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diy solar

Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

The only reason Tesla is "profitable" is their carbon credits scam.
I am no hater or EV concept either, but it has to be built using economically and environmentally sustainable methods. Until then, lets have markets sort this out.
Sometimes, I "read between the lines" to try and figure some things out .... Things that stand alone don't make much sense.

First, right at the time Tesla had convinced most of the other US EV manufacturers to use Tesla charging stations .... Musk suddenly laid off a large chunk of Tesla's people in that division .... WTF? That didn't SEEM to make sense .... What does Musk know that we don't know?
He seems intent on keeping the existing Tesla charging stations working instead of expanding them.

Then, you see BILLIONS of dollars wasted on .... something .... 7.5 billion over a period of 3 years .... and 8 charging stations are have been built. Wonder if those 8 actually work.
In this video clip, Boot Edge Edge seems proud that after 3 years and billions spent ...... Some chargers have already been completed.

Then as you look around, many a LOT of vehicle manufacturing companies are gutting their EV development.

It's not too hard to figure out that no one is taking the 2030 EV goals seriously.

Are they waking up to the idea that the EV adoption needs to be more organic? ..... is there some new technology on the verge of a break thru that is going to change things? Has no EV manufacturer except Tesla figured out how to make EV's at a profit?

Unlike some, I'm NOT an EV hater .... I think there are a lot of applications where an EV makes sense.
I'd like to have an inexpensive EV for short trips. I don't need or want charge ports that open on their own .... I don't want FSD, I don't want door handles that pop open when you walk up to the car. They need to ditch all those expensive gadget features designed to impress, but doomed to fail.

One thing that is for sure is that all these power brokers know something we don't and have slammed the brakes on the EV rollout.
The Free Market should be sorting this out. Somewhere in history our Govt became very communist where the State dictates how we respond and react based on govt spending our money which equals more debt. No EV credits should have been given. That is borrowed money going on National debt.

The first thing that should been required is universal ev type charging station and universal plug type. Gas pumps are for the most part standard now. Charging stations should of been required to follow standards too.

Instead we see the government spending out tax dollars to build charging stations or no amazement wasting money. The govt is suppose to regulate standards for manufacturers to protect consumers not go into business with our money. Communist are always exposed… their actions in Govt. Regulate Only. Stop wasting our money. All incentives should halt. Free market should run business.

The hardest part is getting govt to follow the will of the ppl. The govt should not exist to hand out so-called free shit when Bills are attached to National Debt. Free World business should be involved with innovative pushes. It is like ppl are retarded and think our govt should pay for everything. Our govt is like a drunk bitch high on meth with stolen credit card to max out…..we have to pay the bill. That shit goes on national debt too.
The only reason Tesla is "profitable" is their carbon credits scam.
Their profit used to rely on the tax credits, but that is no longer true ..... There is no Tesla carbon credit scam.

One thing is for sure, they have built a large reliable charging network for much less money than the government has spent to build 8.
There is
I have previously posted articles that show Tesla gained profitability beyond tax credits ..... I'm not going to look them up again.

A company is obligated to use every available legal means to make a profit ..... All the other EV Mfg could have used the same means, but were unable to do it.

It's the governments attempts to force EV adoption that is the problem .... Not the manufacturers. The manufacturers have lost many billions of dollars trying to bring EV's to market .... It truly has been a bloodbath for them.
I have previously posted articles that show Tesla gained profitability beyond tax credits ..... I'm not going to look them up again.

A company is obligated to use every available legal means to make a profit ..... All the other EV Mfg could have used the same means, but were unable to do it.

It's the governments attempts to force EV adoption that is the problem .... Not the manufacturers. The manufacturers have lost many billions of dollars trying to bring EV's to market.

The link i posted is from 2024.
Carbon Credits only exist because of govt shenanigans.
I am all for EV standing on their own, in a free market.
But that is not the case today.
D71, hard to envision buyer remorse at that price, seems you and 42OhmsPA are going to be twins.

