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diy solar

Midnite Solar Announced their new 10kw AIO at Intersolar Today

Correct, the web based monitoring is still under development.

Needs to at least have the option of local monitoring without any need for something something cloud based. Maybe the api will be open so solar assistant can pick up the slack; perhaps a RJ45 port so one can just plug it into the network and hit a local webpage or connect it into SA or something internal easy breezy. What would be a show stopper for some is if it requires a cloud connection. That's one thing I do kinda like about the home insight Schneider has, users say it doesn't require the internet at all unless you want to update.
Needs to at least have the option of local monitoring without any need for something something cloud based. Maybe the api will be open so solar assistant can pick up the slack; perhaps a RJ45 port so one can just plug it into the network and hit a local webpage or connect it into SA or something internal easy breezy. What would be a show stopper for some is if it requires a cloud connection. That's one thing I do kinda like about the home insight Schneider has, users say it doesn't require the internet at all unless you want to update.
I'm not sure if it relates to the aio but for the Rosie/Barcelona/hawkes bay they have been working for a while on a "comm box", which I believe is a Pi, which will allow local LAN access for monitoring.
We have all had a phone go dead at the worst possible time.
It would be bad if you couldn't charge the phone, because the inverter was down. And you couldn't get the inverter back up, because the phone is dead.
But as I said, a hybrid is designed to work with the grid. So just install a transfer switch to bypass it and you should be fine.
Once your phone has a little time to charge, you can hopefully get your system up and running again. Or at least figure out why it went down.
Or maybe install a receptacle fed from the grid only, nearby. And you might be able to avoid the cost of the bypass.

buy a used phone and do not put a SIM card in it. leave it near the inverter and just use it as the bluetooth access computer. small computer
Watched the video. IMHO midnite has a inverter here that is positioned well to take on the infamous Solarks. I wished they'd sent this out to trusted members and had them beat the brakes off like they did on Rosie for valuable data and reliability testing before releasing. That would have instilled more confidence.

Personal preference: I would like to see them offer HV models like some Aims and Schnedier and the 30K solarks. Maybe 300V HV battery models along with higher Kw ratings. And, 200A pass through ..if solark can do it they can to. Seems like they have got much better at surge & line balance on these HF inverters but still not there yet compared to say a XW.

Sourcing a manufacturing and supply chain outside China...lets face it things do not look good from a political / confrontational standpoint.

RF interference data for those of us that like Ham radio.

I look forward to Midnite advance and refine these inverters.
I also wish that they gave this 200A passthrough and beefed up the inverter to 15-18kW of output. Then a single unit could handle a 200A service and dual for 400A service. It is sized well for a critical load type backup though which it seems like they are more focused on.
I also wish that they gave this 200A passthrough and beefed up the inverter to 15-18kW of output. Then a single unit could handle a 200A service and dual for 400A service. It is sized well for a critical load type backup though which it seems like they are more focused on.

If a 10kW or even 18kW inverter passes through 200A service, how can it provide critical load (or any load) backup?
100A is a perfect size for non-McMansion homes in coastal California and saves cost in several layers, so potato potahto
Unfortunately that's just not true; a lot of people pull close to or over 100A in all electric homes here in the south. In fact, most new homes here are being built with 400A service to accommodate for the massive push of electric cars and the era of "electrify everything" Lots of rural folks out here also have shops with welders and other high amperage equipment.

diy solar

diy solar