry to us when you decided to buy from an international/fake/copy seller – no support, no local warranty, no local phone number. (It happens all the time)
There are lots of fake Chinese copies out there , perhaps saving you 100 to 200 bucks, I say – go for it! Once bitten, twice shy.
We don’t sell proprietary modified equipment that ties you to a specific supplier for life (“not Network Locked”) thus firmware and hardware directly from the manufacturer (MPP Solar) will be supported by our products, Note: there is a proprietary version with 500V MPPT inputs that will “Hotel California” to that supplier for life (Firmware and Hardware)"
ah, i thought OP had gone through Ian to begin with...
even directly from MPP would be good, as watts247 is an official dealer/reseller/support...

if not, well could be indeed a clone or cheap copy and it would be a hard ( and expensive ) leason learned for TS
Ouch, not sure if there is some bad blood between you two but that does not involve me. I would have purchased an LV6548 but they were out of stock everywhere except ebay and that was too risky for me. The price difference including shipping was more in the range of 7-800 dollars though. I am in a bit of a pickle as the electrical inspector messaged me stating it needs to be disconnected as it is not operating correctly. Which gives me 14 days from tomorrow to replace it with a 1:1 swap. These are the headaches you gamble with when purchasing from an overseas company, lesson learned.
No bad blood, I just always remembered reading this on the 247 site and wondering how low the alternative options would have to go before I was tempted. Seems like me and you have the same threshold !!!

I would tell your inspector that a firmware upgrade fixed it, get the signature you require and move on with your life without officialdom poking their nose in anymore. Honestly I think he is over stepping the line, he is there to make sure it is installed safely, not how well it works.
the price was impossible to ignore, add in the lack of LV units in stock for months and the decision was basically made for me. the inspector became involved due to the E1 that pulled the permit talking to him about the odd output. Once he heard flickering lights he was like a homing missile. TBH a fluctuating output can be a hazard so he does have some say since it is feeding my house. If a device is not working properly I wouldn't want to put my name on it either. I can't exactly get the final sign off if I swap to a different manufacturers unit lol.
I want to be clear, my intent is not to drag SunGold through the mud. Things happen. But, it's how they are dealing with it that upsets me. Pushing me off day after day repeating the same "our engineer has to build a mock up and test the unit to verify, we will contact you in a few days" is ridiculous when they state no one has ever reported this issue. How would the engineering team not know the distortion specification on their own product?
Sometimes new components are just faulty. Sounds like it's just an isolated issue. Why can't we simply swap em out and move on with our days. I'm even willing to replace the inverter subassembly if that makes things easier. I don't know perhaps I am looking at this from a US business prospective and not how things are done in Asia.
I hope your units work properly @Quattrohead !
I want to be clear, my intent is not to drag SunGold through the mud. Things happen. But, it's how they are dealing with it that upsets me. Pushing me off day after day repeating the same "our engineer has to build a mock up and test the unit to verify, we will contact you in a few days" is ridiculous when they state no one has ever reported this issue. How would the engineering team not know the distortion specification on their own product?
Sometimes new components are just faulty. Sounds like it's just an isolated issue. Why can't we simply swap em out and move on with our days. I'm even willing to replace the inverter subassembly if that makes things easier. I don't know perhaps I am looking at this from a US business prospective and not how things are done in Asia.
I hope your units work properly @Quattrohead !
What's stopping you from opening a dispute on paypal? "Wait a few days" is just checking to see if you have so much money that you don't mind losing it that much.
OK, I promised some scope videos and yesterdays were lacking. I found an older scope in the garage and checked again.

Grid input to the inverter:

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