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Half price electric cars

No, she was quite serious.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, who is a leading climate change denier, posted speculation that a secret space laser - controlled by the Rothschilds, a favorite Jewish target, and used to replace gas and coal generation - started all the wildfires. A partial quote: "Then oddly there have been all these people who have said they saw what looked like lasers or blue beams of light causing the fires, and pictures and videos. I don't know anything about that but I do find it really curious that PG&E's partnership with Solaren on space generators starting in 2009. They announced the launch into space in March 2018, and maybe even put them up before that."

She followed it with a tweet: "Love Jewish lasers . .Space or land . .Zap ‘em!"

You can look up the entire tweet if you like.
Well that explains some things.
I'm still trying to comprehend someone who willingly puts their life at risk unnecessarily, being concerned with a virus that was nothing more than a cold for the vast majority of people who had it.
Because the alternative is death for some (like Art.)

There are long lists of people who spoke out against vaccines, only to die due to the lack of them. Far too many of them had final words along the lines of "please please give me the vaccine!" even though at that point it did nothing, or even more sadly, "tell people I was wrong."

Keep in mind that polio, considered a horrible epidemic, only killed 6000 people and paralyzed 30,000 in the US. And everyone back then was vaccinated against polio, even though the vaccine had some very nasty failures, and sometimes CAUSED polio rather than protect against it.

COVID killed 1.2 MILLION Americans.
They are neat and have their use. We own one and it is fun for the whole family.

They don't really go that far on the OEM battery, and pedaling them when they are off is only fun on flat ground or less.

A trip on an ebike where you run out of battery would be much easier on a light pedal only bicycle.

They would be perfect in the city if you could keep them from being stolen, but usually you can't, which is unfortunate.
I bought one of these a year ago for my nephew. The battery last quite a while. I even bought a spare battery just in case if he ever wants to take it far, but he hasn’t needed yet. He can be gone all day and come back with lot of charge left. His friends can’t keep up with him, so this year I bought another one. His dad or me, etc. can go on rides with him too now.


If anyone ends up ordering from that site and want to throw me a bone you can use this link:


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Because the alternative is death for some (like Art.)

There are long lists of people who spoke out against vaccines, only to die due to the lack of them. Far too many of them had final words along the lines of "please please give me the vaccine!" even though at that point it did nothing, or even more sadly, "tell people I was wrong."

Keep in mind that polio, considered a horrible epidemic, only killed 6000 people and paralyzed 30,000 in the US. And everyone back then was vaccinated against polio, even though the vaccine had some very nasty failures, and sometimes CAUSED polio rather than protect against it.

COVID killed 1.2 MILLION Americans.
Yet death wasn't the likely outcome from covid, just like death isn't viewed as the likely outcome from jumping out of a plane by those who do it. And there's a longer list of people who lost loved ones to covid who blame the way it was handled, not the lack of a vaccine. And there is absolutely no evidence that the current "vaccines" would have saved any lives. It's very easy to say you are wrong when you are dying. When you deal with the reality of death, you will grasp at anything.
Never seen anything claiming Jewish Space lasers.
Not one article and if there was such article it was written to inflame.

Heard people say DEWs but never Jewish Space lasers.



Why is America essentially married to (or colonized by) a foreign power?​



no qualms with the majority of your statement until here.
These EVs are all reliant and dependent on the OEM via their OTA/4g/5g/wifi requirements.
Thats my biggest hang up. Give me something that doesn’t need to be connected to the IOT
Our leaf has lost connectivity, it will be awhile before the Lightning does, but the Leaf functions fine. We have a Bluetooth app that tells us just about anything we need to know about the car and battery, people have built a similar app for the Lightning.
I agree it is not helpful to categorise such views as automatically belonging to the same group of people.

While there are often parallels between views held by a group on some topics, views on climate change and vaccines are not necessarily aligned in the manner suggested.

This is an interesting study published in Nature on this issue of grouping of views on climate change and views on COVID vaccines:

Study on >1000 Australians. Obviously there are going to be differences with other countries, this was more to consider the issue of grouping views and why that's not always wise.

What did they find?

The paper discussed many nuances with age, gender, political identity and so on but in general:

So in short, the message is we need to be careful when making assertions about grouping people based on their views on a range of topics.
While I do find that article to be absurd and insulting to my intelligence given it's clearly propagandistic language and phrasing, you do bring up a valid point.

