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diy solar

EG4 18kPV Q+A general thread

The provided green cable that came with the parallel kit.

Any specific cable I should swap out and try?
Is the firmware the same on both batteries?

Have you rebooted each BMS?

Is each battery programed for the same protocol?
The provided green cable that came with the parallel kit.

Any specific cable I should swap out and try?
Does the online user manual say anything that would be helpful?

We're both batteries purchased at the same time?
Is the cable labeled?
No label on the cable. I'll try another cable and see if I have any luck.

BMS's have been restarted several times.
Batteries purchased months apart.

It does look like firmware is different between the two. I'll see if I can track down the latest firmware and get them to match up.
The supplied green cable is the one to use, but it is a standard cat 5 cable.
The multiple battery monitoring may need firmware upgrades on the inverter and batteries, this is all relatively new stuff.
Also do you happen to know which type of dongle you have on the inverter.
The supplied green cable is the one to use, but it is a standard cat 5 cable.
The multiple battery monitoring may need firmware upgrades on the inverter and batteries, this is all relatively new stuff.
Also do you happen to know which type of dongle you have on the inverter.
Both dongle types provide basic battery details.
The supplied green cable is the one to use, but it is a standard cat 5 cable.
The multiple battery monitoring may need firmware upgrades on the inverter and batteries, this is all relatively new stuff.
Also do you happen to know which type of dongle you have on the inverter.


  • dongle.jpg
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The supplied green cable is the one to use, but it is a standard cat 5 cable.
The multiple battery monitoring may need firmware upgrades on the inverter and batteries, this is all relatively new stuff.
Also do you happen to know which type of dongle you have on the inverter.
I was only shipped the USB RS485 cable, and I can't find the firmware I need to install.

The heater logic update requires a cable I don't have yet. I tried for way too long before I figured out I had the wrong cable.

Do you have a link to the latest firmware (RS485 style)?
Also, am I safe to keep both of these batteries connected, or should I disconnect the second battery until I get this more squared away?
I was only shipped the USB RS485 cable, and I can't find the firmware I need to install.

The heater logic update requires a cable I don't have yet. I tried for way too long before I figured out I had the wrong cable.

Do you have a link to the latest firmware (RS485 style)?
Can you post a pic of the usb rs485 cable I don’t think I was shipped one
If you reuploaded the firmware 1717 to the 18Kpv do think that might help the 18Kpv identify the second battery?
RS-485 is just not that complicated. It's a brain dead TWO (2) wire serial connection that can be run in parallel. You don't need the ground. . .


$12, Electronics toolbox item. Sacrifice an old Cat-5 cable Should be 1-8: ORT-ORG-GRT-BLU-BLT-GRN-BRT-BRN

Download the tool from, plug into your laptop, ORT-(B-) ORG-(A+) (verify pinout is 1-B-, 2-A+, if wrong swap the wires, it can only be one way or the other) verify the batteries are talking, get the readings from the tool, then use the tool to upgrade all the batteries.

Once you have confirmed the pins get an RJ-45 screw lug


snap it into the inverter in the battery hole. Verify the pins, I think it's 7-8, So ORG-7,ORT-8. You just spent $5000+ on a bunch of hardware, spend an hour and figure it out. Once you have the pins nailed down crimp a cable, or build a pigtail into a biscuit jack, and run a straight thru cable back to the batteries.
RS-485 is just not that complicated. It's a brain dead TWO (2) wire serial connection that can be run in parallel. You don't need the ground. . .

View attachment 193384

$12, Electronics toolbox item. Sacrifice an old Cat-5 cable Should be 1-8: ORT-ORG-GRT-BLU-BLT-GRN-BRT-BRN

Download the tool from, plug into your laptop, ORT-(B-) ORG-(A+) (verify pinout is 1-B-, 2-A+, if wrong swap the wires, it can only be one way or the other) verify the batteries are talking, get the readings from the tool, then use the tool to upgrade all the batteries.

Once you have confirmed the pins get an RJ-45 screw lug

View attachment 193396

snap it into the inverter in the battery hole. Verify the pins, I think it's 7-8, So ORG-7,ORT-8. You just spent $5000+ on a bunch of hardware, spend an hour and figure it out. Once you have the pins nailed down crimp a cable, or build a pigtail into a biscuit jack, and run a straight thru cable back to the batteries.
I've crimped plenty of cables. I can't even find the firmware files anymore so I can't even get started trying to update.

The firmware situation on these batteries is a bit of a mess. I do hope that's my fix..
I did on the ID-1 "master". I didn't on the second one but the manual says you don't need to.

I've had the first battery up and running without issues for months
Maybe try it regardless, it shouldn't hurt. I'm on LLs but changed all mine.
Another dumb question/thought incoming.

The PowerPro batteries have an internal bus bar.

My "old" PowerPro battery with the older firmware has the dual 2/0 wire connections made from it to the inverter.

I want to see if the newer firmware on my "new" PowerPro will fix my issue of the second PowerPro not being detected/communicating, but I don't want to move the wires from the old PowerPro to the new one (those freaking conduit boxes have to be removed to connect/disconnect the cables, and I don't want to do that).

Can I safely just make my "new" battery the "master" without changing my wiring, move the coms cable to the new battery and connect it to the 18kpv, and see if that fixes my issue?

Since it's on an internal bus bar it shouldn't matter? Right?

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diy solar