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diy solar

EG4 18kPV Q+A general thread

Well, I didn't sleep much. Couldn't turn off my brain.

LCD firmware update went smooth.

I do have a question on which RS485 protocol I should have set on the PowerPro.

Will's video says use P03-LUX, and when I'm using that setting everything seems to be working fine with no error reported on the 18kpv.

1) Should this be set to P01-EG4, or is P03-LUX correct? Or does it even matter between the two?

2) Do I need to manually set the maximum charging since I only have one PowerPro, or will the closed loop coms handle this for me?
Yeah that battery is insanely heavy, I manually set the max charge because if my solar put out the 250 amp and the battery BMS didn’t catch it , I could have a fire. But my closed loop coms did not change mine. also my HZ were set to 50hz so I changed it to 60hz. Yeah CAN LUX is correct. A problem I had, was when I put in the password 00000, I kept clicking the down key at the bottom to change to the next page. That cause my EG4 18KW to default to the main screen. Eventually I figured out that you have to click on the side cursor arrow so it want throw the password out. Was Banging my head for hours on that one.
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Well, getting this into the basement was more difficult than expected (the battery is freaking insanely heavy), and my conduit box was murdered in transit, but my 18kpv and battery survived the trip. I've successfully booted and have battery coms up and running.

View attachment 173344

RIP my friend.

I'll report in on the damage claim progress. It looked like the freaking transit company dropped something on the stack of parts. I guess it's "good" that the conduit box took the blow. I rushed to get everything up and running because I needed to get my claim submitted by Monday, and the inverter was stacked below the conduit box. The inverter box was also dented, but everything seems to be functioning. Looks like the bulk of the impact happened below the LCD, and the LCD is working, the lower cabinet opens normally with no I think I dodged that bullet.

Man...holy shit this battery is heavy!

Mistakes I've made thus far:

1) Me and my wife cannot move this battery. I thought I was the strongest man on earth. I am not. Reinforcements required. My "500# rated" Amazon dolly is scaring me. That will be replaced. The battery will be tethered to something on it's stronger dolly. I am sold on the dolly concept however...made my night much easier.

2) These battery cables are short. Like literally designed to only run from the battery, through conduit box mounted like the pretty stock pictures show (and not a smashed to shit conduit box), and then into the inverter with little wiggle room. I don't really want the inverter mounted higher (I'm not a tall man), and I want the battery off to the right side further surrounded by only concrete, so I'm going to have to look into longer cables. I also hate how finely stranded these battery cables are...getting them connected was a PITA. I am a beginner so that could be on me. Tips welcomed.

3) Battery coms took a few reboots to figure out. Will saved the day. I agree with his statement on a "quick start guide." I'm not even sure anymore what combination of things I tried made it work...but it does, so I'm happy.

Question for the group:

1) Longer battery cables and appropriate connectors for the PowerPro. Anyone have a good source for them? Also less annoying finely stranded cable if possible. I have done zero research here...just need to give my back a break and vent (and finish my victory beer)...but I can make them with some direction. I can figure this out on my own, but I'm tired and a push in the right direction is welcomed.

Thanks to everyone here...went from insanely depressed from transit damage to mostly happy tonight. Just bummed on the newest cable length problem.
"Also less annoying finely stranded cable if possible." thats welding wire, Its recommended not use anything but the finely stranded cable, because other cables would not be able to handle the amps going through it. They sell it on ebay called WELDING BATTERY CABLE.
Progress report...and would love eyes on what I have so far. Don't mind the battery cables and lack of conduit. Having a crushed conduit box and too short of cables has that on the backburner as I wait for parts.



Holy crap I hate 3/0 copper so hard. I about died running it and the FMC up into the ceiling towards my load breaker panel...turns out it's heavy, non-flexible, and awkward solo on a ladder.