We shouldn't be lumping people into groups as it only serves to divide and conquer societies. That being said, this is a hard thing not to fall into for most as we are hard wired to make snap judgments and recognize minute differences in order to protect ourselves and our tribe.

If one believes one dangerous and foolish lie, they may not believe all stupid and foolish lies, but it is a pretty good indication that they may be easily duped.

It is easy to disregard a people who believe harmful things and treat them as an enemy.

We saw this on full display a few years ago during the event sold as a pandemic. We were told that the unvaccinated shouldn't be allowed jobs, free travel, medical care, allowed in the store, that we should be in concentration camps or killed. Australia even put people in concentration camps, and many applauded it.

We had disgusting people laughing about the people murdered in hospitals by the "covid" protocols, because they didn't get the "vaccine." They wrote articles celebrating the death of fellow humans who didn't take the "vaccine." They threatened people in public, called the police to remove people from places of public accomodation and even resorted to violence.

Why is this not still happening? Because some truth has prevailed and reality has become more apparent to more people. Lies have you be maintained, truth is apparent and reveals itself naturally.

To be fair, some of this may just be due to the dupes moving on to a new manufactured outrage, crisis or war to focus on. This does not account for the change of opinion of average people over the broad spectrum which is certainly true for the people that I talk with.

If we seek truth and oppose lies as induvidiauals we can help to move society toward truth. If we accept lies based on lies and tribalism we will ensure our subjugation.

Do not disregard those who you disagree with, rather seek to find common ground and try to educate them toward truth and toward good. The truth has the disadvantage of being difficult to convey to people who aren't well informed. Lies enable more and larger lies. When faced with enough truth, the lies will fall apart. Plant the seeds of truth in those who you interact with and we will all benefit.
Our leaf has lost connectivity, it will be awhile before the Lightning does, but the Leaf functions fine. We have a Bluetooth app that tells us just about anything we need to know about the car and battery, people have built a similar app for the Lightning.
How do you like the leaf? They are almost cheap enough now that they could be worth it. I could save $160 a month driving it to work and back, which still takes a long time to make economic sense, but it is getting close.

Have you ever used it in V2L mode? If so what are your thoughts on this function?
Our leaf has lost connectivity, it will be awhile before the Lightning does, but the Leaf functions fine. We have a Bluetooth app that tells us just about anything we need to know about the car and battery, people have built a similar app for the Lightning.
I'm not exactly concerned, it's certainly not a requirement for our vehicle to function. I mean if MG/SAIC really wanted to spy then they wouldn't have used the Vodafone network for comms (which has the least coverage in the nation).

While I do find that article to be absurd and insulting to my intelligence given it's clearly propagandistic language and phrasing, you do bring up a valid point.
It's not an article, it's a published scientific study. The whole point of which demonstrated the fallacy of grouping people with different viewpoints. But there are valid uses for it - most notably for marketing. In this case it helps inform the nature of messaging which might be most effective, whatever the issue(s) might be. Like many things, this can be used for seeking good, benign or nefarious outcomes.

But as to your primary concern, yes I agree it's the destructive use of "us or them" messaging which does no one any good.

However we are always going to categorise things, that's human nature.
While I do find that article to be absurd and insulting to my intelligence given it's clearly propagandistic language and phrasing, you do bring up a valid point.

We shouldn't be lumping people into groups as it only serves to divide and conquer societies. That being said, this is a hard thing not to fall into for most as we are hard wired to make snap judgments and recognize minute differences in order to protect ourselves and our tribe.

If one believes one dangerous and foolish lie, they may not believe all stupid and foolish lies, but it is a pretty good indication that they may be easily duped.

It is easy to disregard a people who believe harmful things and treat them as an enemy.

We saw this on full display a few years ago during the event sold as a pandemic. We were told that the unvaccinated shouldn't be allowed jobs, free travel, medical care, allowed in the store, that we should be in concentration camps or killed. Australia even put people in concentration camps, and many applauded it.

We had disgusting people laughing about the people murdered in hospitals by the "covid" protocols, because they didn't get the "vaccine." They wrote articles celebrating the death of fellow humans who didn't take the "vaccine." They threatened people in public, called the police to remove people from places of public accomodation and even resorted to violence.

