diy solar

diy solar

Problem paying on Alibaba, help please

The sellers have no control over the payments. It is an Alibaba thing.
I just bought 3 inverters from another seller on Alibaba using the exact same card. It went through in 5 seconds. Huh?
Now that you have gotten Alibaba to accept your card it now may work at the other vendor. I had to go through validation but after that I could do a transaction at my original vendor.
Now that you have gotten Alibaba to accept your card it now may work at the other vendor. I had to go through validation but after that I could do a transaction at my original vendor.
Yes, this was specifically why I made the other purchase. I don't need those inverters, I'll just sell them, even at cost if necessary when they arrive. SO you are exactly right. Earlier today the seller suggested drafting a smaller order.
So we did just half the cells I had planned. I tried to pay; no dice, but then the APPEAL link showed up this time (thanks folks) and the card was indeed saved.
I appealed, then several hours later (this evening my time) I got an email saying the appeal was approved. So then I tried to pay and presto!
SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY. The only bad thing is, that the original order of 50 cells my credit card limited the credit card fee to $40. This smaller order of half that number, the fee was also $40 haha.
So I'll be out another $40 but worth it to have this headache which has leached hours from my life solved.
I really appreciate everyone who chimed in with ideas and their own scenarios.
In case someone else is having trouble like this; just purchase something else (cheap) on Alibaba first to get your card into the system.
That seemed to really work. Then you can appeal when it fails on the big purchase.
Thanks for the tip! Over the past week or so I had tried 2 different cards, both always failed, and I appealed too many times to count. This morning I bought a cheap 10,000mAH power bank (about $10 + shipping) from a supplier on Alibaba using one of those cards, and it processed successfully in about 15 minutes. As soon as that worked I went back to my 8x 280AH order with Dongguan Billion and selected "Make Payment", and my card was on the next page as an option. It did not "fail", went straight to "processing" status, and successfully processed 20 minutes later. Problem fixed in less than 1 hour this morning, after over a week of playing the silly "appeal" game, which never worked for me for some reason. Thanks forum!
Thanks for the tip! Over the past week or so I had tried 2 different cards, both always failed, and I appealed too many times to count. This morning I bought a cheap 10,000mAH power bank (about $10 + shipping) from a supplier on Alibaba using one of those cards, and it processed successfully in about 15 minutes. As soon as that worked I went back to my 8x 280AH order with Dongguan Billion and selected "Make Payment", and my card was on the next page as an option. It did not "fail", went straight to "processing" status, and successfully processed 20 minutes later. Problem fixed in less than 1 hour this morning, after over a week of playing the silly "appeal" game, which never worked for me for some reason. Thanks forum!

BTW, this is probably just coincidence but I also bought mine from Dongguan Billions like you...
So on the Appeal page when you uploaded your card and ID, wasn't the <submit> button grayed out?
Mine is grayed out since there is nothing to select on the first field "1. Choose the card for appeal" when you click it says "no options". So the form is waiting for that to be selected to ungray the <submit> button.
I had a problem with the credit card going through; check your security software on your computer. I had to basically disable it for the time of the transaction then it went through no problem. Just disable it for a short time, not globally. It will then reset after the transaction. Give it a shot.
I have been trying to buy batteries from Xuba and my credit card was declined too. I appealed and put in my info and uploaded, then received a message indicating appeal was successful and that I can use my credit card now. I tried and it failed several times. I tried a different card and it fails too....I called the credit card company and they have no indication that there has even been an attempt to charge the card. I am only ordering 8 of the cells so the amount is not big...I will try to disable the security...
I disabled the security but it still does not work. I have no idea why as it is the first time I have ever not been able to make a transaction with my credit cards....bizarre
I disabled the security but it still does not work. I have no idea why as it is the first time I have ever not been able to make a transaction with my credit cards....bizarre
What browser are you using? Maybe try using Opera or Chrome or Edge. I was using Firefox when disabling my security helped.
Had the same problem on Aliexpress, i just used another card.
Then today on Alibaba i would get a screen from my card saying its verifying and it would fail, so i used another card, i used a Sams club "synchrony bank" Mastercard and it went through ok.
I have been trying to buy batteries from Xuba and my credit card was declined too. I appealed and put in my info and uploaded, then received a message indicating appeal was successful and that I can use my credit card now. I tried and it failed several times. I tried a different card and it fails too....I called the credit card company and they have no indication that there has even been an attempt to charge the card. I am only ordering 8 of the cells so the amount is not big...I will try to disable the security...
Yes, this is like what happened to me with another vendor. In the end I resolved it (thanks to advice here) by purchasing something cheaper and ticking the box "save card" from another vendor which went through instantly Then I was able to appeal a new transaction with the original vendor since my card was on file for the appeal. How were you able to appeal if you haven't successfully used the card yet? i think you may *think* you appealed but actually did not. I had tried this previously as well but you need to see your card listed on the appeal page drop down up top.

