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diy solar

Signature Solar Two Hours On Hold Just To Buy an Item!

I always prefer a chat support system opposed to calling by phone. Certain matters are much easier to resolve by chat, where you can attach pictures or type in things that could be mis-heard on the phone. Example: Try telling a caller what setting #7 for a Growatt inverter should look like in the attached picture. How would you even describe this? It would be much easier just to show the picture of it on a chat-based system.

And if Signature Solar is having a tough time staffing their sales or support lines, having a chat-based staff means they could hire remotely. Of course, this would mean that they need to have a solid CMS that can integrate with the chat-based system as well.


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I think SS should seriously consider using experienced remote help for sales/tech volume overflow. There is simply no need to sit in a cubicle on site to address product and technical questions. Remote staff can have access to internal helpdesk system, emails and a direct line to on site experts. This would greatly expand your available potential talent pool. I work remotely in I.T. supporting a manufacturing company. I live 5 minutes from the plant, but haven't been there in 3 years. I can support any plant globally. We have 70k employees.
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I think SS should seriously consider using experienced remote help for sales/tech volume overflow. There is simply no need to sit in a cubicle on site to address product and technical questions. Remote staff can have access to internal helpdesk system, emails and a direct line to on site experts. This would greatly expend your available potential talent pool. I work remotely in I.T. supporting a manufacturing company. I live 5 minutes from the plant, but haven't been there in 3 years. I can support any plant globally. We have 70k employees.

It's unfortunate how much SS gets crapped on for not being 100% perfect. No company is perfect, and trying to find knowledgeable AND (more important) reliable staff these days is a nightmare. For sales / support staff, you have to go to where the talent is, and that means remote.

Despite SS having an extensive library of overview and instructional videos, customers still want their hands held. In this regard, SS is guilty of understaffing but that is a fixable problem. If I were in charge, I would hire some of the retired gurus from this forum who could probably use some extra cash on the side.
It's unfortunate how much SS gets crapped on for not being 100% perfect. No company is perfect, and trying to find knowledgeable AND (more important) reliable staff these days is a nightmare. For sales / support staff, you have to go to where the talent is, and that means remote.

Despite SS having an extensive library of overview and instructional videos, customers still want their hands held. In this regard, SS is guilty of understaffing but that is a fixable problem. If I were in charge, I would hire some of the retired gurus from this forum who could probably use some extra cash on the side.
You do realize we're talking about the simple basics of business right answering the phone, calling you back when they say they will, keeping customers updated on tickets, answering email, actually have the product they sold you in stock unless otherwise specifically stated. That's where they have failed for years now and what's been complained about; they not improved but got worse much that they are known for this on may forums and YouTube channels. There's simple no excuse for not being able to contact customers.
You are entitled to your own opinion but I suggest that you give them a call and see how long it takes you to get through to customer support and then please come back here and let us know.

And you are entitled to your opinion which you express in every SS bashing thread or you start your own. It really appears like a personal vendetta going on for more than a year now.

The simple fact is, I ordered my product from them online without issue and expect to do so again if I need to order more from them so I will not be reporting back to you on phone call times as instructed.
And you are entitled to your opinion which you express in every SS bashing thread or you start your own. It really appears like a personal vendetta going on for more than a year now.

The simple fact is, I ordered my product from them online without issue and expect to do so again if I need to order more from them so I will not be reporting back to you on phone call times as instructed.
What about the scores of other people here, other forums and several youtubers that report and echo the same thing he stated in his op? Are you saying because you're one of the lucky ones that everybody else that post a negative response is a troll? Why are you and others so angry with people reporting their experience with SS? You'd think people would appreciate folks reporting back and warning others. Also, this post is in the vendor review forum specifically setup for these very conversations.
You do realize we're talking about the simple basics of business right answering the phone, calling you back when they say they will, keeping customers updated on tickets, answering email, actually have the product they sold you in stock unless otherwise specifically stated. That's where they have failed for years now and what's been complained about; they not improved but got worse much that they are known for this on may forums and YouTube channels. There's simple no excuse for not being able to contact customers.

