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Seplos CAN BUS RS485 48v 200A 8S-16S BMS

unfortunatly the seplos bms only supports pylontech over canbus ( untill they update their firmware)
the rs485 is only meant for pc connections and their management software.

the voltronic's/mpp solar pylontech protocol only uses the rs485 port, while their bms port is a dual canbus/rs485 , they have disabled the canbus part on it, and as they stated, the canbus status so far is "reserved"

i've asked my supplier to push voltronic a bit the enable the canbus, but supplier had little hope he would be able to get it done.

at the same time , i have been pushing seplos to update their firmware to support the pylontech over one of the rs485 ports, but thus far i havent seen any movement.

as i suggested to @Sanwizard in a pm, it might help if more people start pushing seplos to do so , as i believe it will be easier to get seplos to move rather than voltronic/mpp-solar
i also believe the change would be smaller for seplos to do so in their firmware, since they have both canbus and rs485 active already
I just got a FW from them but not doing a thing before they tell me what it does
Is anyone by chance using a Seplos BMS (or 2) with Phocos Any-Grid inverters?
Phocos is compatible with Pylontech so I'm hoping it'll work with the Seplos.

edit: I found on the Seplos web site that the BMS is compatible with the Phocos Any-Grid, however I'm confused, is there a different Seplos board that is RS485 instead of CANBUS? Or can the board be configured to communicate either RS485 or CANBUS from the single CAN port.

The Seplos site says this:

Now our RS485 communication board supports these brands of inverters,The BMS with RS485 communication has a built-in RS485 protocol, please confirm with the salesman before buying what you need is that one RS485 protocol:

The default is the Pylontech RS485 protocol
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Is anyone by chance using a Seplos BMS (or 2) with Phocos Any-Grid inverters?
Phocos is compatible with Pylontech so I'm hoping it'll work with the Seplos.

edit: I found on the Seplos web site that the BMS is compatible with the Phocos Any-Grid, however I'm confused, is there a different Seplos board that is RS485 instead of CANBUS? Or can the board be configured to communicate either RS485 or CANBUS from the single CAN port.

The Seplos site says this:

Now our RS485 communication board supports these brands of inverters,The BMS with RS485 communication has a built-in RS485 protocol, please confirm with the salesman before buying what you need is that one RS485 protocol:

The default is the Pylontech RS485 protocol
Ask Seplos if there is a RS485-Version available.
I had a question about the BUS-Connection and they asked me what version i have: Canbus or RS485...
Ask Seplos if there is a RS485-Version available.
I had a question about the BUS-Connection and they asked me what version i have: Canbus or RS485...
Seplos can use can or rs485. Just a different configuration for the cable. Same port. It’s labelled can/rs485
Seplos can use can or rs485. Just a different configuration for the cable. Same port. It’s labelled can/rs485
Not entirely true. They have to program it to work with RS485. A few of us have bought them specifically for RS485.
Not entirely true. They have to program it to work with RS485. A few of us have bought them specifically for RS485.

Are you saying it's possible to have a CAN BUS board firmware updated or somehow converted to RS485 ?
I dont think they can be flashed, as it seems they are trying to get @Sanwizard to buy new ones instead.
I have two of the CAN boards I bought from a seller on Aliexpress. Trying to work out a buy RS485 / return CAN boards for refund.

There seems to be a decent enough amount of confusion with these boards that it would be in Seplos and the consumers interest to have them support both in some fashion. I was initially under the impression that it did support both until I started collecting more configuration information and realized I made a mistake.
I have two of the CAN boards I bought from a seller on Aliexpress. Trying to work out a buy RS485 / return CAN boards for refund.

There seems to be a decent enough amount of confusion with these boards that it would be in Seplos and the consumers interest to have them support both in some fashion. I was initially under the impression that it did support both until I started collecting more configuration information and realized I made a mistake.
I´m now really happy with my board, price-performance/function ratio is excellent on this board but i also had A LOT of questions and have 2 Whatsapp-Groups with technicians from Seplos ?

I will write them a summary with improvements in the manuals when i have time for that.
There are still 2 questions i have and then i can think i now all about it and how it works^^
I can write then a little summary/review then when you want.
Write an email to Seplos, they reply very quickly
I did send an email to Seplos. I was talking with one person and they referred me to another. I emailed the second person initially 4-5 days ago but haven't heard back. I also sent a follow up question yesterday but I'm waiting for a response.
In one of the threads here (forgot which one) someone had an interesting idea. If the CAN jack can't be firmware upgraded to support RS485, maybe the RS485 port that communicates with the computer can be configured to talk to the Inverter instead.
Ok so what you guys are saying is that even though the port on the boards are labelled canbus/rs485 they do not support them both on the same board? I have spoken to Link at Seplos and I really only tried Can communication and it works with my Rosen batteries
Ok so what you guys are saying is that even though the port on the boards are labelled canbus/rs485 they do not support them both on the same board? I have spoken to Link at Seplos and I really only tried Can communication and it works with my Rosen batteries

The port labeled CANBUS is the only port that communicates with the inverter. So if you have an inverter that supports RS485 you're SOL with a CAN board. The RS485 ports are only for computer access and linking BMS boards together.
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But there are (were?) boards with RS485 communication to inverter because i got screenshots from an (older?) manual on whatsapp on where you could see the same pin-connection like it has the canbus and the series-number of my board has the ending "-10C", C stands for canbus.
Ok so what you guys are saying is that even though the port on the boards are labelled canbus/rs485 they do not support them both on the same board? I have spoken to Link at Seplos and I really only tried Can communication and it works with my Rosen batteries
that is what i explained to you before
But there are (were?) boards with RS485 communication to inverter because i got screenshots from an (older?) manual on whatsapp on where you could see the same pin-connection like it has the canbus and the series-number of my board has the ending "-10C", C stands for canbus.
10c is the CANBUS version
10d is the RS485 version
The port labeled CANBUS is the only port that communicates with the inverter. So if you have an inverter that supports RS485 you're SOL with a CAN board. The RS485 ports are only for computer access and linking BMS boards together.
What does “ SOL with a CAN board”? Link just told me the bird I have is RS485 even though it says Canbus. Need some clarification with you guys experience.
What does “ SOL with a CAN board”? Link just told me the bird I have is RS485 even though it says Canbus. Need some clarification with you guys experience.
again... i said before...

the PCB will have canbus printed above the port that is meant for inverter communication, but the sticker on the board will tell you which one you have.
10c is the CANBUS version
10d is the RS485 version

the other RS485 ports are only to be used for multiple bms communication

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