What you are looking at, left to right:

LEFT: 200a breaker that will have the grid coming in. I have a 320/400A service with 2 disconnects on each side of my meter outside. All of my critical loads are already on the panel in the basement that I'm "intercepting". N-G bond in the meter enclosure. ECG starts in the 200A breaker outside and will be continued into the inverter through this disconnect. This is how it is currently wired when the house is built. I am not 100% sure if I need to N-G bond again since it's in the can, and that is how it passed inspection to begin with. Any thoughts here?

MIDDLE: Fused disconnect coming from my grid tied inverter for AC coupling.

RIGHT: 18kpv, with loads going up into the ceiling to my current load center.

Nothing is hot right now...just getting as much grunt-work done before my more experienced friend gets here early NOV.

Anything horrifying and going to burn down my house or damage equipment? Things to think about? I am missing one plastic bushing for AC coupling connector so they aren't hooked up until I run to the store.

I know it's ugly, I just want it safe.
I am not 100% sure if I need to N-G bond again since it's in the can, and that is how it passed inspection to begin with. Any thoughts here?
Only one N/G bond should exist in a system.
A second one would put the neutral and ground between the two in a parallel path. Which would split the neutral current between the two.
Ground conductors should only carry fault current.
Never neutral current.
Is there a limit for pv input per mppt? I know there is a voltage and amp limit but what about watts? I don’t know if I overlooked this info or it if it’s not in the book. I know it’s 18kw total over all 3. I want to know if I can put 6kw on mppt 1. Voltage would be 452 and amps 17.4.
Is there a limit for pv input per mppt? I know there is a voltage and amp limit but what about watts? I don’t know if I overlooked this info or it if it’s not in the book. I know it’s 18kw total over all 3. I want to know if I can put 6kw on mppt 1. Voltage would be 452 and amps 17.4.
As far as I know, the inverter does not have a per-inverter limit. (I suspect the total limit is driven by an overall-heat dissipation capability, but that is speculation on my part.)

BTW: The limit on the array size is 21K, but the inverter will only ever use 18K of that. This allows for over-paneling
Is there a limit for pv input per mppt? I know there is a voltage and amp limit but what about watts? I don’t know if I overlooked this info or it if it’s not in the book. I know it’s 18kw total over all 3. I want to know if I can put 6kw on mppt 1. Voltage would be 452 and amps 17.4.
Unless you plan on over paneling, have the ability to sell to grid or planning for lower winter months. Stick with 12,000 watts of solar plus average consumption.

In my case 2K watts consumption during summer plus 12K watts for battery charging, 14-16K watts of solar would be ideal for me.

Edit to say 12K watts is the battery charging limit (250 amps).
I want to know if I can put 6kw on mppt 1. Voltage would be 452 and amps 17.4.
Yep that is fine. Without referring to the manual I believe it is a 500 volt/25 amp total rating for mppt one and 500 volt 12 amp rating on mppts 2 and 3.
Yep that is fine. Without referring to the manual I believe it is a 500 volt/25 amp total rating for mppt one and 500 volt 12 amp rating on mppts 2 and 3.
I knew the volts and amp limits, just wanted to make sure I didn’t have too much pv power per mppt. I didn’t think there was a limit per mppt, just wanted to make sure. My total total for the mppts will be under 10kw. Power co. Needs more insurance if I go over that. I will be net metering.
Thanks for your help.
Has anyone thought about putting a filter on their EG4 18K? My Schneider 6048 has one on it.


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Has anyone thought about putting a filter on their EG4 18K? My Schneider 6048 has one on it.
That's not a bad idea if dust is that big a deal. Something fine enough to catch enough but not too dense as to restrict air flow. Something installed outside of the box, sealing the inverter to the wall at the bottom and both sides.
Has anyone thought about putting a filter on their EG4 18K? My Schneider 6048 has one on it.
I kind of wondered the same thing. I cleaned my 6500 filters about once a month and they were pretty dirty sometimes. I don’t think I want that dust getting into the 18k if I can keep it out.
Notice this post this morning, looks like he had issues with his EG4 cooling do to dust.

diy solar

diy solar