Do you currently run a successful business employing more than 25 people? It doesn't sound like it, and you're being quite dramatic. Yes, things should be perfect, but reality dictates otherwise.

Most of the "simple basics" you've listed are dependent on adequate staffing levels and employees who "give a crap", which are in very short supply post-panedmic. No one is disputing that SS needs more engaged and competent support staff, and they are working to address that issue. At the same time, small businesses need more patient and competent customers, which are also in very short supply these days.

You are acting as if every order is screwed up, they just don't care about anything, and that it has been this way for "years". The reality is that they have sold a lot of product and have a lot of satisfied customers. Yes, things go wrong, especially in an industry where you have thousands of new DIY'ers with little experience who think they can drop $10k and easily go off grid in a weekend after watching a handful of YT videos. These same people have been poisoned by the Amazon effect where they want it on their doorstep NOW (with perfection) before they even realize they want it. Such high maintenance customers always have hard landings, and they sure as hell like to complain about EVERYTHING. When things go right, people rarely write about it.

I will say that now is probably not the best time for SS to be running sales or promotions, as this will only increase demand and strain their already limited support resources further. They really do need to get their act together, but it sounds like they are aware of this and are working to fix it.

I'm not defending SS in particular, but all small businesses right now who are trying to grow at a *sustainable* rate and who are struggling to find normal dedicated employees and not self-entitled perpetual children who want a corner office and six figures just for answering the phone for 4 hours a day.
What about the scores of other people here, other forums and several youtubers that report and echo the same thing he stated in his op? Are you saying because you're one of the lucky ones that everybody else that post a negative response is a troll? Why are you and others so angry with people reporting their experience with SS? You'd think people would appreciate folks reporting back and warning others. Also, this post is in the vendor review forum specifically setup for these very conversations.

Sure, I’m just lucky. But do recall that most satisfied customers feel no need to post.

I’m all for an unsatisfied customer bringing up an issue but when one person approaches or exceeds 100 posts against a company it seems excessive to me.

I’m not angry at all, just providing a counterpoint as a satisfied customer, is that wrong?

My real concern is that repetitive complaints do more harm than good. It’s just that simple.

Most companies choose to leave the forum rather than endure a constant public flogging.

That’s a rational choice I would hate to see SS make.
Do you currently run a successful business employing more than 25 people? It doesn't sound like it, and you're being quite dramatic. Yes, things should be perfect, but reality dictates otherwise.

Most of the "simple basics" you've listed are dependent on adequate staffing levels and employees who "give a crap", which are in very short supply post-panedmic. No one is disputing that SS needs more engaged and competent support staff, and they are working to address that issue. At the same time, small businesses need more patient and competent customers, which are also in very short supply these days.

You are acting as if every order is screwed up, they just don't care about anything, and that it has been this way for "years". The reality is that they have sold a lot of product and have a lot of satisfied customers. Yes, things go wrong, especially in an industry where you have thousands of new DIY'ers with little experience who think they can drop $10k and easily go off grid in a weekend after watching a handful of YT videos. These same people have been poisoned by the Amazon effect where they want it on their doorstep NOW (with perfection) before they even realize they want it. Such high maintenance customers always have hard landings, and they sure as hell like to complain about EVERYTHING. When things go right, people rarely write about it.

I will say that now is probably not the best time for SS to be running sales or promotions, as this will only increase demand and strain their already limited support resources further. They really do need to get their act together, but it sounds like they are aware of this and are working to fix it.

