diy solar

diy solar

Which Turbine?

Very familiar with all of that. One of my retirements was cleaning up the messes the buffoons made.
Why the SEC didnt haul in the directors on that mess I will never know. The CEO moved on to Capstone just before the SHTF when investors figured out that the big order book was BS. Salesman got much of their commission up front when the order was signed and they did their own estimates and they were not afraid to cut prices without cutting scope to get the job. The bummer was that had a 3 MW direct drive turbine design and the IP to back it up several years before anyone else did but wall street wanted a fat order book right away to keep the stock price high until the could cash out, so the turbine went on the back burner. After the bankrupcy, when they tried to become a wind company again, they were too late and undercapitalized.

Hopefully you didn't have to deal with some of the on-site generation projects that got orphaned. Most of the engineers and designers were kids out of school who didn't have real world experience so access and maintainability was usually poor. The bummer was in the background a lot of core employees like in the wind group knew their stuff, but the managers brought in above them were a bunch of yes men/women. I figured out within 6 months that it was not going to be long term job.