Why is this not still happening? Because some truth has prevailed and reality has become more apparent to more people. Lies have you be maintained, truth is apparent and reveals itself naturally.

To be fair, some of this may just be due to the dupes moving on to a new manufactured outrage, crisis or war to focus on. This does not account for the change of opinion of average people over the broad spectrum which is certainly true for the people that I talk with.

If we seek truth and oppose lies as induvidiauals we can help to move society toward truth. If we accept lies based on lies and tribalism we will ensure our subjugation.

Do not disregard those who you disagree with, rather seek to find common ground and try to educate them toward truth and toward good. The truth has the disadvantage of being difficult to convey to people who aren't well informed. Lies enable more and larger lies. When faced with enough truth, the lies will fall apart. Plant the seeds of truth in those who you interact with and we will all benefit.
Not sure where you got this version I don’t really know anyone celebrating that vaccines were going to kill..

I know ppl seen the supposed doctor nurse dancing tik tok groups which was not professional with all the ppl dying.

I know the vaxxers were dreaming up all kinds of exclusion for ppl that would not take the vaccines to include blocking hospital access to them. I know hospitals refused medical procedures if not vaxxed. There was tons of bad reports against anti vax ppl. Losing their jobs for one. There were vaxxers talking about illegaly forcing vax.

So again not sure where you got your version of “not vaxxed being the bad guys.”

Edit maybe read it wrong so apologize if made a misread…. The vaxxers were very vicious …. It was world wide.
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I'm not exactly concerned, it's certainly not a requirement for our vehicle to function. I mean if MG/SAIC really wanted to spy then they wouldn't have used the Vodafone network for comms (which has the least coverage in the nation).

It's not an article, it's a published scientific study. The whole point of which demonstrated the fallacy of grouping people with different viewpoints. But there are valid uses for it - most notably for marketing. In this case it helps inform the nature of messaging which might be most effective, whatever the issue(s) might be. Like many things, this can be used for seeking good, benign or nefarious outcomes.
A rose by any other name is still a rose. I read the "study" and it is filled with false equivalence, appeal to authority arguments and other things which make it not worth much. Its end point may have merit but I don't see much of the scientific method in this. More like a mathematical analysis of polling info.

Marketing and propaganda are essentially the same thing, with different motivations.
But as to your primary concern, yes I agree it's the destructive use of "us or them" messaging which does no one any good.

However we are always going to categorise things, that's human nature.
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Not sure where you got this version I don’t really know anyone celebrating that vaccines were going to kill..

I know ppl seen the supposed doctor nurse dancing tik tok groups which was not professional with all the ppl dying.

I know the vaxxers were dreaming up all kinds of exclusion for ppl that would not take the vaccines to include blocking hospital access to them. I know hospitals refused medical procedures if not vaxxed. There was tons of bad reports against anti vax ppl. Losing their jobs for one. There were vaxxers talking about illegaly forcing vax.

So again not sure where you got your version of “not vaxxed being the bad guys.”

Edit maybe read it wrong so apologize if made a misread…. The vaxxers were very vicious …. It was world wide.
I was speaking about the treatment of the critical thinkers who opposed the shot being treated as sub-human.

I have not seen the anti- shot crowd cheering death and misery, that is almost exclusively the forced "vaccine" crowd that was hateful and violent.

The anti-vax crowd was warning people out of concern and caring, when not censored by the system which could only allow one viewpoint, while many pro-vax were foaming at the mouth and cheering at the oppression and violence against the "unvaccinated."
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Because the alternative is death for some (like Art.)

There are long lists of people who spoke out against vaccines, only to die due to the lack of them. Far too many of them had final words along the lines of "please please give me the vaccine!" even though at that point it did nothing, or even more sadly, "tell people I was wrong."

Keep in mind that polio, considered a horrible epidemic, only killed 6000 people and paralyzed 30,000 in the US. And everyone back then was vaccinated against polio, even though the vaccine had some very nasty failures, and sometimes CAUSED polio rather than protect against it.

