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diy solar

Signature Solar Two Hours On Hold Just To Buy an Item!

I called signature solar the day before yesterday to test the service. First attempt the call dropped within 3 minutes for no reason. I tried again and was on hold for 5 minutes and then support answered and found the problem to my issue and emailed me documentation for the confusing software in the 8K unit. I'm trying to get it to work still.

I have been building electronic projects since I was 12, and I never asked for company support or help. I would always figure it out on my own.

I am testing the customer support to see what people are complaining about. And I have software issues that I cannot find resolution for. But usually I do not depend on any of these companies when I do diy projects.

The support system worked fine for me once my call didn't drop. I'll keep testing it and see what I find.
Will-P call again from a completely different number and see how it turns out.
I could make a 2 hour video of the Music while I am on hold but I kind of think that would be pointless.
You have enough people on here telling you the same thing that we all cannot be lying!
Try calling at about 1-5 pm EST with another number and let us know what happens.
Be pretty funny if your number shows in the queue as "***[VIP]*** Will Prowse - DIY Solar Forum (Don't ignore)"
LOL or they are simply using "Selective Call Forwarding".
They not only want to answer his calls fast but they probably want them to land at the extension of someone who is competent.
I would bet they have lists with all of their Installers and VIP people like Will programmed into the system.
And I need to set up a fake number to test it. Do they have the ability to have selective call forwarding? I was on hold for a few minutes.
I think you guys should post the video of being on hold for 2 hours. Post that on youtube. Seriously.
I will just use my phone and make an Audio recording for an hour+.
I am going to pick a random day in the next week or two. I know that right now James must have put pressure on them, so it's best to wait a bit and get results that will be typical.
And I need to set up a fake number to test it. Do they have the ability to have selective call forwarding? I was on hold for a few minutes.
They probably do but I have no way of knowing for sure. I know most companies have something like that or they have a special telephone numbers for important people to dial into.
It is also possible that your number along with a few others is on a sticky next to everyone's phone.
Here's three youtubers I follow that all say the same thing people say here on this forum regarding customer support if you wish to review them. I've came across more but can't locate them again. I'm only posting this to show there's people outside this forum saying the same thing regarding their experience for what it's worth.

I look at SS as just another company. I know a lot of people have dropped some serious money on their stuff. Also a number of people in this forum have had issues with some of their stuff that was purchased. It seems to me after reading all of the complaints and what not regarding SS then it does not appear to be much different than any other company. Someone on the forum has a complaint and then it get aired for a bit. SS comes on and does their schmoozing and all is well for a while. They even offer returns or money or whatever it takes to make it right which is commendable.

The only thing that gets me about all of this is, if someone was to try to get something resolved by calling their phone number and attempting to contact a tech then it may take a very long time. I don't know about the rest of you folks on this forum but when my system is down it is not producing electricity and it is costing me money. To me it is very important to have reliable equipment that works. I do not want to have stuff that breaks down and needs to be replaced or repaired.

I like to do serious research before plunking down my hard earned money on Solar equipment. If there is a lot of issues or quirks about the equipment that I am considering then I want to know about them before I hand over my money. It is not fair to not know in advance that some piece of equipment has some flaws or is not ready for a consumer to purchase.

Again I look at SS as just another company. If they have what I want at the best price then I would probably purchase from them but I would certainly do my research first.
I just called Signature Solar Tech support. Over 15 minutes on hold and now phone is just playing music I don't really know if I need to do this for hours to prove any point.

I got my system from and had nothing but positive experiences from them for tech support and the tech support I got from the Solark team.

I spent more on a Solark than buying a cheaper inverter because I wanted a system that works and one that I could get tech support for.

I am a pretty DIY type of guy and I installed and wired my own system. But I needed a little hand holding along the way, and I imagine I am not alone in this regard. I've had my system up and running for almost a year now with no glitches. I read too many horror stories here about "cheaping out", systems not working, terrible customer support and blown out equipment to go the route of saving a few bucks. There are too many stories about SS here for me to even consider doing business with them.

I also know that William Prose was pretty anti Big Battery but my 15Kwh Kong Elite has been working so well that I bought a 36 volt 5KWH battery and charger from them for my EZ-go golf cart and it has been flawless. Not only that but I called Big Battery tech support for a few questions on both batteries with a quick response.

William Prose:
I would suggest you try a few more times and put those on youtube!
I also know that William Prose was pretty anti Big Battery but my 15Kwh Kong Elite has been working so well that I bought a 36 volt 5KWH battery and charger from them for my EZ-go golf cart and it has been flawless. Not only that but I called Big Battery tech support for a few questions on both batteries with a quick response.

William Prose:
I would suggest you try a few more times and put those on youtube!

Will Prowse
FWIW, I gave it a try:

Here's my evidence:

View attachment 142136

11:25 AM MST. On hold for 26 minutes. Gave up.

Message looped several times, but I believe on at least 3-4 occasions, the call was picked up and placed back on hold as that's what it sounded like.
26 min is a pretty long wait for sure. Right at lunch time is difficult as that is when the tech dept gets really slammed. I do invite more people to try this. I'm sure there will be a mix of good and bad on this depending on the time of day for the call. Average wait time thus far today has been just shy of 10min according to the phone queue dashboard (for tech support), it's been 5:30 for sales.
26 min is a pretty long wait for sure. Right at lunch time is difficult as that is when the tech dept gets really slammed. I do invite more people to try this. I'm sure there will be a mix of good and bad on this depending on the time of day for the call. Average wait time thus far today has been just shy of 10min according to the phone queue dashboard (for tech support), it's been 5:30 for sales.

If you are in TX, you are TWO hours ahead of me. I'm on MST (GMT-7), and you are on CDT (GMT-5), so this would have been 1:45pm your time.
Like it matters. Our analytics say it’s all good….chuckle

I had an email exchange yesterday with that took all of 10 minutes for several messages back and forth. Bought a Quattro, Lynx. and associated thingies to make it all go. They even saved me some $ with a piece I didn’t need. Prices across the board beat sig solar.

Delivery Saturday.
You might check your notes on that. Not making an excuse for the wait time or anything, but MST is 1hr behind Texas

Only when you guys don't screw with your clocks.

Maybe if you're in Arizona where they don't observe daylight savings time. Didn't consider that

Exactly. I used the appropriate nomenclature:

MST = Mountain standard time
CDT = Central daylight time.

Do you see an incoming call at 1:25pm that was on hold for 26 minutes?
I do see it. Shows it came into sales at 13:25:34 and was abandoned at 13:51:12. Trying to walk down what happened and led to your call going unanswered for that amount of time.

It was purely a test for me. For the follow-up, I primarily wanted to establish the validity of the test. I claim a 26 minute hold, and you see it from the number I gave you, so I'm not making false claims.

Good luck!

diy solar

diy solar