diy solar

diy solar

Docan Power US Warehouse LF280K Review

Amy Zheng è una grande truffatrice vende celle false ne ho le prove (la eve non ha venduto celle alla docan) come è capitato a me, le celle sono tutte difettose e non reggono il carico scendono subito a 2.6v e va in protezione il bms le celle vendute da alibaba dal magazzino polacco sono di produzioni diverse dal 2022 al 2023 ma tutte non sono equilibrate ogni cella va per fatti suoi in tensione da 2.5v a 3.1v non c'è ne una uguale scappate via vi rifila un bidone grande è una ladra
Could you please share details of your cell purchase from the warehouse in Poland?
Which company sold you those poor performing cells?
Please post photos of your cells.
I am asking because I ordered test batch of cells from the warehouse in Poland. They are with the same sticker as on the photos of the topic starter. Awaiting delivery now.
Your information makes me nervous))) I am prepared to get B grade cells but I am not ready to get the junk you are describing.
it would help if you posted this in english, so i translated your message...

Amy Zheng is a great scammer, she sells fake cells, I have proof of this (Eve didn't sell cells to Docan), as happened to me, the cells are all defective and can't handle the load, they immediately drop to 2.6V and the BMS goes into protection. cells sold by alibaba from the Polish warehouse are of different productions from 2022 to 2023 but all are not balanced each cell goes its own way in voltage from 2.5v to 3.1v there is none the same run away she gives you a big bin she is a thief

I saw video from Sun fun kits they describe exactly what you are saying:

The $30.00 savings per cell vs grade A with all this seems to be a bad deal.