diy solar

diy solar

Chargeverter Availability? (Early 2024)


New Member
Oct 7, 2023
Nanaimo, BC, Canada

Anyone know where one can find a Chargeverter? Not listed on Sig Solar and none at CC...

Is it on heavy back-order or is it discontinued and a V2 is coming out soon?

Sorry if this is a duplicate, I searched but nothing.

If I was to take a bet I would guess it's because they cannot get any more of those switching power supplies at a good price or they are discontinued.
They were updating price from 399 to 429 recently so maybe the link is just down temporarily

Anyone know where one can find a Chargeverter? Not listed on Sig Solar and none at CC...

You can try and build one:
It's just a matter of supply and demand.
There's not enough supply for the demand.
Every shipment sells out quickly.
We will be reintroducing chargeverters in a new product release, available for pre-sale orders soon!
OK thanks... in my setup I cant swap out the LV6548 for the 6KXP until I have a Chargeverter-like device as I don't have a 240V input alternative to PV. hope the price bump isn't too much.
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Works for me. I'm no stranger to the used market.
Especially when it's a great product.
Sequels tend to be less than expected.
Works for me. I'm no stranger to the used market.
Especially when it's a great product.
Sequels tend to be less than expected.
I can’t complain about mine, I only wish it had provisions for some form of remote control and on/off. I could get creative but would love an integrated solution. It’s been rock solid thus far.
I can’t complain about mine, I only wish it had provisions for some form of remote control and on/off. I could get creative but would love an integrated solution. It’s been rock solid thus far.
I get that. But I like things that are simple and just work reliably. The more complicated the system. The more likely it can fail.