diy solar

diy solar

Review of my purchase from Shenzen Luyuan Technology Co. LTD. Alibaba, Wan Amy,

Blue dog, it is unclear, and causing some confusion on this topic. When you said, "The transaction seems a little suspect now", were you referring to the Houston-based cell broker? I have chatted with the Houston-based broker, but have not purchased from her, but your comment is confusing people. Please clarify your comment. Thanks.
No much to explain. I thought a reputable battery vendor would know what a testing certificate is. That’s it. Maybe that’s not a reasonable assumption.

The houston folks seem to have lots of happy customers.
The, "transaction seems a little suspect", has me concerned. Has anyone heard from Amy Wan recently?
Ok. That's cool. It's just that, since this thread is a review of Amy Wan@Shenzhen Luyuan, I'd appreciate if we avoid discussing other venders here. Thanks:) #Ghostwriter wrote a review of the Houston-based warehouse vendor, if you are curious about that vendor. If you purchase from them, I look forward to hearing about your experience. Charge on:)
Just received my 4 cells from @Amy Wan (Luyuan). As earlier pictures from others have shown: packaging was perfect. All cells are pristine. Communication was clear and delivery (which is out of her hands anyway) took 71 days to the EU.
Now the fun starts :p testing and building the battery.

And yes @Bluedog225 there are many "Amy's" around which _is_ confusing. I would prefer if they would all use their real name _or_ picked from a bigger list of names. It will also help when people on the forum don't assume 'Amy' is one and the same person and add their fullname and company to make it more clear...

As to your question: Amy Wan (Luyuan) does react (I had one only last week). I don't know about other Amy's obviously :cool:
LOL @IkkeDus maybe you are not aware but many Chinese Names do not translate well or have no equivalent in English or other languages and so a "close approximation" is a generic usage. Some of teh translations are ... well... quite interestingly comical and some can be really rude ! Translating English or other names to Mandarin can also be exceedingly entertaining....
LOL @IkkeDus maybe you are not aware but many Chinese Names do not translate well or have no equivalent in English or other languages and so a "close approximation" is a generic usage. Some of teh translations are ... well... quite interestingly comical and some can be really rude ! Translating English or other names to Mandarin can also be exceedingly entertaining....
Approximate translation not how Chinese people usually get English names. More commonly they just choose an English first name that they like. This is why I am suspicious of all the girls called Amy (apart from Amy Wan) because there's a chance they're trying to capitalise on her good reputation.

I work with Chinese people daily, and have had conversations with them about this. Example: "How did you get the name 'Monica'? Answer 'I really like Friends TV show'."
Approximate translation not how Chinese people usually get English names. More commonly they just choose an English first name that they like. This is why I am suspicious of all the girls called Amy (apart from Amy Wan) because there's a chance they're trying to capitalise on her good reputation.

I work with Chinese people daily, and have had conversations with them about this. Example: "How did you get the name 'Monica'? Answer 'I really like Friends TV show'."
The letter "A" may be a popular choice because it comes at the beginning of our alphabet, as well. I chose a business name that starts with an "A" for that reason.
FWIW, I have not done a proper capacity test, thus far, because my uninsulated yurt does not have constant, controllable temperature, and it is chilly Texas winter, nor do I have a testing instrument, at this time. That having been said, I recently had a period of bad solar weather(Clouds for days) and I drew 261 ah out of a single 280ah pack, with room to spare. It did not shut down. It did not hit 'the knee' in terms of voltage drop, as far as I could see. Still quite happy with the cells.
I also received my cells today from Amy.
Ordered on 11/22/21. About a week later Amy sent me a video of the cells and their voltages prior to packaging and a photo of the FedEx shipping details.
I've been checking the FedEx tracking website for about 2 weeks and was most surprised that the FedEx driver was knocking on my door this morning. According to FedEx the cells are still somewhere between China and LA??
The packaging was superb and it even managed to defeat FedEx's best attempts at destruction.
All the cells tested around 2.9 volts, with a few millivolts variation either way.
Best of all, not one has any bulging; not one. The terminals are clearly marked - and +, with the added touch of a spot of red paint on the positive terminal.
If I ever need cells again, I'll order from Amy without hesitation. :love:
Well my 304Ah Cells arrived from Amy today, ordered them in the second week of Nov, and finally arrived today.

Other Cell suppliers should take note of how Amy has these packed, one of the best packed items i've received.

Cells look great, they are straight, no bulges, all resting voltages are the same, everything looks legit.

Got them balancing, and i look forwards to building my packs.