Recently Alibaba called me to ask about my experience etc, I told them they need to fix this issue as I had wasted many hours trying to make an initial purchase with a pristine card which had no balance on it.

I still have my suspicions that vendors may have something to do with this while playing dumb because the support staff had initially told me that "this purchase order does not allow credit cards"; well who drafts the purchase order? Add to this that one of the selling agents here supposedly had to py for damaged cells out of her own pocket; heck that'd motivate me to try to protect myself whenever possible.
I strongly advise you to NOT cave and send a wire transfer. I *suspect* sellers are trying to protect themselves from these "Grade A- EVE cells" as one seller called them, by denying buyers to use credit card for purchases. I know this is speculation so no need to flame me guys; but when things are weird sometimes speculative based care pays off.
There might be some fraud check on your card or maybe you have one of those complimentary ID protections you don't even remember saying "OK" to on your cards that works through the credit check agencies. Welcome to the world wide economy.
Hi all

sorry for commending to here, because i don't find out where to create new question.

i have a question please help us, please let me know if I want to use 4kw solution, please let me what I need purchase ( PV, inverter...) and estimating how many dolar ?

Thanks you
Hi all

sorry for commending to here, because i don't find out where to create new question.

i have a question please help us, please let me know if I want to use 4kw solution, please let me what I need purchase ( PV, inverter...) and estimating how many dolar ?

