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diy solar

Why AC power standard vary so much around the world?


Sep 21, 2019
This is a quick and easy article that explains the how and why and you do not have to be incredibly brilliant like myself to comprehend it. ://
This is a quick and easy article that explains the how and why and you do not have to be incredibly brilliant like myself to comprehend it. ://
oops, I cut off part of the link addy, sorry!
oops, I cut off part of the link addy, sorry!
Yes its quite strange that mains supply voltage varies in many countries, but that's the way things are. Some countries prefer to have a higher voltage so smaller cross sectional cablings can be used, note the various types of plugs and sockets (receptacle|outlets that have to be installed in fixed wiring systems in various localities). Here in Australia, we use the Metric System of measurement. I think that it's all a matter of choice and whatever any country chooses to make a standard, it's all good.
[Aussies are fun peopleQUOTE="prosper, post: 7500, member: 1318"]
Yes its quite strange that mains supply voltage varies in many countries, but that's the way things are. Some countries prefer to have a higher voltage so smaller cross sectional cablings can be used, note the various types of plugs and sockets (receptacle|outlets that have to be installed in fixed wiring systems in various localities). Here in Australia, we use the Metric System of measurement. I think that it's all a matter of choice and whatever any country chooses to make a standard, it's all good.
[/QUOTE] I have discovered that Australians are passionate and fun people. I really would love to visit the tiny and quaint island of Australia one day, maybe throw a shrimp on the barbie. Also, I hope that Australians have a good sense of humor, otherwise, I am sure to be kicked off the island ... ?
Interestingly if you move one step back from the final supply voltage to the intermediate HV distribution network the voltages used around the world are largely the same - 3, 6, 11 and 22 kV (decimals left out of values)
I remember reading about a 2MV link in the USSR many years ago. Maybe it only ever got to the trial stage before the USSR fell apart.
Interestingly if you move one step back from the final supply voltage to the intermediate HV distribution network the voltages used around the world are largely the same - 3, 6, 11 and 22 kV (decimals left out of values)
Those are not any of the "common" voltages around the United States.
The US makes common use of specifically 7.2, 12.47, 25, and 34.5 kV. Remember I said leaving the decimals out so yes you are right in saying that the USA doesn't use those voltages precisely. The intermediate voltages used around the world are far more inline with each other in practice than the final voltage delivered to the wall socket in most premises which across the world is clustered around notional 110v and notional 230v.

If you take a look at the nominal standard HV supplies around the world you'll see voltages clustered around what I said as a generalisation. 6/7.2, 11/12.4/10, 20/22/25, 33/34.5 etc. Apologies for the inaccuracy at the cost of trying to paint a simpler picture.
'Located somewhere in the 1,852,642 km² of Queensland, Australia'
Nice to know that I'm not the only one that plays a bit lose with the voltages for a simpler explanation. '15kV class'. :)
Sorry, I guess I missed the correlation from 11,000v to 12,470v. Anyhow, I'm a 16yr Journeyman Lineman so I'm very familiar with everything from 120/240, 120/208 all the way to barehanding 500,000v for 1.5yrs straight. I'll be roaming the forums as I try to decide my final scheme.
Nice and welcome to the forum. It's always good to have someone around that actually knows what they are talking about :)
Sorry, I guess I missed the correlation from 11,000v to 12,470v. Anyhow, I'm a 16yr Journeyman Lineman so I'm very familiar with everything from 120/240, 120/208 all the way to barehanding 500,000v for 1.5yrs straight. I'll be roaming the forums as I try to decide my final scheme.
I was under the impression that 1,700 volts was commonly used to feed camp roads and small streets and such, but I can't find hide nor hair of it mentioned anywhere on the internUt. Must have been an urban legend.
I was under the impression that 1,700 volts was commonly used to feed camp roads and small streets and such, but I can't find hide nor hair of it mentioned anywhere on the internUt. Must have been an urban legend.
BARE HANDLING 500 KV!!!? From a helicopter, right?
BARE HANDLING 500 KV!!!? From a helicopter, right?

Condor, bronto and ladders. Never had the displeasure of doing it from a helicopter. Have done just about everything else under the sun with a helicopter though.
Well, after a couple of decades of building and working on communications towers, I decided to take it easy and play a commercial electrician. I have felt 480 slightly through my gloves while in a bucket truck, I would think that 500kv live would reach out and touch you, (especially on a ladder), unless you were suspended from a whirlybird!
Condor, bronto and ladders. Never had the displeasure of doing it from a helicopter. Have done just about everything else under the sun with a helicopter though.
Well, after a couple of decades of building and working on communications towers, I decided to take it easy and play a commercial electrician. I have felt 480 slightly through my gloves while in a bucket truck, I would think that 500kv live would reach out and touch you, (especially on a ladder), unless you were suspended from a whirlybird!

We wear Bond suits, just like you've seen the guys doing it via helicopter. Faraday cage. Our trucks and ladders are tested extensively.
We wear Bond suits, just like you've seen the guys doing it via helicopter. Faraday cage. Our trucks and ladders are tested extensively.
Holy Cow I would never get comfortable enough with that, I'll stick to hanging off of towers!

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