diy solar

diy solar

Solar Assistant - data logger

The beta release has been saying the same things for the last two release cycles, don't know what's up with that.
Still waiting on epever support before I buy more licenses from them. I like what I'm using on my sungold just fine but I have two 4215bn's by epever I'd love to setup on these.
modify shadow


so root password will be: 1234

reboot and ssh into your solar-assistant ip as root and password: 1234

Hi fips, I did that and everything above, but when I log in into ssh and enter "1234" as passwort it says "Permission denied", can you provide me an acual password hash for "superuser" or something like this, please?

Edit cmdline.txt file and add( init=/bin/sh) to bring up the raspberry pi to a shell(with hdmi console and keyboard).
Change root password.
set roots shell:
chsh -s $(which sh) root
I'm using the OrangePi-3-lts Image, there is no cmdline.txt in the boot partition, and he is booting into an gui and starting chrome with
Any idea how to boot into bash?

And by the way, since I changed that root:... line in the /etc/shadow, it is no more possible to reboot or shutdown through the web gui anymore... So they do it somehow with an script, may be there is the original root password? :unsure:
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Ok, get it done by myself, opened the sd-card in an other linux system:

First removed the password check in /etc/passwd from

then in /etc/ssh/sshd_config (only the changed lines)
Port 22
PermitRootLogin yes
#PubkeyAuthentication yes
PasswordAuthentication yes
PermitEmptyPasswords yes
UsePAM no
#AllowUsers solar-assistant

after that just boot and login with ssh as root, no password check, then you can change password for root to something else:
root@machine# passwd
New password: [desired password]
Retype new password: [desired password]
Now you have a password for root that you know. No change in etc/shadow needed, but you don't even need that, just put back the "x" in /etc/passwd and everything is as before. (y)
@PanicMan I followed your example to change the solar assistant root password. But, after modifying /etc/passwd and /etc/ssh/sshd_config files as recommended and rebooting with the modified files, I'm still getting password challenges on login via ssh and can't log in. Am I missing something? You did not need to make changes to the /etc/shadow file, right? Running the latest (2023-08-16) SA software.
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@PanicMan I followed your example to change the solar assistant root password. But, after modifying /etc/passwd and /etc/ssh/sshd_config files as recommended and rebooting with the modified files, I'm still getting password challenges on login via ssh and can't log in. Am I missing something? You did not need to make changes to the /etc/shadow file, right? Running the latest (2023-08-16) SA software.
Will try it with an new Image in the next days, will let you know (y)
Any more info? The change log is a bit vague on it.

You can automate various inverter setting (output priority, solar priority, charge priority, charge current, etc..) seen in image attached. They can be set based on up to two conditions listed on other image attached (Time, Battery voltage, SOC, etc…).
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One thing that's annoying me now that I have a battery on my tp6048 is no time till empty measurement. Home assistant does as does all of the bms and shunt tools. But solar assistant just shows x percent per hour.

You can automate various inverter setting (output priority, solar priority, charge priority, charge current, etc..) seen in image attached. They can be set based on up to two conditions listed on other image attached (Time, Battery voltage, SOC, etc…).
Thanks. Will be interested to take a look when it is released.

I suspect however I will be remaining with my own automations as they also incorporate data from my grid-tied PV, grid import/export, solar PV forecasts and I also auto adjust whether to use supplemental grid charging and at what rate.
One thing that's annoying me now that I have a battery on my tp6048 is no time till empty measurement. Home assistant does as does all of the bms and shunt tools. But solar assistant just shows x percent per hour.

Do you have something already in Home Assistant that shows your time to empty?
You can automate various inverter setting (output priority, solar priority, charge priority, charge current, etc..) seen in image attached. They can be set based on up to two conditions listed on other image attached (Time, Battery voltage, SOC, etc…).
Where do you see these settings? I'm not showing them and I'm on the Sept 27 build?
Hmm, maybe it's only currently supported on specific inverters. I've got a Sol-Ark 15K.

Would you mind posting a picture of your screen from a computer so I can at least see what it looks like?
Hmm, maybe it's only currently supported on specific inverters. I've got a Sol-Ark 15K.

Would you mind posting a picture of your screen from a computer so I can at least see what it looks like?

Could still be in development phase since pictures look totally different.
Last week I emailed Solar Assistant support with some specific inverter issues I had, and they allowed me to use these automations a few days earlier.

Upon reading the latest beta release this morning, I assumed it’s the same since “automation functionality” was added to the Solar Assistant Beta Change Log.

Not sure if it’s specific to my inverter or if not released yet. Sorry for the confusion.
You can automate various inverter setting (output priority, solar priority, charge priority, charge current, etc..) seen in image attached. They can be set based on up to two conditions listed on other image attached (Time, Battery voltage, SOC, etc…).
Which images? :unsure:
Percentage being Used is just a snapshot of load at that moment. Trying to calculate out time remaining is a whole different ball game if the goal is for even a reasonable level of accuracy and not just constantly changing numbers. It’s not easy.
I suspect that SA would just use rudimentary math based on the instantaneous load and SOC. This is going to fluctuate constantly!
I know that one of the big delays with Sol-Arks smart panel is perfecting the software into a basic AI system that over time can determine your load pattern and then use that to drop non prioritized loads so that it can stretch your battery time to get through the time period you set or until the time when it has calculated that the PV will be producing power.
This sounds great on paper but I am a bit skeptical about it shedding loads automatically. In some cases it Sounds great, in others I would probably prefer to make those decisions myself.
SA replied to the email I sent in about wanting the time remaining till empty aka runtime and they said its in the wish list already. So hopefully they will have it added eventually.

Being the impatient type I'm adding it to mine now :)
SA replied to the email I sent in about wanting the time remaining till empty aka runtime and they said its in the wish list already. So hopefully they will have it added eventually.

Being the impatient type I'm adding it to mine now :)

I wrote my own python code to get estimated runtime and charge time. But I found this recently and it looks like a nice method if you’re interested in validating your method with what looks like a lot of feedback over multiple years of tinkering.

Calculating time to end of charge seems to me to be like driving while only looking in the rear view mirror. It might OK if your loads are steady/predictable but otherwise it would not seem to be all that insightful of a measure.

diy solar

diy solar