Thanks you
Welcome Chi, we might need a little more information about your needs. Do you need 4kw continuously? Or do your loads have a duty cycle? This a solar powered system alone without any other charging source? There are many choices to make.
So I think I figured out what is happening...I was using a card issued by Fidelity and it would not work. I called the number on the card and they said they could never even see the transaction being initiated. When I tried to make payment via Alibaba, a screen would come up for about 10 seconds that indicated I needed to call a number to get authorization from my bank. It was not the same as the number on my card so I did not call it. Finally, I checked the number and it was listed as US Bank. Hesitatingly, I called the number and gave them my details etc. The lady said that she was with Visa and they are the ones blocking the transaction. The transaction was not making it through to my actual credit card as Visa is blocking the ALibaba transaction before it even gets to my bank. Sure enough, she fixed it and the transaction went through. Hopefully I have not been scammed but I think it is ok as my credit card indicates I have been charged the correct amount by Alibaba. So in summary, even though I thought and blamed Alibaba for the mess it seems it is actually Visa doing it...if it happens to you call 1 866 253 1752
She has to be losing sales over this, and customer confidence in their product. Why not fuss at alibaba over this? get them to fix it, or make instructions to get past their clunky, complicated pay site.
Did you read my last post above? I thought it was Alibaba not being able to do this but it turns out it was Visa...the actual card company could not even see the transaction as visa was blocking it.
So I think I figured out what is happening...I was using a card issued by Fidelity and it would not work. I called the number on the card and they said they could never even see the transaction being initiated. When I tried to make payment via Alibaba, a screen would come up for about 10 seconds that indicated I needed to call a number to get authorization from my bank. It was not the same as the number on my card so I did not call it. Finally, I checked the number and it was listed as US Bank. Hesitatingly, I called the number and gave them my details etc. The lady said that she was with Visa and they are the ones blocking the transaction. The transaction was not making it through to my actual credit card as Visa is blocking the ALibaba transaction before it even gets to my bank. Sure enough, she fixed it and the transaction went through. Hopefully I have not been scammed but I think it is ok as my credit card indicates I have been charged the correct amount by Alibaba. So in summary, even though I thought and blamed Alibaba for the mess it seems it is actually Visa doing it...if it happens to you call 1 866 253 1752
At least you were secure .... convenience/security .... pick one.
Well I’m a few months late ? but I just went thru this problem. Called my bank they said they didn’t see the charge blah blah .. saw the option to use Apple Pay or thru western union which are basically going thru a third party charging the same card and it worked ! Just made a whole account to reply to this post ??
I kept getting denied for a 16 cell purchase. I ended up purchasing my cells direct from Deligreen because they let me use Paypal. I paid extra for that.
But later I placed a $213 order on Alibaba and it was approved. I think the problem people are having is because they are trying to make too large of purchase for the first order on Alibaba. I haven't proved that theory yet.
NO Trade Assurance with payments using PayPal.
Most of the comments I have seen about Alibaba Trade Assurance is that Alibaba tends to side with their vendors. Paypal did give me protection for the risk of the product not getting to me. That is the same thing I get with a CC. That risk is not covered if I wire transfered funds.
Most of the comments I have seen about Alibaba Trade Assurance is that Alibaba tends to side with their vendors. Paypal did give me protection for the risk of the product not getting to me. That is the same thing I get with a CC. That risk is not covered if I wire transfered funds.
If you buy on a webshop and THERE you pay with paypal ... only then you have paypal buyer protection.
If you transfer money to an another account (email address) then you do not.
I am not sure in this case if you can make a chargeback on the CC. (even that not covered)

And today I paid for my 17 cells with CC. Here we have a second layer of security (called 3D secure something).
For all web payments web asks for a code that my bank sends me by SMS.
So I was afraid that the Chinese payment system is not ready for it.
But, it is.
Payment went without a single problem. (first purchase on alibaba)
I'm having credit card issues; it just says continuously that the transaction was not approved for security reasons.
I chatted with alibaba support, 1 agent gave me the appeal page but the appeal page requires you to select the card being appealed (of which there are none on file b/c the card is only saved to file after you use it 1 time).
I went back to support and the next agent said I don't need to do the appeal, they promised to email me something later tonight; no joy.
Been trying to pay all day. Usually the bank card sends a text if something is suspicious and I can approve but nothing like that.
I've been trying all day (here it's night as I post this).
I went back through the thread and I don't see a solution. I was ready to upload photo id and cred. card. picture but again, that page won't work if the card is not on file. Is this just the alibaba system being weird?
I know others have had issues with it. I do not want to send a wire transfer. This card works for everything, never fails it's a good card.
It's always clean; paid off, etc. I want to do the card payment for the extra protection for the just in case scenario.
Do I just keep trying? Have tried about 6x now. First time it took a couple hours to "not work." Now it's pretty fast each time.

Their Alibaba support rep wrote, "After consultation, I am sorry to hear that you have some payment issue for your order.
After checking in the system, I feel sorry that currently it doesn't accept credit card for this transaction.
In order to protect the security of the payment in the whole process of the order, every single order and payment on need to undergo the regular security check and it is extremely confidential. Unfortunately, this transaction failed to pass the security check and any attempts to against this decision will not be considered.
To get your order proceed, we have to suggest you change a payment method to complete the transaction.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Your kind understanding and cooperation are highly appreciated. "

The Platinum card in question is the only payment option we've got. Anybody else deal with this? Did you find a solution?
They are uninterested in uploading of ID's and photos of credit cards.
I gave up and paid with bank card. glad I did, they are great cells

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