diy solar

diy solar

I wasted a lot of money following your utube for beginners

Maybe you should let people know there are full battery pack kits out there before telling us what we need to build one from scratch. I wasted $1750 on 4 lithium batteries before I found out you can purchase a entire pre built power pack for$1,950 fr o m big
You did not pay attention to the video in it he tells you its a USED battery(they are way cheaper than new) However you don't know how long they will last. They may last 5 years or 5 days,so don't get mad at Will because you did not do your homework.
I've been on the web since the days of dial up and bulletin boards. In the old days this thread would have turned into one big flame war.
OP, if you don't want people to comment on your posts, don't make them on a open forum.
The only control you have, is in your own posts. Telling others what they can or not post, never ends well.
Not for you or for the forum.
On 1 forum they say, search before you start a new thread.
On a different forum, they say, don't be dragging threads out of the graveyard. Start a new one.
I posted this because if you are going to tell someone how to build a setup you should let them know that there are Easter ways using kits instead of scratch and I came on this forum for some useful help not comments and if you have nothing useful to add then mind your own. business you negative comments are not helpful
I look at wills videos as instructions for someone WANTING to diy a battery or a solar setup...
one search on amazon, or eBay, or alibaba, etc would show you there are a myriad of choices available to purchase readymade batteries... and Will has videos on THOSE as well. He even tears them apart and discusses the pros and cons of many ready made batteries... I am sure will even has a video on the battery option you have discovered.

How on earth is a single short video supposed to cover and explain all possibilities on every product in existence?
Maybe you should let people know there are full battery pack kits out there before telling us what we need to build one from scratch. I wasted $1750 on 4 lithium batteries before I found out you can purchase a entire pre built power pack for$1,950 fr o m big
“Wasted $1750”... not really.
Unless the purchase ended with the destruction of the batteries... do they function? Did you wish to be building a battery? Are the cells you purchased new?

On this forum, we help our members...
How about you step back, and explain what issue you have other than the $200 difference...
what did you buy? What did you build? Are you comparing apples to apples?
“Wasted $1750”... not really.
Unless the purchase ended with the destruction of the batteries... do they function? Did you wish to be building a battery? Are the cells you purchased new?

On this forum, we help our members...
How about you step back, and explain what issue you have other than the $200 difference...
what did you buy? What did you build? Are you comparing apples to apples?
Dusty is gone, I believe Will blocked the account due to shenanigans.
Dusty is gone, I believe Will blocked the account due to shenanigans.
The member isn’t banned that I can see...
Ahh, has points... could come back, and likely gets notifications when his posts are quoted. So, he may lighten up and respond in the future. I feel bad he thinks he was misled... hopefully, he will see the awesome forum support we are capable of, and rethink his strategy in the future.
The member isn’t banned that I can see...
Ahh, has points... could come back, and likely gets notifications when his posts are quoted. So, he may lighten up and respond in the future. I feel bad he thinks he was misled... hopefully, he will see the awesome forum support we are capable of, and rethink his strategy in the future.
All we can do is to try & help those who are willing to receive it. Free help sometimes means it isn't instant and where patience is virtue that applies.
Yeah his account is still active. He can respond anytime.

I prefer leaving most "mean" comments present. It allows us to respond to them in a mature manner and makes us look great as a group. Some forums are very toxic, or run like a communist country. I want people to say what they want. There is a time and place for banning, but I try to avoid it.
"I posted this because if you are going to tell someone how to build a setup you should let them know that there are Easter ways using kits instead of scratch"
Even the MOST inexperienced person on here ( I'm not the most inexperienced but close to it), with a MINIMUM of research would realize that scratch built would be cheaper that "kits". Otherwise WHY do it.
I know that @Will Prowse and others has warned me a few times about being bitchy to some of these guys that post - but someone needs to ...

Think about the level of knowledge and helpfulness that's on this board -- unlike 99% of the other solar boards out there ...

A person can literally say "I have $1000 dollars. Can you tell me exactly what I need to buy - where to buy it - and send me schematics and pictures on how to hook it up?" and someone - if not several folks will do just that - step by step ... AND I DON'T MIND THOSE GUYS AT ALL ...

I don't even mind the guys that say "Hey i bought this or that and I can't figure out how to make it work correctly" .. I actually i like those even better because i normally learn from others by their answers ...

BUT what I get "BITCHY" about is when ppl go out and randomly buy $2000 of things - like 400W Panels rated at 90Vs with a 30A 12V MPPT and 100 feet of 16GA wires and 24V CHARGERY system for a 48V system - and then complain when we tell them that they need to change this or that to make it work or blame ppl for misleading them on what to buy ...

Seriously - there are some serious brain-power on this forum ... there are numerous ppl I have learned from @tictag and @Steve_S and too many others to list -- I almost feel like they should be getting paid for being a "Customer Support Desk" to some of these ppl ...

YES - I did NOT get the "PLAYS WELL WITH OTHERS" ribbon in school
I think Will has been doing this long enough that he has a pretty thick skin by now .... We live in a world that is getting more and more angry. Maybe others can learn something from this post.
I have worked with electronics my whole career and have been doing research for a couple of years now to try to educate myself about the nuances of lithium batteries and the systems around them ..... even now I still have questions.... and the minute I get the answers I need things will change again, Maybe some people go to school and learn how to do something and then do that their whole life. I have retrained about 10000 times. The first computers I learned had paper tape input and there wasn't an IC to be found .... so yeah, I am old as dirt but still learning.
You can bring a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. Everyone has the right to their opinion, just like everyone has the right to be offended by it ... or not.

