diy solar

diy solar

Alt-e Virtual Solar Conference


Staff member
Apr 24, 2020
Somewhere South of Denver
Anybody else "attending" the conference? It starts this morning. I'm listening in on just a few sessions.

Link for more info:

Release for the release of the Multiplus II will be Q1 2021. It sounds like 240v inverter power isn't available from battery, but it is available from shore power.
Midnight Solar is OEM to a couple of Victron products.

No BMS from Victron. Probably never. :( It would take too much to support.
Augh! I forgot to sign up for this. My rep told me about it last week.
For what it's worth, Alt-E is my supplier for solar panels and Victron equipment. I love working with my sales rep there.
Conference Day 2. I'm in the Midnight Solar session on DC Charging.

They tried to cover the topic of mixing solar panels with different voltage/amp ratings within the same string and between strings. They used a couple of slides to explain it. It seems a lot more complicated than that to me.
I plan to watch the other racking webinars too.
I've never installed any panels but they sure make it look easy.
One trick I learned from that is if you miss the rafter, just use a hanger wire to feel around and find out where it is.
That beats leaving the drill in the hole and looking for it in the attic.
Replays aren’t active yet. I got an email yesterday stating that the Victron one was available but no dice so far.

Patience was never my strong suit ?.

I’m glad they’re doing replays for folks who can’t watch during the day.
I watched part of the Kilovolt Battery webinar yesterday

It was hosted by Nate Dooley. He's my salesman for the system I am buying.

The meeting had some technical difficulties but I got some good info from it.

I always learn something that makes it worthwhile.

Nate seems like a smart guy which gives me more confidence in my setup.

I always wonder if salesmen know anything about the stuff they are selling me.
Nate's been awesome to work with. I got all my Victron and solar panel stuff from him and a few other goodies. He triages my tough Victron questions that he doesn't know the answer to straight to Victron for me.