D71, I always look on the brite side, smaller gauge wires needed, but get some rubber gloves.
The price today

Vs discount from yesterday. Memorial Day sale

The link i posted is from 2024.
Carbon Credits only exist because of govt shenanigans.
I am all for EV standing on their own, in a free market.
But that is not the case today.
You characterized it as a TESLA SCAM .... It's not.
The fact remains, that in the US, Tesla is the only company that has been able to make EV's feasible ..... They were doing that BEFORE the government began the mandate game. They actually recognized the need for a widespread charging network and have done a really good job of that.
I won't be buying a Tesla because I don't like all the unnecessary bells and whistles .... I did consider leasing one for a couple of years.

I'd like to see a PHEV that's driven 100% by electric motors with a small diesel engine to charge the battery when needed .... even better would be hydrogen based charging, but there is no infrastructure outside California to support that. A PHEV with a diesel generator and super capacitors instead of batteries would be an interesting concept.

I totally agree that EV adoption needs to be an organic process, not forced by the government.
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You characterized it as a TESLA SCAM .... It's not.
The fact remains, that in the US, Tesla is the only company that has been able to make EV's feasible ..... They were doing that BEFORE the government began the mandate game. They actually recognized the need for a widespread charging network and have done a really good job of that.
I won't be buying a Tesla because I don't like all the unnecessary bells and whistles .... I did consider leasing one for a couple of years.

I'd like to see a PHEV that's driven 100% by electric motors with a small diesel engine to charge the battery when needed .... even better would be hydrogen based charging, but there is no infrastructure outside California to support that.

I totally agree that EV adoption needs to be an organic process, not forced by the government.

Anything that involves carbon credits is by definition scam as its built on fraudulent "cLIEmate change" narrative.

Otherwise i agree with you, a serial PHEV sounds like a winner, but battery is still an issue, although to a much lesser degree.
Disagree on hydrogen - that is still pipe dream (much more energy to make H than H can produce)
D71, failing to pull the trigger only cost you $264 :oops:
I'll admit when the numbers get over $500 I get trigger shy.:censored:
😁👀 My current system worked fine. Just not enough battery. That was a temptation If don’t spend my money it will be devalued or never appreciated by ppl that inherit it. If govt gets everything they will just waste it. So….

$254 savings would put a dent in new wiring. Was debating are 2 units in parallel better then 1 single unit? 😁

As far as I know Free Market allowed that discount for memorial day. As time passes the new will wear off and better will follow so those prices might be common. Ppl always want the latest and greatest. Like rooster trying be only one on top perch. COCK.
Was debating are 2 units in parallel better then 1 single unit?
D71, I would think 2 units in parallel would have a higher idle current draw.
but bet not as much as 200W like the split phase transformer I tried, I would hope, but that would
give you 10kw, 200W may be small :unsure:

the guy I get the used panels from, charges his EV, he said his idle current was 600W(I didn't get his volts)

Just not enough battery
for the last month I've been running on 400AH 24V battery pack, my grid charger has not come on once.
with the flooded 400AH 24V pack the grid charger would fire 6 times a month.

I love me some LiFePO4 :love:

but it was a hard trigger to pull. :censored: $2500

Ppl always want the latest and greatest. Like rooster trying be only one on top perch. COCK.
D71, must be a common human thing, worked the same in hangGliding.
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PHEV is bees knees. Lets you gas-up on grid or home-brew power and run some distance without the gas engine having to light off and then when needed, its there so vehicle can be used as normal.

That's nice and actually makes a huge difference in fuel burned without sacrificing vehicle versatility and usability.

Lots of energy is spent getting engine warm in the morning only to drive 25 miles or less to work in stop and go traffic where hybrid and full electric are best only to have to repeat the same wasteful warm-up cycle again at the end of the day.
PHEV is bees knees. Lets you gas-up on grid or home-brew power and run some distance without the gas engine having to light off and then when needed, its there so vehicle can be used as normal.

That's nice and actually makes a huge difference in fuel burned without sacrificing vehicle versatility and usability.

