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diy solar

Victron- major price drop!

I have not updated our prices yet, been buried so deep lately. We are simply at the old price until I have a chance to update our catalog.

As a side note, when these price drops happen, we do not get any credit from Victron for inventory on hand. That means everything in our warehouse that we bought at the old cost gets sold at the new price and any margins we would have had go out the window. Some times this means we are even selling at cost.

As you can see one of the reasons I have not been motivated to go drop all the prices in a hurry. But I went ahead and updated the Quattro 10k just now so that it matches the MAP price.
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I have not updated our prices yet, been buried so deep lately. We are simply at the old price until I have a chance to update our catalog.

As a side note, when these price drops happen, we do not get any credit from Victron for inventory on hand. That means everything in our warehouse that we bought at the old cost gets sold at the new price and any margins we would have had go out the window. Some times this means we are even selling at cost.

As you can see one of the reasons I have not been motivated to go drop all the prices in a hurry.
Damn. Doesn't make you want to fill the virtual shelves with a ton of stock given that possible downside.
400a service ?! Are you running a warehouse? 🤣
400A is the becoming the norm now even for residential houses. I have one 400A service and one 200A service for my farm which is very much on the low end these days. The guy I picked up hay from earlier this week had multiple ~1000/gallon per minute irrigation pumps running. Those things use like 100kW each.
400A is the becoming the norm now even for residential houses. I have one 400A service and one 200A service for my farm which is very much on the low end these days. The guy I picked up hay from earlier this week had multiple ~1000/gallon per minute irrigation pumps running. Those things use like 100kW each.
Oh man. I've got 100amp service and that was an upgrade from my last house with 50 amp
400 amp residential is not the “norm”. Your neighbors with large pumps is not the norm. The 125 used to be the norm and now it’s 200 simply because that’s the next panel rating above 125 amps. In my 15 years in a very wealthy tourist town, I only installed ONE 400 amp service and that client didn’t need it.
Even in new neighborhoods with natural gas hookup, I always see 400A service for some reason even though there's no way they need it. I've read posts from plenty of electricians from around the country that say the same thing. Admittedly, all the new houses I've been in recently have been nicer/larger than average homes.
I just ordered a Multiplus 11 5000 about 2 hours ago.
Guess I should have waited till next week.
I ordered (2) Victron MPPT 450/100 yesterday. At least its not as bad as buying PCs in the 1980s... back then you would stand in line to get the latest, and it would be obsolete by the time you got home.
You can think whatever you want but it doesn't make it not crazy
If I’m spending as much as I did with my dual 10k Quattro and RS450/100 etc I don’t want to be crossing my fingers and hoping SS gets their thumb out of their butt and helps me if I have a problem. There are literally dozens of SS horror stories on this forum… many CC horror stories have you seen? Sure some of them eventually get resolved after days or weeks of begging but I’m running two houses 100% off grid, no grid within 1/2mi and I don’t want to gamble on that. Same reason I got Victron vs the latest buggy beta box from Eg4/SS. If you are going Beta Box at LEAST get it from CC vs SS.
If I’m spending as much as I did with my dual 10k Quattro and RS450/100 etc I don’t want to be crossing my fingers and hoping SS gets their thumb out of their butt and helps me if I have a problem. There are literally dozens of SS horror stories on this forum… many CC horror stories have you seen? Sure some of them eventually get resolved after days or weeks of begging but I’m running two houses 100% off grid, no grid within 1/2mi and I don’t want to gamble on that. Same reason I got Victron vs the latest buggy beta box from Eg4/SS. If you are going Beta Box at LEAST get it from CC vs SS.
So if you spent $800 or so more at cc, what exactly would that get you? If you have a problem with the inverter how is cc going to help other then asking you to send the defective unit in and getting a replacement from victron under warranty?
So if you spent $800 or so more at cc, what exactly would that get you? If you have a problem with the inverter how is cc going to help other then asking you to send the defective unit in and getting a replacement from victron under warranty?
Actually, they have rather skilled support people, like Jason and if need be, Dexter. At least in cases where the problem is in configuration, they can help resolve the issue and avoid having to return the units. Sometimes it might be something as simple as a phono-plug that shorted out during transport. That was my case - inserting a screwdriver reopened the connection and the unit has been working fine since then. THEY knew about that as a possibility, not sure how many others would.
Sometimes the customer looking to save $10 or $20 on a big system is not worth having. Where else have they pinched pennies that could lead to nothing but problems and anger?

Sure, this thread is talking about a much bigger difference than that, and we have been happy to correct it... that's not my point. When it comes down to it not every customer is equal. Signature Solar and Amazon could a few bucks, and if that's all you are focused on, then so be it, we were never meant to be. We have always focused on value more than price and I think that has come across pretty clear.

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