diy solar

diy solar

Emf radiations and dirty electricity claims... solutions or ignore ?

Yeah, EMF is everywhere. Every day ends up with a terrible headache, and my Dr says it’s all because of EMF. The first time I noticed such a terrible headache was 3 years ago. We’ve tried everything, but nothing has helped. I’m sure it’s EMF, but I have no idea how to protect myself from it.

Take a vacation to a location with no (significant) EMF. Maybe a forest, maybe a cave.
See if your symptoms improve.
Bring along a 5G (or pick your favorite bugaboo) transmitter. Turn it on, see if symptoms return. Note how much time this takes, to inform on/off period of the following experiment.
Have a friend periodically turn the transmitter on and off without your knowledge, noting the times, and you note the times when your symptoms appear and disappear.
Perform analysis on the results, to see if symptoms are reliably associated with the suspected cause.
when it is damp outside, i get about 80VAC between my solar panel framework (16 panels) and my aluminium ladder on damp grass. (I live in a bungalow). Makes a right good tingle on the fingers but no current. This framework is just picking up radiated AC from the house I guess. It is all around us.
Another guy said his dog didn't like climbing the steps into his RV.
Turned out to be "hot" relative to the earth. Issue was AC coupled onto PV wires, capacitively coupled (I think) to PV panel frames.
The problem with his system is the inverter chassis was not grounded to PV panel frames.

Try grounding your frames back to the inverter.

Before that, try shutting off AC output from (and any AC grid connection to) your inverter. See if voltage is still present on the frames.
Some years ago (late 90's early naughties), a Malaysian-Chinese friend insisted on using a (wired) hands-free on his cell phone "to protect his brain from radiation".

I pointed out that when he was using his phone, he was holding it right next to his goolies!! :)

I have 10 years of experience cleaning up dirty electricity problems.

To date I haven't found an inverter that didn't produce frequencies in the sub <100 kHz range.

Without the proper testing equipment you won't be able to see dirty electricity. I personally use a Fluke Scopemeter with a filter that removes the 60 cycle. Voltage radiates from the romex wire in a typical home anywhere from 6-9 feet. The skin does a great job protecting the human body when the electrical field is just 60 Hertz as the impedance is 3,000 Ohms. When the frequencies rise over 2 kHz the impedance drops to 500 Ohms. The US Naval Weapons Laboratory found this in 1968 by Herman Schwan and it was quoted in a book titled Electrical Stimulation and Electropathology by J. Patrick Reilly.

According to the 1999 NIEHS EMF RAPID Report just 1 mV/m of internal electric fields is associated with cancer and all sorts of other problems as it affects "cell proliferation, disruption of signal transduction pathways and inhibition of differentiation".

Sub 100 kHz frequencies are used to open sodium and potassium ion channels in order to create nerve block. It's interesting because many complain of symptoms found in those suffering from low potassium and sodium.
Well guys please just a little bit of seriousness, though it was funny.
There is enough evidence/studys for both sides and still a lot of stuff unknown in terms of health.

For me its important to clear those things out as our 8000-9000wp project is of bigger dimension.
We will invest tones of money into it and if it "could" be bad for health now or in future, just to get independet and save a few bucks it makes no sense to me anymore. As long as there is not 100% evidence for safe side i am taking care of worst case scenario and do the best to avoid any complications which can be avoided.

If we can build this up safely, fine. If not i discard the project.

You can do jokes about me and my question but i would be happy if you can help me work things out aswell.