The only real issue i had was with the freight forwarder that was used for the Australian delivery, just uncontactable on their phone number, email and live chat. they arrived and cleared customs on the 22nd Dec, and have been waiting for them to request a pick up from Toll the delivery company.
I also received my cells today from Amy.
Ordered on 11/22/21. About a week later Amy sent me a video of the cells and their voltages prior to packaging and a photo of the FedEx shipping details.
I've been checking the FedEx tracking website for about 2 weeks and was most surprised that the FedEx driver was knocking on my door this morning. According to FedEx the cells are still somewhere between China and LA??
The packaging was superb and it even managed to defeat FedEx's best attempts at destruction.
All the cells tested around 2.9 volts, with a few millivolts variation either way.
Best of all, not one has any bulging; not one. The terminals are clearly marked - and +, with the added touch of a spot of red paint on the positive terminal.
If I ever need cells again, I'll order from Amy without hesitation. :love:
So crazy. I ordered my cells on 11/2 and just got an update from FedEx that they are in transit as of today. Was a little sketchy there for a minute, and I haven't seen my batts yet. so not clear yet. About a month ago Amy stated the shipping had been given to FedEx and they were on the way as well as other people from the same shipment received theirs. I called FedEx and they said no we don't have them. When I went back to Amy she said, O they now are at customs and then waiting for FedEx. I responded that is exactly the opposite of what I was told prior. I filed a refund with Alibi. and said not asking for a refund but I want to log I have not received it yet and will be asking for a refund shortly. A week and a half after that i got the FedEx notice.

Even through all that I just ran upstairs and yelled ITS HAPPENING ITS HAPPENING! My wife just rolled her eyes. If I had to do it again I would have paid the extra and ordered the States side. Way too much crap going on in the world.
So crazy. I ordered my cells on 11/2 and just got an update from FedEx that they are in transit as of today. Was a little sketchy there for a minute, and I haven't seen my batts yet. so not clear yet. About a month ago Amy stated the shipping had been given to FedEx and they were on the way as well as other people from the same shipment received theirs. I called FedEx and they said no we don't have them. When I went back to Amy she said, O they now are at customs and then waiting for FedEx. I responded that is exactly the opposite of what I was told prior. I filed a refund with Alibi. and said not asking for a refund but I want to log I have not received it yet and will be asking for a refund shortly. A week and a half after that i got the FedEx notice.

Even through all that I just ran upstairs and yelled ITS HAPPENING ITS HAPPENING! My wife just rolled her eyes. If I had to do it again I would have paid the extra and ordered the States side. Way too much crap going on in the world.
Well, that was a gut punch! Fed Ex just updated how my tracker looked. Still the same status. Fed ex says they dont have any record of it and Amy says the shipper told her they told FedEx to pick it up. I requested from Amy I need new information by Friday or I am filing a complaint with Alibaba and requesting a refund. My Cc has 1 year protection on purchases so not too concerned. I finally found out the shipper and emailed them as a hail mary. Amy's been nice but I wouldn't say she has been as good as other people's experience.
Well, that was a gut punch! Fed Ex just updated how my tracker looked. Still the same status. Fed ex says they dont have any record of it and Amy says the shipper told her they told FedEx to pick it up. I requested from Amy I need new information by Friday or I am filing a complaint with Alibaba and requesting a refund. My Cc has 1 year protection on purchases so not too concerned. I finally found out the shipper and emailed them as a hail mary. Amy's been nice but I wouldn't say she has been as good as other people's experience.
And the plot thickens. FedEx finally let me know that they cancel shipping requests after 3mo if no request to pick up is made. IF my package is in the states they said the shipper has to recreate an "airway bill" for them to pick up. the old tracking number goes nowhere. I know way too much about shipping at this moment.
And the plot thickens. FedEx finally let me know that they cancel shipping requests after 3mo if no request to pick up is made. IF my package is in the states they said the shipper has to recreate an "airway bill" for them to pick up. the old tracking number goes nowhere. I know way too much about shipping at this moment.
I can tell you that Aliexpress has problems too.

Saturday, the post office said a package would be delivered. It wasn't.
Aliexpress said it was delivered.
Wednesday, tracking said it had arrived at customs.
It was delivered, and I had to sign for it (I was at the mailbox since Aliexpress said again it was delivered, but no notice from the post office, I had to follow the mailman back to my house to sign for it).
I almost never have to sign for anything, since there are large locking boxes for parcels and the mailman (mail person?) just puts the key in the regular mailbox.

Of course, I could blame it on a lot of people, companies, and databases, but generally speaking, it's just messed up.

Blaming Amy for shipping problems is just silly. People want the cheapest shipping possible, so you are partly to blame when a cheap shipper is used. There are more expensive and better tracking options available, just ask Amy BEFORE you get a quote. This (even though I quoted you above) is not aimed at anyone in particular.
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I can tell you that Aliexpress has problems too.

Saturday, the post office said a package would be delivered. It wasn't.
Aliexpress said it was delivered.
Wednesday, tracking said it had arrived at customs.
It was delivered, and I had to sign for it (I was at the mailbox since Aliexpress said again it was delivered, but no notice from the post office, I had to follow the mailman back to my house to sign for it).
I almost never have to sign for anything, since there are large locking boxes for parcels and the mailman (mail person?) just puts the key in the regular mailbox.