COVID killed 1.2 MILLION Americans.
No your government killed 1.2 million Americans... from tossing covid positives into nursing homes surrounded by imuno-compromised elderly to outlawing drugs that work......Yes while the MSM and the government decried a tried and true drug called Ivermectin as being horse dewormer and made it illegal to proscribe.... maybe if your friend had had some of the tried and true drugs he might have survived, but your government made it illegal.... marinate on that a bit.
Seems a very "us and them" picture being painted.
Yes it is. I didn't cause that. I told nobody what to do. I didn't force anybody to do anything. It was the media, government, entertainment, businesses and those who are ok forcing a shot on the world. It very much was us vs. them.

A minority was the victim of the majority. Most of that majority had zero understanding at all of what the shot was and the dangers associated with it, yet they treated people like idiots for not "trusting the science." Peoples jobs and by extension their whole lives were under threat. Again this was not my doing.

When I said that we should seek to avoid us vs. them mentalities I did not mean that I would refuse to recognize the truth. The truth is that a good portion of the world were completely fine seeing their fellow human oppressed, because they didn't agree.

Did you have to worry about the financial security of your family if you were to be fired for not abiding tyranny?

Were you ostracised, theatened and silenced for not wanting to take an experimental product containing who knows what?

Some of us read thousands of pages of law and scientific journals while some read nothing and knew nothing, yet many but were fine seeing the tyranny and attempted tyranny, because they believed that the minority of dissenters deserved it.

Just because a person seeks to have reasonable and rational interactions with others does not mean that will actually happen. If you are attacked do you believe it is ok to defend yourself? Is it also ok for you to recognize or confront the attacker?
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Seems a very "us and them" picture being painted.
Of course, and that's by design. Divide people into groups, tell everyone why they are wrong for not supporting those groups, and grow your groups. People who don't believe in grouping, who believe in letting people do their own thing but leave them alone, that's becoming harder and harder to do. It's not allowed. The "shot" was just a glorified magnification of that.
Some of us read thousands of pages of law and scientific journals while some read nothing and knew nothing, yet many but were fine seeing the tyranny and attempted tyranny, because they believed that the minority of dissenters deserved it.
I saw little evidence of tyranny here.

1. We had some sensible social distancing and hygiene precautions, with a bit of overstep here and there, but hardly tyranny.

2. Then once a vaccine was available things slowly began to return to normal. 96% of adults (>15 years) received at least one vaccine and excess mortality during the period of the pandemic was very low. Indeed Australia's excess mortality rate was negative during this time. The public health measures worked and many thousands of people are alive today as a result.

3. About half a trillion dollars was spent with a bit over half that in direct financial support for keeping people financially viable/employed.

The worst thing we saw was the then conservative govt handing billions of dollars over to corporates without any clawback provision if the money was not used as intended, i.e. to keep people's jobs. But despite the poorly accounted for largesse, this Jobkeeper program, combined with significant direct support for those not falling under the Jobkeeper provisions (e.g. casual workers laid off), people's livelihoods were largely protected and support was available.

The experience in other places was likely quite different.

Was the response in Australia the right one? No. Was it the wrong one? No.
It was just what was done and overall seems to have been effective.
How do you like the leaf? They are almost cheap enough now that they could be worth it. I could save $160 a month driving it to work and back, which still takes a long time to make economic sense, but it is getting close.

Have you ever used it in V2L mode? If so what are your thoughts on this function?
I bought it for my son. Paid $6k for it and it's in great shape with nearly 70 of the original 84 miles of range.
I saw little evidence of tyranny here.

1. We had some sensible social distancing and hygiene precautions, with a bit of overstep here and there, but hardly tyranny.

2. Then once a vaccine was available things slowly began to return to normal. 96% of adults (>15 years) received at least one vaccine and excess mortality during the period of the pandemic was very low. Indeed Australia's excess mortality rate was negative during this time. The public health measures worked and many thousands of people are alive today as a result.

3. About half a trillion dollars was spent with a bit over half that in direct financial support for keeping people financially viable/employed.

The worst thing we saw was the then conservative govt handing billions of dollars over to corporates without any clawback provision if the money was not used as intended, i.e. to keep people's jobs. But despite the poorly accounted for largesse, this Jobkeeper program, combined with significant direct support for those not falling under the Jobkeeper provisions (e.g. casual workers laid off), people's livelihoods were largely protected and support was available.