As mentioned, if you are this concerned.. distance is your friend. Buy a shed, turn it into your "solar room", install your solar electronics in the shed, and feed the 240v AC from there, to your house. That way, you can have the solar gear a good distance away.
You might be able to detect some soft x-rays near the magentron's anode. These would be in the 4.5kev range but the aluminum heat sinking is going to be great attenuator. Also 5G is not using gamma radiation. It's highest frequency is 99GHz or so, just startng to ease into the infrared light spectrum.
I know someone who has gone down this rabbit hole lol, he turns off the electrical circuits that run in his bedroom at night. Also sleeps "grounded" with copper wire mesh woven into a towel he lays on that is connected to the ground in the wall socket. I've seen RV parked in large parking lot at a church on the hill behind my office and they had sign on their camper that said please turn off cell phones due to EMF sensitivities....yet a quick glance at my phone shows a full 5G signal coming from a tower less than mile away. I do think some people are more bothered than others but many if not most it's all in their mind. But to your original question, I would venture to say the power coming from an inverter and your own system is probably less "dirty" than what comes from the grid. (exception being maybe some of these cheap Chinese HF inverter types)
As a DIy person you can make effective EMF shielding for personal wear. Tin foil has been proved to deflect, cancel harmful signals and even mind control attempts.

Do not just wear it on your head! Full body suits are necessary.
Sorry for late reply. I looked everywhere even Amazon and nobody stocks tin foil anymore.
Not sure Aluminum is up to the task.
To date I haven't found an inverter that didn't produce frequencies in the sub <100 kHz range.

They're meant to do that. 60 Hz < 100 kHz.

Of course there will be harmonics of 60 Hz, not a pure sine wave plus non-linearities in things.

The skin does a great job protecting the human body when the electrical field is just 60 Hertz as the impedance is 3,000 Ohms. When the frequencies rise over 2 kHz the impedance drops to 500 Ohms.

Yes, but you should calculate skin depth ... in human skin and tissue.

The US Naval Weapons Laboratory found this in 1968 by Herman Schwan and it was quoted in a book titled Electrical Stimulation and Electropathology by J. Patrick Reilly.

According to the 1999 NIEHS EMF RAPID Report just 1 mV/m of internal electric fields is associated with cancer and all sorts of other problems as it affects "cell proliferation, disruption of signal transduction pathways and inhibition of differentiation".

EM waves coming from far will be highly attenuated with depth in the body. But sufficient amplitude, what does penetrate might have some effect.
At one of the EMI labs I visited, they do 200 V/m RF, use for equipment near radar. They said one time someone opened shield room door and entered while the amplifier was on, and he experienced confusion.

"Far field" is > 2 wavelengths. For 60 Hz, that's approximately the distance from England to California. If you're closer than that to a power line, field is not propagating as an EM wave in the 377 ohms of free space. Magnetic field is free to reach right through your body and move ions, generating local current.

If your cell phone operates around 1 GHz, far field is 2' and beyond. If you hold your cell phone at arms length, penetration to the brain will be minimal. If you're going to hold it close to your ear, I recommend a first-generation iPhone because those had an E-field (voltage) antenna. That had caused problems with reception/transmission when user's hand covered antenna, so they switched to B-field (magnetic) antenna. Holding that thing against your head, the magnetic field will reach right into your brain and addle it.

Sub 100 kHz frequencies are used to open sodium and potassium ion channels in order to create nerve block. It's interesting because many complain of symptoms found in those suffering from low potassium and sodium.

Need to understand the amplitude which has this affect, and amplitude delivered.

I've seen RV parked in large parking lot at a church on the hill behind my office and they had sign on their camper that said please turn off cell phones due to EMF sensitivities....yet a quick glance at my phone shows a full 5G signal coming from a tower less than mile away.

Fields up close to cell phone could be much stronger than from a tower in the distance.
I have not understood 100% of this stuff and try to share claims by those articles.

I find that EMF only makes me stronger, I always make it a point to go outside into the world without a shirt on as much as possible, and even get a tan too (free bonus). I don't use sunblock because I don't want to deny myself of the Sun's radiation in its fullness. I'm getting frustrated though more and more, because stores don't want to let you in there without shoes and a shirt.

I rub balloons on my head, and slide my feet along shag carpet floors wearing socks and touch people to shock them and send some of that positive energy to others.

I never use handsfree unless I'm actually working on something and need both hands for something else while I'm on the phone, I prefer to keep the actual cellphone close to my head so I can get more of that rejuvenating healing energy, then I don't need as much Omega-3 for brain health...

I have a lot of other tips and tricks as well, impossible to list them all here... I know some of those items are not seemingly related to EMF, but they are all strangely intertwined.