Of course, I could blame it on a lot of people, companies, and databases, but generally speaking, it's just messed up.

Blaming Amy for shipping problems is just silly. People want the cheapest shipping possible, so you are partly to blame when a cheap shipper is used. There are more expensive and better tracking options available, just ask Amy BEFORE you get a quote. This (even though I quoted you above) is not aimed at anyone in particular.
Didn't take it aimed at anyone. I agree that the system is seriously F'ed right now and that has nothing to do with the suppliers or the shippers. I would say it's not the consumer's job to ask for a better shipper, always. If someone says to me it will come by FedEx I would assume that's pretty good. If someone said we have competitive shipping rates but if you would like we can charge you more and you will have a better view of your product traveling I would say cool how much. That's just a good salesperson. I also don't purchase things and have them shipped across the sea so have no idea of all the different ins and outs. That's what we are all here for! I still think Amy is great and, at the end of the day, will work out and I got a killer price. I am holding Amy, kindly, accountable, and putting pressure on her to follow through and not just taking someone's word for it. I do feel that is the supplier's job. I do agree the shipper sucking is not her fault.

Side note how I figured this all out is I cold-called like 4 different FEDEX warehouses in CA around the shipping terminal and just finally got the right person to tell me what I needed. I ended up in Texas somehow at the end of it. I told the person that I would come find them and give them a hug if this was the issue.
Got a shipment from Amy. One cell was damaged. Tried to contact and no response. They are in China and have zero support and apparently they can ignore you after they get your money.
I'm switching to USA suppliers now. No more China. What am I to do ? Fly there with a team of lawyers to her apartment? Plus they are in bed with Putin and I believe sanctions are going to hit soon on all imports.
This sounds a bit "un"-Amy Wan from Luyuan, to be honest... (there are/were several Amy's offering cells here). How and when did you try to contact? As the Alibaba chat has always been answered within 1-2 days in my experience?
Got a shipment from Amy. One cell was damaged. Tried to contact and no response. They are in China and have zero support and apparently they can ignore you after they get your money.
I'm switching to USA suppliers now. No more China. What am I to do ? Fly there with a team of lawyers to her apartment? Plus they are in bed with Putin and I believe sanctions are going to hit soon on all imports.
Did you check if maybe China has different holidays than the USA? Chinese new year should just be over now, how long ago did you report the problem?

The Chinese government may be "in bed with Putin", but the average citizen in China has very limited knowledge of the truth. It's called the great firewall, the Chinese government put it in place to restrict anything they don't like. I suspect the western response may be giving the Chinese government second thoughts, but I'm no more informed than you are.

As an FYI, good luck finding any LFP cells not manufactured in China. That is likely to change soon, but that is more because the LFP patents expire in April of 2022. Somehow China was excluded from LFP patent enforcement long ago (the only caveat is they must be for domestic Chinese consumption).

Frankly, I'm surprised, Amy packages cells very well, it would take some significant effort to damage one, and it would very much show on the box. Were you there to sign for them? Especially if damaged, the shipping company likes to just drop things off without a signature.
I signed for them. Why are you asking me all these questions? I was just reporting my experience. China is still Communist, state sponsored and on a vengeance to destroy the USA economy and doing a good job at it. Are you Communist too?
I'm just wondering why you signed for damaged cells.

I've ordered from Amy three times and had a very different experience. Does that make you communist?
Amy has nothing to do with the policies of the Chinese government.
box was sealed. Leave me alone.
Mine were sealed as well:IMG_20220312_115955591.jpg

But they did not look like this (JBD BMS package)


So I'm curious how yours were damaged. It takes some pretty significant force to damage cells packed like this, the box must have shown significant damage. Care to share pictures?

FYI, my having a different experience does not make me a "communist". Deflection is an interesting thing, but sometimes it just doesn't work well and makes things suspect.
I'm switching to USA suppliers now. No more China. What am I to do ? Fly there with a team of lawyers to her apartment? Plus they are in bed with Putin and I believe sanctions are going to hit soon on all imports.
Sadly they pretty much all come from China, it's just a matter of dealing with them directly, or paying the markup to someone else that delt with them directly. I get where you're coming from though...
John_B, I find it very hard to believe that a cell was damaged with the way Amy has her cells packed, my cells were packed the same as Just John.

The box would have had be to be completely destroyed and you wouldn't have signed for it, if it wasn't packed like the picture like Just John, are you sure you ordered through Amy Wan

If you have such an issue with China, why did you order the cells from China and not go with a USA cell distributor?
Any cells I ordered from Amy were packed the same way, 20 boxes with large foam on the outside and only 2 cells per box plus double boxed. I did mention to her the outer box does get ripped and they should look into some heavier cardboard and she would look into it.

Compare that to the cells I sourced from Basen, 4 cells in a box, padding was 1/2 the thickness. Those weren't damaged either, however considering 4 in about the same size box with 1/2 the padding thickness, it would have been more susceptible to damage.

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diy solar