Lots of energy is spent getting engine warm in the morning only to drive 25 miles or less to work in stop and go traffic where hybrid and full electric are best only to have to repeat the same wasteful warm-up cycle again at the end of the day.
EV use more power when cold. ICE require less warm up then say carburetor days due to fuel injection advantages. PHEV is normally limited vs straight up EV and they will eventually have dual maintenance cost. If sell the resale value will be less for upcoming repairs. Hmmmm there really is not good solution. The Tesla has to be programmed and planned for cold weather recharging…heats batteries which uses engergy so energy can be applied. 😁😳☑️🎶
That heat pump is warm as all get out in an Ioniq5. Not being able to charge it in cold weather is a downer.

I think ppl pushing EV so hard should also be required to setup off grid charging Be green and forced to live it. Otherwise leave my freedom to choice alone. I picked ICE because Toyota had yet to fix cable properly and screwed their customers. Hyundai screwed their customers over battery replacements too. So no money from me. They should never be allowed any tax credits until satisfy the customers they screwed. At least give them a reach around and kiss
D71, I would think 2 units in parallel would have a higher idle current draw.
but bet not as much as 200W like the split phase transformer I tried, I would hope, but that would
give you 10kw, 200W may be small :unsure:

the guy I get the used panels from, charges his EV, he said his idle current was 600W(I didn't get his volts)

for the last month I've been running on 400AH 24V battery pack, my grid charger has not come on once.
with the flooded 400AH 24V pack the grid charger would fire 6 times a month.

I love me some LiFePO4 :love:

but it was a hard trigger to pull. :censored: $2500

D71, must be a common human thing, worked the same in hangGliding.
My contemplated battery solution.

Post in thread 'What is your experience with AliExpress?'
I think Tony is right ...... A LOT of virtue signaling and bad data.
Oh, and then there's the people like Al Gore who are in it for the money .... He's the BIG pusher of carbon credits.

7 billion for 7 charging stations, may be a little mellow drama. :unsure:

View attachment 218289
In that chart PUBLIC only means they are open to public use ..... NOT that they were built by the government.

There are quite a few companies trying to make a profit from EV charging .... Problem is a LOT of them don't work. Tesla has 99.9% up time on their .... I think it was 99.7 % this year. That's why everyone was adopting them.

This administration hates Musk, so will waste billions.
NOT that they were built by the government.
Bob, you don't think they are working together, you don't think the Government is
funding a large number of startups with the 7 billion?

what is needed is a whole new setup nation wide, even in currently unprofitable areas.

if they don't have low interest loan setups, or even grants in some places I would be disappointed.

This administration hates Musk
if musk put up a charging station in an unprofitable area his share holders could sue him
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Bob, you don't think they are working together, you don't think the Government is
funding a large number of startups with the 7 billion?

what is needed is a whole new setup nation wide, even in currently unprofitable areas.
Maybe you should read some of the articles that are reporting this ...... Boot Edge Edge was somehow proud that after 3 years and over 7 billion " a few charging stations had actually been built."

If you have some actual facts about what the money has bought you should post that.
The administration most definitely does NOT hate Musk. Why would they? He is doing a great job pushing the globalist agenda.

Elon Musk’s Love Affair With mRNA​

Another ringing endorsement of mRNA technology by Elon Musk has again left some of his fans dismayed and perplexed.

Synthetic mRNA is basically digital medicine with incredible potential
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 8, 2024

But what most people will not know and what raises issues about whether he should not in fact recuse himself from such discussions or at least provide appropriate disclosure, is that Musk is himself part of the mRNA project and has a direct commercial stake in it.

More precisely, Musk is a partner in Germany’s mRNA project, since Tesla has a partnership with the German mRNA company CureVac to produce so-called ‘RNA printers’: an automated system for manufacturing mRNA and mRNA-based drugs. The patent application for the machines was jointly filed by CureVac and Tesla’s German subsidiary Tesla Grohmann Automation, as can be seen here.