Of course this is just what works for me, individual results may vary, so try at your own risk (disclaimer)...
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Some people more sensitive to high radiation then other, but if you look at the data, most cancer related issues come from environmental and the area we live in - water pollution-air pollution, expose to chemical, bad food choices etc.. last thing in the list we need to worry is EMF..
look at Nicola Tesla - I don't think anyone back then stand with so much EMF around him and still live to age 86 :)
Seriously though, there are things that can be done to reduce EMF from inverters etc..

One trick is to make sure that the DC cables from battery to inverter are close together and twisted. The rapid switching of DC required to synthesize an AC waveform results in pulsed magnetic fields that can induce voltages all over the place. Keeping the wires close reduces the area of the circuit which reduces the magnetic field produced, twisting the wires creates cancellation of the fields (plus vs minus = zero).

Chokes can also be placed on wiring entering and exiting equipment but this requires tailoring of the choke size and material to the frequencies being controlled.

Metal armoured cable (BX or Teck cable) also has a Faraday effect that shields and contains the electrical component of the field generated from the voltage in the wire.
I am currently planing to setup solar panels for ~8 kWp.
While researching i came across with some articles/informations made me worrying. I have not understood 100% of this stuff and try to share claims by those articles.

According the claims EMF is emitted from:
-Smart meter

According those claims dirty electricity is the current which you get after inverter has converted DC (current from panels) into AC. This current should not be a clean sinus wave like provided from power provider, but unstable and messy.

From my understanding EMF produced by dirty electricity through wires, devices... should be the cause why dirty electricity could be bad for humans. Also maybe lights, monitors which could be disturbing if not running stable frequency... I dont know.

One article i found interesting:

1. Does wiring from solar panels to inverter (DC current) can emit EMF aswell ? Or does only AC after inverter does ?
  1. Do solar Panels themself emit some kind of "unhealthy" radiation ?
2. How much EMF do inverter, smart meter, wiring emit ? Is it really strong or do radiation fade after few meters ?
3. We have planed to build a room at the basement surrounded by bricks for smart meter, inverter and battery... could this be enough to block all of the produced EMF ?
  1. In case not, if we build a faraday cage inside the wall do we need to ground it ?
  2. Do we even need a smart meter ? According some claims smart meter can emit dangerous radiations (ionizing radiation), is that true ?
4. To reduce dirty electricity would it be better to convert DC before or after battery ? Like:
  1. DC from solar -> Battery - > Inverter - > House
  2. DC from solar -> Inverter - > Battery -> House
5. Is there any way to fix dirty electricity if we buy some kind of premium Inverter or accessories ?

I am currently planing to setup solar panels for ~8 kWp.
While researching i came across with some articles/informations made me worrying. I have not understood 100% of this stuff and try to share claims by those articles.

According the claims EMF is emitted from:
-Smart meter

According those claims dirty electricity is the current which you get after inverter has converted DC (current from panels) into AC. This current should not be a clean sinus wave like provided from power provider, but unstable and messy.

From my understanding EMF produced by dirty electricity through wires, devices... should be the cause why dirty electricity could be bad for humans. Also maybe lights, monitors which could be disturbing if not running stable frequency... I dont know.

One article i found interesting:

1. Does wiring from solar panels to inverter (DC current) can emit EMF aswell ? Or does only AC after inverter does ?
  1. Do solar Panels themself emit some kind of "unhealthy" radiation ?
2. How much EMF do inverter, smart meter, wiring emit ? Is it really strong or do radiation fade after few meters ?
3. We have planed to build a room at the basement surrounded by bricks for smart meter, inverter and battery... could this be enough to block all of the produced EMF ?
  1. In case not, if we build a faraday cage inside the wall do we need to ground it ?
  2. Do we even need a smart meter ? According some claims smart meter can emit dangerous radiations (ionizing radiation), is that true ?
4. To reduce dirty electricity would it be better to convert DC before or after battery ? Like:
  1. DC from solar -> Battery - > Inverter - > House
  2. DC from solar -> Inverter - > Battery -> House
5. Is there any way to fix dirty electricity if we buy some kind of premium Inverter or accessories ?