I'm not defending SS in particular, but all small businesses right now who are trying to grow at a *sustainable* rate and who are struggling to find normal dedicated employees and not self-entitled perpetual children who want a corner office and six figures just for answering the phone for 4 hours a day.
What the hell does it matter if I do or don't have a business? I wouldn't call SS successful when you have more negative comments than positive ones that span the internet. I can say as a IT engineer for one of the largest cloud companies in the world that I engage with customers everyday to make sure they are kept up to date on tickets, calls, vendor responses and emails. And, even though my expertise is Linux/Unix I still help customers with other issues that are outside my wheel house with proper followups and outside team engagements. So, while I don't have my own business I understand what it takes to run a successful one from a global standpoint within the context of customer service. In fact the whole company is trained/refreshed every year on customer service regardless of what title you hold.

I'm not defending SS in particular, but all small businesses right now who are trying to grow at a *sustainable* rate and who are struggling to find normal dedicated employees and not self-entitled perpetual children who want a corner office and six figures just for answering the phone for 4 hours a day.

They are in sulfur springs Texas not some liberal state where they want free sushi for lunch and cry closets. They can find somebody to answer the phone and return calls for $8-10 bucks an hour.
Sure, I’m just lucky. But do recall that most satisfied customers feel no need to post.

I’m all for an unsatisfied customer bringing up an issue but when one person approaches or exceeds 100 posts against a company it seems excessive to me.

I’m not angry at all, just providing a counterpoint as a satisfied customer, is that wrong?

My real concern is that repetitive complaints do more harm than good. It’s just that simple.

Most companies choose to leave the forum rather than endure a constant public flogging.

That’s a rational choice I would hate to see SS make.
It seems odd that you and the other fellow have such a charged response when people are reporting the same thing over and over again regarding the same company. Like almost ..does this person have a financial investment. There's people here, like myself, that was going to drop a serious chunk of change with them only to be persuaded to go with another vendor based on community input. The repetitive complaints are simply because SS hasn't fixed the issues. Customers not having callbacks or even able to get through via phone/email for months isn't exactly inspiring.
What the hell does it matter if I do or don't have a business?

I can say as a IT engineer for one of the largest cloud companies in the world...

So, while I don't have my own business I understand what it takes to run a successful one...

They can find somebody to answer the phone and return calls for $8-10 bucks an hour.

You are so far detached from reality, arguing with you is hopeless. I agree that you should take your business elsewhere, as you are the quintessential "customer from hell". I recommend for all of your DIY needs.
You are so far detached from reality, arguing with you is hopeless. I agree that you should take your business elsewhere, as you are the quintessential "customer from hell". I recommend for all of your DIY needs.

Ah, you do sound like a SS employee. lol
It seems odd that you and the other fellow have such a charged response when people are reporting the same thing over and over again regarding the same company. Like almost ..does this person have a financial investment.

Charged response? Say what ??

AGAIN, I’m simply a satisfied customer and your thinly veiled accusation that I have any financial interest here is ignorant at best.

Petty personal attacks say all I need to hear from you.

I’ve calmly stated facts and don’t feel like continuing this, carry on without me.
Charged response? Say what ??

AGAIN, I’m simply a satisfied customer and your thinly veiled accusation that I have a financial interest here is ignorant at best.

Petty personal attacks say all I need to hear from you.

I’ve calmly stated facts and don’t feel like continuing this, carry on without me.
FYI "Like almost ..does this person have a financial investment." isn't a accusation but a reference to how one might perceive what's being stated.
Charged response? Say what ??

AGAIN, I’m simply a satisfied customer and your thinly veiled accusation that I have any financial interest here is ignorant at best.

Petty personal attacks say all I need to hear from you.

I’ve calmly stated facts and don’t feel like continuing this, carry on without me.

Don't feed the troll.
Charged response? Say what ??

AGAIN, I’m simply a satisfied customer and your thinly veiled accusation that I have any financial interest here is ignorant at best.

Petty personal attacks say all I need to hear from you.

I’ve calmly stated facts and don’t feel like continuing this, carry on without me.
While I do stand by my opinion of SS I did not intend to accuse you but rather state how it was potentially sounding to me. I can come off too salty at times. I apologize!
My two cents.
I've been here for a little while.
I learn from my and others experiences.
My SS purchases have gone without issues.
But, I don't use the phone system.
Website ordering and support through this forum.
I'm a simple man and I always choose the simplest path to my goals.
I leave the drama to those who look for it.

