diy solar

diy solar

2nd Buy from Amy Wan/Luyuan

Would you approach Amy regarding the ready-made batteries mentioned on the site? I'm looking to replace FLA on a Polaris Ranger EV, and as a beginner I'm reluctant to DIY right of the bat, given the high current draw (600A). TIA.
Definitely, she will know what options are available depending on what your use is.
Would you approach Amy regarding the ready-made batteries mentioned on the site? I'm looking to replace FLA on a Polaris Ranger EV, and as a beginner I'm reluctant to DIY right of the bat, given the high current draw (600A). TIA.

Just to update, Amy is sending 16S EVE 230ah kit with JBD 200A BMS (1s peak 600A, which I guess means "it won't fry right away") and a steel box w/breaker and screen; relay but no T-1, all of which I will get to assemble.
A ready-made battery to these specs would be too heavy to deliver via the usuals.

She assures me there are instructions. But I may have questions that I will post in a new thread.
this is my issue, the Eve 280Ah cells on from US Stock is $90 and can be here in under a week, whats the advantage to ordering China Stock and waiting 2 months?
Because from a lot of posts lately, you might not get what Docan advertises, I purchased from them over two years ago when they were first on this site and got good cells.

But it seems after getting a following the cell quality has been hit and miss with re applied QR codes.
Because from a lot of posts lately, you might not get what Docan advertises, I purchased from them over two years ago when they were first on this site and got good cells.

But it seems after getting a following the cell quality has been hit and miss with re applied QR codes.
well now you got me worried, I just built a battery this week, how would you tell if the QR codes where re-applied? Capacity seams to be about right, using 7-10% of the battery capacity over night seams to track with the number of KwH's I was using from my off the shelf Chins 48v 100Ah battery I was using prior, that said I haven't been through a full charge cycle, the BMS showed about a 50% SOC when I finished building it and we've been pretty cloudy the last few days but i've put about a 30% charge into it on the sunniest day and the cells are very well balanced, with only a 0.002 v variance from high to low when I looked at it today while the solar was charging it.
well now you got me worried, I just built a battery this week, how would you tell if the QR codes where re-applied? Capacity seams to be about right, using 7-10% of the battery capacity over night seams to track with the number of KwH's I was using from my off the shelf Chins 48v 100Ah battery I was using prior, that said I haven't been through a full charge cycle, the BMS showed about a 50% SOC when I finished building it and we've been pretty cloudy the last few days but i've put about a 30% charge into it on the sunniest day and the cells are very well balanced, with only a 0.002 v variance from high to low when I looked at it today while the solar was charging it.
There are a number of threads about it. I just wasn’t willing to take the chance with Docan and now i am on my third order with Luyuan and couldn’t be happier.

Some people are happy with them and got good cells, I have 32 LF280N that are near perfect that I got from them.

With Luyuan you are dealing with the owner and that can make a big difference.
well now you got me worried, I just built a battery this week, how would you tell if the QR codes where re-applied? Capacity seams to be about right, using 7-10% of the battery capacity over night seams to track with the number of KwH's I was using from my off the shelf Chins 48v 100Ah battery I was using prior, that said I haven't been through a full charge cycle, the BMS showed about a 50% SOC when I finished building it and we've been pretty cloudy the last few days but i've put about a 30% charge into it on the sunniest day and the cells are very well balanced, with only a 0.002 v variance from high to low when I looked at it today while the solar was charging it.
Those numbers will be a lot closer in the large flat portion of the curve, then separate themselves as they get into the knees.
this is my issue, the Eve 280Ah cells on from US Stock is $90 and can be here in under a week, whats the advantage to ordering China Stock and waiting 2 months?
I prefer the dual threaded hole terminals with thread inserts.

I have no complaints from my spring 2022 230ah cells from Docan, but that was before the questionable quality issues some people had.
My experience with Docan was good. Cant complain here. But I didnt get the 305ah that @sunshine_eggo was getting. Only roughly 285.

IF you have any "Reservations" about the QR Codes, best to download & install the QR Code Scanner on your phone !

Cells that have been in "STORAGE" for over 6 months after production "need" to be Top Charged to ensure the electrolytes are fully activated, Top Balancing is better if doing so. You WILL get randomness between cells if that isn't done. A LOT of folks suffered this and refuse to accept why... won't get further into it.

I just commissioned 3 of my new packs: EVE-280AH Dual Hole Cells (A-Grade Matched & Batched)
These cells were Top Charged & balanced then installed with the new JK Inverter models (discussed earlier in this thread)
The cells have stayed within 0.009 of each other in ALL Packs through from 3.450VPC down to 3.000 and back up again. 1 Cell deviated by 0.020 when reaching the top of BULK charge just before transitioning to float voltage (3.425Vpc) but was quickly corrected by the active balancer that starts at 3.420.

Before putting packs ONLINE in your bank, be sure to Calibrate the BMS Voltage to what the reading is at the Pack Terminals.
Use a 2 Decimal (3 = best) Accurate Multimeter to read the voltage on the battery pack terminals and enter that value in the JKBMS Advanced Settings. HINT: If you have a YR1035 battery Cell tester (or similar) that will give you 3 decimal accuracy (just ignore the resistance reading). The YR1035 can handle 100VDC but other brands may not, so check BEFORE using it for such purpose.
I don’t believe JBD has any voltage calibration, I think that’s a JK only setting you can adjust.
I don’t believe JBD has any voltage calibration, I think that’s a JK only setting you can adjust.

My 4S JBD running the Overkill software allows voltage calibration per cell (and I think the JBD Tools PC software does too). I saw as much as 0.03V variation in voltage compared to my Fluke. After applying the calibration in the overkillsolar app, they were all identical.
I learned something new, I never messed with that but I did all my settings tweaks with the Xoxaning (SP?) app before the Overkill app came out.

IF you have any "Reservations" about the QR Codes, best to download & install the QR Code Scanner on your phone !

Cells that have been in "STORAGE" for over 6 months after production "need" to be Top Charged to ensure the electrolytes are fully activated, Top Balancing is better if doing so. You WILL get randomness between cells if that isn't done. A LOT of folks suffered this and refuse to accept why... won't get further into it.

I just commissioned 3 of my new packs: EVE-280AH Dual Hole Cells (A-Grade Matched & Batched)
These cells were Top Charged & balanced then installed with the new JK Inverter models (discussed earlier in this thread)
The cells have stayed within 0.009 of each other in ALL Packs through from 3.450VPC down to 3.000 and back up again. 1 Cell deviated by 0.020 when reaching the top of BULK charge just before transitioning to float voltage (3.425Vpc) but was quickly corrected by the active balancer that starts at 3.420.

Before putting packs ONLINE in your bank, be sure to Calibrate the BMS Voltage to what the reading is at the Pack Terminals.
Use a 2 Decimal (3 = best) Accurate Multimeter to read the voltage on the battery pack terminals and enter that value in the JKBMS Advanced Settings. HINT: If you have a YR1035 battery Cell tester (or similar) that will give you 3 decimal accuracy (just ignore the resistance reading). The YR1035 can handle 100VDC but other brands may not, so check BEFORE using it for such purpose.
Thanks for the tip, I have one coming in the next order.

diy solar

diy solar