The experience in other places was likely quite different.

Was the response in Australia the right one? No. Was it the wrong one? No.
It was just what was done and overall seems to have been effective.
YGTBSM. Australia is probably one of the worst. I flew into there delivering cargo, Melbourne was a ghost town. We were the only four “guests” in the hotel downtown. Had to be escorted from the airplane to the hotel and back. We weren’t allowed to leave our rooms or the hotel. Testing and masks required.

People were being arrested, and there were even isolation camps set up.

Victoria Police reviewing alleged 'choking' arrest of woman not wearing a mask in Melbourne​

YGTBSM. Australia is probably one of the worst. I flew into there delivering cargo, Melbourne was a ghost town. We were the only four “guests” in the hotel downtown. Had to be escorted from the airplane to the hotel and back. We weren’t allowed to leave our rooms or the hotel. Testing and masks required.

People were being arrested, and there were even isolation camps set up.

Victoria Police reviewing alleged 'choking' arrest of woman not wearing a mask in Melbourne​

I pointed this out to ppl from there…- Australia..on this forum. They replied never happened. Lets see how it goes.
Ppl in Canada are still trying get rid of Trudeau.
I think they called for him to be ousted with petition again.

Good Luck
Post in thread 'Off grid people ill-prepared'
I saw little evidence of tyranny here.

1. We had some sensible social distancing and hygiene precautions, with a bit of overstep here and there, but hardly tyranny.
Social distance was not scientific in any way and it was forced
2. Then once a vaccine was available things slowly began to return to normal. 96% of adults (>15 years) received at least one vaccine and excess mortality during the period of the pandemic was very low.
What about the 4% who were unvaccinated? How were they treated?
Indeed Australia's excess mortality rate was negative during this time. The public health measures worked and many thousands of people are alive today as a result.
Reality worked, not public health measures. This outcome happened despite the health measures.
3. About half a trillion dollars was spent with a bit over half that in direct financial support for keeping people financially viable/employed.

The worst thing we saw was the then conservative govt handing billions of dollars over to corporates without any clawback provision if the money was not used as intended, i.e. to keep people's jobs. But despite the poorly accounted for largesse, this Jobkeeper program, combined with significant direct support for those not falling under the Jobkeeper provisions (e.g. casual workers laid off), people's livelihoods were largely protected and support was available.
Yes the US did the same sort of thing Trump started it with his carrot scheme and Biden continued it with his stick scheme. Two sides of the same coin. Our large corporations were allowed to stay open while the small businesses were shut down.

There has been a lot of fraud with our Pandemic Preparedness Fund as well.

The experience in other places was likely quite different.

Was the response in Australia the right one? No. Was it the wrong one? No.
It was just what was done and overall seems to have been effective.
The response was coordinated and worldwide. It was Tyranny.

A few countries opted out and did just fine.

Did you know that this was planned ahead of time?
Might be able to get Ford EVs cheaper soon too.

Ford EV slump

"Ford lost about $4.7 billion on EVs last year and projects losses in the range of $5 billion to $5.5 billion this year"

"Ford is pumping the brakes on the production of two forthcoming electric vehicle models as demand for EVs continues to wane."

"In a manufacturing update Thursday, Ford announced that it is pushing back the production launch of its planned three-row electric SUV at its assembly plant in Oakville, Ontario, from 2025 to 2027."
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I pointed this out to ppl from there…- Australia..on this forum. They replied never happened. Lets see how it goes.
Ppl in Canada are still trying get rid of Trudeau.
I think they called for him to be ousted with petition again.

Good Luck
Post in thread 'Off grid people ill-prepared'
The majority was duped, the majority is largely not able to admit to being fooled, so they must pretend that reality is they way they were told that it was. It is hard to admit to being fooled. It is harder to admit to supporting tyranny because of lies. Time has passed and those who stick with the lie can likely never face the truth of what they are partially responsible for. It is a shameful state if affairs.
Back when the twin towers were hit, 80 something percent of people agreed with blowing some country up. Today, the vast majority of people admit that what we did was wrong, they just got caught up in it. The same thing is happening with Covid. As time goes by, more and more people are able to stand outside of the situation and are willing to admit we didn't handle it right. It takes time and distance to see clearly sometimes.

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diy solar