diy solar

diy solar

Bad storm came thru and powers out for 1/2 the county

How long total was your power out? Are you close to Huntsville? I was watching storm chasers on YouTube last night, and there was a large one that touched down on the east side of town. We got some rain here but no storms.

I have to admit, I root for power outages since I got that second battery in March. But the longest we've lost grid power since then was about a half hour.
Power company is estimating power back in 3 hours.
Our neighbors lost power at 5:54am and it came back at 6:35pm. It’s nice having a nice cool house in this very humid weather. We had several large trees go down southeast of our panels, so slightly less shading in winter mornings.
Lightning, rain and heavy winds. Powers out for half the county and I'm sitting here enjoying my solar setup :)

Had to share !

For some reason my neighbors are not sharing my enthusiasm :unsure:
In western NC mountains we had a doozie last night ..all night …lost power 3 times …according to radar it came right from your direction…
Lighting everywhere … not cool …… please try to keep your storms down there after midnight..
Give ‘em a cerfew … 😁
How long total was your power out? Are you close to Huntsville? I was watching storm chasers on YouTube last night, and there was a large one that touched down on the east side of town. We got some rain here but no storms.

I have to admit, I root for power outages since I got that second battery in March. But the longest we've lost grid power since then was about a half hour.
It was out about 5 or 6 hours total. Was a little cloudy earlier today and then bam sttttrong winds and rain. A tree fell across the drive and server others are leaning now from it. Hoping I can get the power company to cut them down for free since they are going to take out the main power lines when they go.
Got windy and darkened clouds yesterday. Wife saw me peering out the windows, says you're hoping the power goes out aren't you? lol she knows me well. I said not hoping but if it were to happen we'd be good for a day or two.
Earlier today about 25 miles from here, nothing unusual with this type of weather. I saw the spotters from town head out past my place and knew something was up. Nothing serious, it did touch down. Back around 1968 one went right thru the middle of that town and killed some people. The next year one went thru the town I used to live in 3 miles away from here and took about 1/4 the town. Another hit one farm we rented, spent many hours picking up debris.

The cycle must be starting again as the jet stream moves in it's cycle.

May 9th 2024.jpg
Wow… those things are creepy to look at…cool pic..
Wow… those things are creepy to look at…cool pic..
They can be beautiful with some sun and the right background. Most never hit anything and most are never seen.

Now that one in OK the other day that was 1.5 miles wide, that is a whole different game.
They can be beautiful with some sun and the right background. Most never hit anything and most are never seen.

Now that one in OK the other day that was 1.5 miles wide, that is a whole different game.
Yep , being from alabama I have seen my share of twisters ... I understand …
We had storms and tornados 3 weeks ago. Took out one tree and a bunch of limbs here, plus a couple of shingles, and we lost grid power for 36 hours. Loaned our gas generator to our neighbor since we had the battery backup and clear blue skies.

It feels odd to say we had a power outage and it was fantastic.
OMG. Check this out !!!

On the right side of the screen click the radar icon. Then click the play icon at the bottom.

That is whats coming my way right now :(

You can zoom all the way to your street and see how close that last one really was.
and watch the sound travel slowly outwards

diy solar

diy solar