CMA: This is a general statement, not directed at any individual.
My two cents.
I've been here for a little while.
I learn from my and others experiences.
My SS purchases have gone without issues.
But, I don't use the phone system.
Website ordering and support through this forum.
I'm a simple man and I always choose the simplest path to my goals.
I leave the drama to those who look for it.

CMA: This is a general statement, not directed at any individual.
Ordering cheap items without phone support is fine but when you start spending serious cash on equipment that is complex it's wise to make sure that you can get support.

I have tried tech support Via email several times and have almost always found it to be useless.
The First email is explaining the problem then waiting 24 hours (with luck) to get some generic advice which never works!
The back and forth of waiting for new suggestions that often times do not fix the problem can consume weeks of time.
One Phone call with a properly trained tech can get the same thing done in 30 minutes.

In your case I am pretty certain that there is absolutely nothing that SS can tell you that you don't know already, but in the case of your average DIY person like for Example Adam De Lay, you quickly find out how important good tech support is.

As I said, if they are not interested in taking your cash over the phone for a sale then it's a pretty good indicator of what the tech support via phone will be like.

And BTW @realpinochet has a point. We have been hearing for 2 years now that they are learning and trying to get it right.
Lots of advice has been given on the forum. At some point the Training wheels need to come off.
Ordering cheap items without phone support is fine but when you start spending serious cash on equipment that is complex it's wise to make sure that you can get support.

I have tried tech support Via email several times and have almost always found it to be useless.
The First email is explaining the problem then waiting 24 hours (with luck) to get some generic advice which never works!
The back and forth of waiting for new suggestions that often times do not fix the problem can consume weeks of time.
One Phone call with a properly trained tech can get the same thing done in 30 minutes.

In your case I am pretty certain that there is absolutely nothing that SS can tell you that you don't know already, but in the case of your average DIY person like for Example Adam De Lay, you quickly find out how important good tech support is.

As I said, if they are not interested in taking your cash over the phone for a sale then it's a pretty good indicator of what the tech support via phone will be like.

And BTW @realpinochet has a point. We have been hearing for 2 years now that they are learning and trying to get it right.
Lots of advice has been given on the forum. At some point the Training wheels need to come off.
I've never used the email support, either.
I use this forum.
They're here, so it was the easiest route for me.
Not saying that phone support and sales doesn't need improvement. It definitely does, judging by the comments on this forum.
Which is why I avoided it.
If it was my only option, I probably wouldn't have been a customer.
But I wanted the products and found a non frustrating (to me) way to get what I want.
I called signature solar the day before yesterday to test the service. First attempt the call dropped within 3 minutes for no reason. I tried again and was on hold for 5 minutes and then support answered and found the problem to my issue and emailed me documentation for the confusing software in the 8K unit. I'm trying to get it to work still.

I have been building electronic projects since I was 12, and I never asked for company support or help. I would always figure it out on my own.

I am testing the customer support to see what people are complaining about. And I have software issues that I cannot find resolution for. But usually I do not depend on any of these companies when I do diy projects.

The support system worked fine for me once my call didn't drop. I'll keep testing it and see what I find.
If you wish to complain about a company, please provide evidence and experience's. It is a waste of time for individuals to post opinions without evidence. I want to see exactly what the problem so I can help to fix it.

People keep bashing on signature solar here, but I've had a lot of people state that they had a good experience with signature solar. These are personal friends that I referred without an affiliate link, and signature solar does not know that I am friends with these individuals. They had a great experience, and so did many others. I'm trying to accumulate evidence of bad customer support here in the forum but it's been pretty awful. People just complain without any videos/emails, and just say it is awful. I am trying to get to the bottom of it but it only seems to happen to some individuals and not many others.

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diy solar