Honestly, all of this makes up a very good question and I appreciate you for asking it… I’ve been trying to find a way to correct the poor conversion that occurs with solar panels…
But to everyone in the comments ridiculing this… Ok everyone… just want to take a moment to explain something. I have spent the last 15 years with someone who is EMF sensitive, and and have connected with an immense EMF sensitive community. Please refrain from insulting these individuals because their condition is not a joke. First of all, it is not a random occurrence. There is a link connecting each of their cases. I have spent the last couple of years working just to understand what it is. People with this condition share these triggers: most of them have Epstein Barr or shingles (some from birth), most have had some sort of exposure to heavy metals or toxic chemicals that then first made them “multiple chemical sensitive” (this manifests as an immense allergy to chemicals and fumes that can cause them inability to breathe, clear damage to their skin, and most often excrushiqting headaches that can incapacitate them for a period of time. All of them have at one point or another been placed within unsafe EMF exposure. Everything that releases high amounts of EMFs have a warning and even safe regulations. A lot of companies exceed those regulations and these individuals have most often been exposed to these. They also share the fact that most have been exposed to toxic mold for prolonged periods of time. With these observations in mind, we have understood that eventually the person develops sensitivity to EMFs due to the nerve damage that is done when some of these triggers are combined or prolonged.
I’ve lived with an EMF sensitive individual and experienced the effects these EMFS have on them physically.
I’ve watched her body turn red and swelled when in an EMF filled location. I’ve seen her lose the ability to breathe in similar moments, along with seeing her eyesight fail temporarily when exposed, and have even had to carry her when she has lost consciousness from the pain it causes. And the only way to remedy each of these was to move away from where the exposure took place.
If you don’t feel these effects, you are lucky and should not degrade those who experience this. The community I’m a part of is made up of thousands of individuals who have been displaced from their homes and lives just to not feel pain. A lot of them have lost their lives, and it shouldn’t be a topic that people laugh at or ridicule. Through their suffering, we have learned that some of these things are just not as safe as they are made out to be or that the regulations have to be fixed and corrected to have less effects
The test system has already been built.
5G cell towers and tracking of internet searches.
Switch transmitters on and off at random, look at rate of Google searches for various ailments.
Church just up the hill from my office had an RV camped out with big signs, EMF, yada, please turn off cell phones nearby, etc. I chuckled and looked at the full bars of 5G signal coming from a tower about half a mile away on the ridge I could see. Most people have no clue. I'm sure there are some that, for whatever reason, benefit from being away from stuff, but for a lot of them, it's just a placebo in their mind. Coworker is that way with peanuts; she freaks out if she sees one in a closed container, and if she sees you eating peanuts, she feigns she can't breathe and has to go elsewhere. But if she doesn't realize you're eating peanuts, she's none the wiser. You tell someone your place is EMF-free, no wifi, etc, but it's not as long as they don't know it....
Honestly, all of this makes up a very good question and I appreciate you for asking it… I’ve been trying to find a way to correct the poor conversion that occurs with solar panels…
But to everyone in the comments ridiculing this… Ok everyone… just want to take a moment to explain something. I have spent the last 15 years with someone who is EMF sensitive, and and have connected with an immense EMF sensitive community. Please refrain from insulting these individuals because their condition is not a joke. First of all, it is not a random occurrence. There is a link connecting each of their cases. I have spent the last couple of years working just to understand what it is. People with this condition share these triggers: most of them have Epstein Barr or shingles (some from birth), most have had some sort of exposure to heavy metals or toxic chemicals that then first made them “multiple chemical sensitive” (this manifests as an immense allergy to chemicals and fumes that can cause them inability to breathe, clear damage to their skin, and most often excrushiqting headaches that can incapacitate them for a period of time. All of them have at one point or another been placed within unsafe EMF exposure. Everything that releases high amounts of EMFs have a warning and even safe regulations. A lot of companies exceed those regulations and these individuals have most often been exposed to these. They also share the fact that most have been exposed to toxic mold for prolonged periods of time. With these observations in mind, we have understood that eventually the person develops sensitivity to EMFs due to the nerve damage that is done when some of these triggers are combined or prolonged.
I’ve lived with an EMF sensitive individual and experienced the effects these EMFS have on them physically.
I’ve watched her body turn red and swelled when in an EMF filled location. I’ve seen her lose the ability to breathe in similar moments, along with seeing her eyesight fail temporarily when exposed, and have even had to carry her when she has lost consciousness from the pain it causes. And the only way to remedy each of these was to move away from where the exposure took place.
If you don’t feel these effects, you are lucky and should not degrade those who experience this. The community I’m a part of is made up of thousands of individuals who have been displaced from their homes and lives just to not feel pain. A lot of them have lost their lives, and it shouldn’t be a topic that people laugh at or ridicule. Through their suffering, we have learned that some of these things are just not as safe as they are made out to be or that the regulations have to be fixed and corrected to have less effects

