diy solar

diy solar

RESOLVED: EG4 6500EX and 6000EX Lights Flickering FIRMWARE


Try Solar, the Grid will always take you back
Jun 26, 2020
Sulphur Springs, Texas
We are releasing a firmware update on our website and here in this post that resolves the flickering light issue on the most recent batch of EG4 6000 and 6500 inverters.
  • Who does this affect: people with EG4 6k and 6.5k units Shipped after November first who are experiencing lights flickering when PV is charging the battery (these units only have gray larger terminals, not all gray terminal units have this issue though)
  • Who this does not affect: People buying new units today (full reflash and usb cable packed in for future use. People with units that have black terminals, people with gray terminals that have not experienced light strobing/major flicker.
  • What happened: An unauthorized minor component hardware change was made at the Voltronic factory on the standard 6500 and 6000w rectifiers inside the All-in-one inverters; We use the same factory as MPP solar, Sungold, Rich Solar, and other 6000/6500 units, Our units are specced with exclusive money-saving added features but this issue came down to Rectifier management; the firmware starved the rectifier by not allowing battery power to be prioritized on a board level. This caused the rectifier in PV charge and some grid circumstances to shift frequency slightly and make lights flicker.
  • What we did: Around late November/December we started receiving units with this issue from the factory, we did not detect this use case in our standard Quality control check (a lot of points have been added for future units). When we began receiving units back with the issue we tried to get support from the factory but the team was in full denial of the issue, after a week as well as seeing that this issue was popping up with other high-volume Voltronic OEMs that weren’t sitting on old stock. We dispatched our lead engineering team to Taiwan and they took over the situation this week, yielding this firmware.
  • What we did wrong: We too too long to recognize the issue as new and rush the inverters back, our warrnty dept insisted that procedure was followed on information gathering before a claim went through, on several occasions this just ended up in a hard headed gridlock where customers with legit issues were charged back
  • What we will do better:
    • Quicker response and recognition, this is an agenda setter for us going forward aand new tools and procedures too catch this are being set up
    • Additional air tightness added to our quality contracts enforced on future production
    • More points added to batch quality test
    • All units are being reflashed before shipment and all units will have an update cable packked in (no other voltronic oems on this yet I think)
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Thank you for the honesty, transparency, and ownership in the first post. Working in manufacturing as a tier 1 supplier I completely understand how these things can happen and the chaos they create.
Great problem solving and corrective actions so far. Way to go, going to the gemba and getting shit done.
SS is back on my list of potential suppliers for my upcoming upgrades.
Keep pushing forward.
This is good news. Anxious to see this implemented and hear feedback from the people that have had this issue.
Can you provide the waveform before and after the FW update?
He did on another thread. I’m not sure how to share one thread to another. Otherwise I would do it. Oh I apologize. I see now you asked for a before photo.
He did on another thread. I’m not sure how to share one thread to another. Otherwise I would do it. Oh I apologize. I see now you asked for a before photo.
But it does not show the waveform before the update.
See the thread below, post #14:

Anxious to hear how this update is doing. There is a guy who posted a video on YT that was upset about this issue and switched back to MPP inverters because of this flickering issue. Some may have already seen it. Thank you SS for getting on this!
Will this also fix flickering lights when there’s no PV (in the evenings)?
We compared battery powered inversion to Solark 15k and could find no fllickering light differences with or without motor load on any batch of inverters we received yet; if you have an issue then pls dm me with a video demo and we will try to replicate
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Anxious to hear how this update is doing. There is a guy who posted a video on YT that was upset about this issue and switched back to MPP inverters because of this flickering issue. Some may have already seen it. Thank you SS for getting on this!
We will reach out to the folks who had issues and try to make things right
Me no the firmware that is out there now the fix?