Let's move on.
You can bring a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. Everyone has the right to their opinion, just like everyone has the right to be offended by it ... or not.

Let's move on.

My boss who has worked the oilfields his whole life likes to say "You can lead a horse to water, but i be damn if i suck his ass to make him drink!!" ... Now THATS funny ...
I know that @Will Prowse and others has warned me a few times about being bitchy...
YES - I did NOT get the "PLAYS WELL WITH OTHERS" ribbon in school

FWIW, I've never thought you come across as rude or an asshole or overbearing (i've found you mostly friendly and quite helpful). Occasionally, I've felt you were guilty of forgetting how much more knowledge, expertise, and confidence with electronics you have compared to the average layperson or first time DIYer, and how daunting and steep the learning curve can be for newbies, and that sometimes limits your viewpoint. But that's natural, as you get more comfortable with something you forget about all the internalized knowledge and experience, I'm guilty of the same thing quite frequently, and I'm at best a solar/electrical kindergartener (even that is generous) compared with you and many of the smart folks here.

A person can literally say "I have $1000 dollars. Can you tell me exactly what I need to buy - where to buy it - and send me schematics and pictures on how to hook it up?" and someone - if not several folks will do just that - step by step ... AND I DON'T MIND THOSE GUYS AT ALL ...

BUT what I get "BITCHY" about is when ppl go out and randomly buy $2000 of things - like 400W Panels rated at 90Vs with a 30A 12V MPPT and 100 feet of 16GA wires and 24V CHARGERY system for a 48V system - and then complain when we tell them that they need to change this or that to make it work or blame ppl for misleading them on what to buy ...

I am often quite amazed how haphazardly and naively many people go about purchasing hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of equipment without even understanding the very basics of what they are buying and how it all fits together.

And also get frustrated/fed up, when those same people get indignant or just refuse to spend the time to understand what they are doing and why people are advising them not to do it that way. For me one of the major draws to DIY, is learning, and being in control, and acquiring skills, I can't relate to the people that just want someone to tell them exactly what to buy, provide links, etc without attempting to understand "the why and the how" behind the what, even on a super basic level.

I like answering the basic questions in the beginner section, even the same questions, its one way I can give back, and it helps me solidify my understanding. I don't mind making specific product recommendations where I can, but always in the teach-a-man-to-fish way.

I think one of the things that makes this community very interesting is that people come here for a variety of reasons with all different levels of experience and knowledge. Will's videos run the spectrum from Solar "generator" and Renogy product reviews, and "Watts vs Volts vs Amps" type beginner videos, to "advanced methods for capacity testing your homemade lifepo4 battery pack." Its easy for those of us interested in the latter, to forget that many people arrive here after watching the former, and forget that while for many of us, DIY means building your own battery bank, etc etc, for many DIY means connecting a Battleborn to an all-in-one inverter/charger and scc thowing a panel or two on the roof and calling it day. And both definitely do count as DIY.

But I digress...

The long and short of it is I think you are a valuable and positive and helpful member of this community, and that this community is quite positive and helpful as a whole.

People arrive here with all different levels of experience/confidence with all different objectives, and as long as they are here to learn, and be positive, and hopefully contribute too, we should try to help as best we can!
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The problem is there are ppl that can not take responsibility for there own actions, they need to blame someone. Solar takes time to learn and do it right you cant just read a few post then think you have any idea what you are doing. Sometime you will make mistakes and lose money that is all part of any new endeavor. If you just get mad and blame others you will never learn and you will fail over and over in anything.
The problem is there are ppl that can not take responsibility for there own actions, they need to blame someone. Solar takes time to learn and do it right you cant just read a few post then think you have any idea what you are doing. Sometime you will make mistakes and lose money that is all part of any new endeavor. If you just get mad and blame others you will never learn and you will fail over and over in anything.
Just watching Will's videos, things have evolved over time. It wasn't that long ago, that he was recommending separate port BMSs. You really need to start with his latest ones, first. Then go back and watch some older ones.
I bet we all have something that was bought when we first started experimenting with solar that we no longer use. That is the nature of DIY. Try something new, work with it for awhile, them move on to newer and better products. My first system was a PWM SCC with a 50 watt panel and a 12 volt lead battery. This stuff is now only used to power my landscape lighting , I have moved on to a better system but learned a lot from my first system. Welcome to DO IT YOURSELF and learn something.
In my opinion i watch Wills videos to see what may be new out there and to learn how diffrent devices interact and connect to each other. I then further research to determine my builds. I dont take Wills advice as God, it is up to me to see what fits for me. Most of my build uses devices Will does not focus on due to higher cost as well as my battery type is more for advanced users and I have my own specs why I chose this.
Sure I would like to see Will build more advanced systems of higher AH that would be #p8s or construct with other available cells on the market, but I know he only works on "IKEA type" bolt together (no solder) systems. Also more automation controls with advanced BMSs for higher AH batteries using more advance Inverters and chargers with AUXIO ports for mobile systems.
I think Wills focus for basic home Solar is fine, but it is up to the home DIY'er to determine what build specs and equipment needs are for your own build.
Stating watching a learning video made me spend money unnecessary is only the fault of the user.

diy solar

diy solar