Does your friend have this problem when going outside in the daylight ? Reason I ask is that light (sunshine) is EMF and quite a bit more energy and power than you are likely to encounter around the home.

Does your friend have this problem when going outside in the daylight ? Reason I ask is that light (sunshine) is EMF and quite a bit more energy and power than you are likely to encounter around the home.

This is where we need more solar panels, instead of fewer, because the solar panels absorb the EMF from the sun, and turn it into DC current, which has zero frequency, therefore zero EMF. 🤪
This is where we need more solar panels, instead of fewer, because the solar panels absorb the EMF from the sun, and turn it into DC current, which has zero frequency, therefore zero EMF. 🤪

Except when the DC is chopped up by either the MPPT charge controller or PWM type CC. Then it has some high frequency AC modulation.

MPPT would be a lot more filtered than a PWM type CC. AC won't go to zero. The question then is levels. How much is too much.

Also, what frequencies are your friend more susceptible to ? AC and EMI is a very big range of frequencies

I am currently planing to setup solar panels for ~8 kWp.
While researching i came across with some articles/informations made me worrying. I have not understood 100% of this stuff and try to share claims by those articles.

According the claims EMF is emitted from:
-Smart meter

According those claims dirty electricity is the current which you get after inverter has converted DC (current from panels) into AC. This current should not be a clean sinus wave like provided from power provider, but unstable and messy.

From my understanding EMF produced by dirty electricity through wires, devices... should be the cause why dirty electricity could be bad for humans. Also maybe lights, monitors which could be disturbing if not running stable frequency... I dont know.

One article i found interesting:

1. Does wiring from solar panels to inverter (DC current) can emit EMF aswell ? Or does only AC after inverter does ?
  1. Do solar Panels themself emit some kind of "unhealthy" radiation ?
2. How much EMF do inverter, smart meter, wiring emit ? Is it really strong or do radiation fade after few meters ?
3. We have planed to build a room at the basement surrounded by bricks for smart meter, inverter and battery... could this be enough to block all of the produced EMF ?
  1. In case not, if we build a faraday cage inside the wall do we need to ground it ?
  2. Do we even need a smart meter ? According some claims smart meter can emit dangerous radiations (ionizing radiation), is that true ?
4. To reduce dirty electricity would it be better to convert DC before or after battery ? Like:
  1. DC from solar -> Battery - > Inverter - > House
  2. DC from solar -> Inverter - > Battery -> House
5. Is there any way to fix dirty electricity if we buy some kind of premium Inverter or accessories ?

I am currently asking the same sort of question and I find a lot of people are mocking those who are asking questions about EMF/EMR. It is frustrating because you and I are simply looking for decent answers to our questions:) I have to take my system offline and remove a Renogy 3000W Pure Sine Wave inverter because it is emitting over 200 milligouse. The system is in the basement and the EMF was coming right through the floor and the couch in the living room. It was causing heart palpitations in my wife! So those who mock these questions we have are not helping the matter of how to solve EMF. I am now using a 4000W Modified Sine Wave inverter and the readings are ZERO to 0.3, well within the safe zone of MAX 2.0 milligouse. Hopefully someone does actually help at some point:)

diy solar

diy solar