CureVac is Germany’s ‘other’ mRNA company. Like BioNTech, whose COVID-19 vaccine has been marketed by Pfizer in most of the world, and the two German companies’ American rival Moderna, CureVac was also in the running to produce a COVID-19 vaccine, but its vaccine candidate did not obtain authorisation.

Whereas the German Government has sponsored both of the German companies, it went beyond mere sponsorship of CureVac in mid-June 2020 and took a direct ownership stake in the company, acquiring nearly a quarter of its shares for €300 million. This means that as CureVac’s partner,
Elon Musk’s Tesla is in fact a direct commercial partner of the German Government, which, as touched upon here and here, has made mRNA manufacturing into a cornerstone of its industrial policy.

Just two weeks after the German Government acquired its stake in CureVac, Musk announced the (preexisting) Tesla-CureVac partnership on Twitter, noting that Tesla would be able to build the ‘RNA printers’, or what he called the “RNA microfactories”, not just for CureVac, but also “possibly for others”.

Tesla, as a side project, is building RNA microfactories for CureVac & possibly others
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 2, 2020

In March 2022, CureVac announced that it was indeed creating a fully-owned subsidiary, CureVac RNA Printer GmbH, to build the machines not just for its own purposes but also potentially for other manufacturers.

Two months after announcing his partnership with CureVac, in early September 2020, Musk then turned up in Berlin in the very midst of the declared COVID-19 pandemic to tout the mRNA machines. The below video shows him struggling to explain how the machines work to a group of somewhat befuddled-looking German parliamentarians from Angela Merkel’s then ruling Christian Democratic party.
CureVac´s Technology in Berlin: Tesla CEO @elonmusk explaining CureVac´s cooperation with Tesla Grohmann Automation on the development of The RNA Printer® during the @cducsubt meeting.
— CureVac (@CureVacRNA) September 3, 2020

Two weeks after that, the German Government announced that it was tossing another €230 million at CureVac: this time not as investment, but as pure subsidies in support of its COVID-19 vaccine programme. BioNTech received €375 million.

So, is it possible to talk about Elon Musk’s involvement in Germany’s mRNA project on his social media platform X? Well, of course. X is, after all, a ‘free speech platform’. Perish the thought that any sort of censorship might take place on it. But, judging by my own previous experience, while we are perfectly free to talk about it, if we have anything critical to say, we are only free to talk about it in a void.

Thus, Elon Musk first flagged his support for what he enthusiastically styled the mRNA “revolution” in April 2023, admitting that the dose in the Covid vaccines had been too high, but expressing confidence that synthetic mRNA would be “the surest path to curing cancer”.
This will make some people upset, but I need to emphasize that accelerating synthetic mRNA technology was another silver lining. It is a revolution in medicine, like going from analog to digital.

The Covid mRNA vaccine dosage level was too high and having a zillion booster shots…
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 12, 2023

In response, I noted that his tweet amounted to shilling for BioNTech. After all, the mRNA dose in the BioNTech vaccine was less than one-third of that in the Moderna vaccine and, furthermore, curing cancer had been BioNTech’s ambition from the start. Before Covid, BioNTech was a cancer treatment company. Unlike Moderna, it had had almost no experience in infectious diseases. Curiously, however, none of the trials of its cancer drugs had ever got very far.

In light of research which has uncovered oncogenic properties of synthetic mRNA, I recently wondered whether this was because its drugs were in fact found to be promoting cancer rather than ‘curing’ it.
Be that as it may, my critical reply-thread, which also pointed to Musk’s conflict-of-interest in light of the ‘RNA printer’ partnership, was torn apart and rendered invisible by the X algorithm, as can be seen below.

Well, this is interesting. Try clicking on below tweet and see what you get. It is supposed to be a reply
involving 6 tweets.
— Robert Kogon (former "Esprit de Voltaire") (@EdV1694) April 13, 2023

Which just goes to show that “freedom of speech is not freedom of reach”.
One thing that is for sure is that all these power brokers know something we don't and have slammed the brakes on the EV rollout.
With anything Tesla, I tend to think they get over criticized in the media regardless of what they do. People sure do hate tesla (video).

I don't think it's so much what "they know" as "politics". I suspect Biden doesn't like Tesla as they're non-union. Tesla proves that a company can be strong and pay their employees well without a union.

When that money was budgeted to build EV charging stations it was going to be in competition with Tesla chargers and would be a boon for GM/Ford/etc. since they wouldn't have to spend capital building out networks like Tesla did. At the time, it was the charging network that made Tesla desirable over other EVs because other networks sucked (primarily from poor maintenance). Now that Ford/GM/etc. switched to the Tesla charging port (i.e., NACS) it doesn't help the UAW. Hopefully @42OhmsPA has more posted on this, can't wait to get an insiders take!

Another primary driver of EV hate is dealerships realizing they'll lose money on them (which consumers will save) and people who think they're ruining their "way of life". Pretty much anyone that makes money off ICE consumables (e.g., gasoline) isn't going to want to see their golden goose get away. It's just the way of things. Fortunately, it from actual car registrations it doesn't seem to be slowing things down.

Regarding the layoffs, Tesla chargers (despite having a fairly high degree of vandalism) are superbly maintained and that team wasn't touched by the layoffs. He's also hired some back and tweeted they were spending $500 million in to expand the EV charging network in 2024.

There is always new technology on the horizon like the 10 minute battery, but a model S can already get 200 miles of charge in 15 minutes on a supercharger.... I doubt a sodium battery would have special needs as watts are watts.

...a LOT of vehicle manufacturing companies are gutting their EV development...
While it is spun that way, I'm not sure how much of that is actually true in terms of getting out the EV biz. Some of those (e.g., Volvo) aren't ditching EVs, they're just moving it to China.

I don't believe EVs are 100% baked yet, they're better than ICE in just about everyway except refueling time, but I think we'll still see a lot of new revolutionary things in the next decade because the old guard (assuming they can stay afloat) will have to compete with new and innovative features from the new upcoming companies.

Well futz... the internet went down and I can't go through the news feeds, thumbs up, or reply to the great posts on the prior page.

Night Time Wind Power Fails Across the Entire Continent of Australia​

First published JoNova; Remember all those assurances that the wind always blows somewhere? Not so much on the night of the 27th.

Another wind drought pulls combined renewables output below last year
The story of Australia’s green energy transition is mostly one of new peaks in output and share of renewables, but there inevitably ups and downs.
The last few days have seen another so-called wind energy “drought” – the second in as many months. Autumn is “traditionally” the season with lowest wind outputs, but the lull this year has pushed the combined output of renewables below its level of last year.
The graph above from ITK Services principal David Leitch, a contributor to Renew Economy and co-host of Renew Economy’s popular and weekly Energy Insiders podcast, shows that the share of variable renewable energy (VRE, or solar and wind), has fallen below last year’s levels.
Another data provider, OpenNEM, puts the share of wind over the last three days at just 4.1 per cent, and five per cent for the past seven days, compared to more than 13 per cent for the past year.

Read more:
Let’s see, if wind power drops to below 5% normal for 3 days and counting, does this mean we’d need at least 72 hours of battery backup, and counting? Or is the green solution to build 2000% overcapacity?

Large scale wind droughts are not exactly rare. A similar event occurred in 2022;

Blocking high pressure system australiia
Blocking high pressure system which covered Australia on 16th June 2022. Very little wind that day. Source Bureau of Meteorology / JoNova, Fair Use, Low Resolution Image to Identify the Subject
Longer outages over vast areas can also occur, such as the 2017 season long wind drought which afflicted South Australia.

Obviously we could always keep all the coal and gas infrastructure on rolling standby, ready to jump in every other year when the wind completely fails over the entire continent, but how much would it cost to keep an entire second electricity generation system operational, just in case the renewable system fails?

Actually we don’t have to ask that question – consumers are already learning the hard way what the renewable circus costs, through skyrocketing household energy bills.

Or maybe we’ll all just have to get used to multi-day power blackouts, like South Africa is currently experiencing.

diy solar

diy solar